In our latitudes, winter lasts a long time, so the opportunity to fall ill more than once. But to drink as a preventive measure a pile of pills is absolutely not reasonable. It is much more useful to use folk recipes. For example, radish with honey, can stop the development of the disease and at the same time is a good means of prevention. It can be consumed several times a season, without any fear for your own health.

Radish with honey - useful properties in the treatment of cough

Radish is a healthy product that contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. Due to its high fiber content, it helps normalize digestion. And in connection with the presence of essential oils, it serves as a prophylactic against the formation of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder.

The vegetable contains a lot of ascorbic acid and therefore is able to activate immunity.

But in addition to the set of elements common for root vegetables, the radish contains a unique allyl mustard oil or allyl isothiocyanate.

Thanks to this substance, the root crop can excite the cough center.

Allyl isothiocyanate irritates the mucous membranes. Increases sputum production. Lowers its viscosity. Mucus captures pathogenic microbes. During cough, they are removed along with sputum. According to this principle, an intensive purification of the bronchi occurs.

In comparison with other types of radish, it is black that contains the largest amount of allyl mustard oil.Despite its sharp and bitter taste, this type of root crop copes best with coughing.

To obtain a synergistic effect, the radish is mixed with honey. The natural beekeeping product contains a huge amount of carotene and natural antiseptics - phytoncides. Adding together, the components of honey and radish greatly enhance each other's action. The combination of the two products has a powerful stimulating effect on the defense mechanisms against infection.

What cough helps to dry or wet?

Radish in combination with honey is effective in the initial stage of the disease. Against a protracted cough, it is unlikely to help. The root crop is able to stimulate sputum formation; it translates a dry cough into a productive one well, thereby bringing recovery closer.

How to make radish with cough honey?

By utility, no other kind of root crop can be compared with black radish. But it tastes the least pleasant. White and green vegetables do not contain many essential oils. They can be used by those for whom the sharpness of black radish is completely unbearable.

A medium-sized root crop, mature and dense without internal voids, is suitable for preparing the medicine. It is better to choose a radish with a tail. Its presence serves as a guarantee that the vegetable has retained the largest amount of nutrients.

Be sure to inspect the vegetable from all sides. Its skin should be even without cuts and wormholes. Radish is prone to infection with cabbage larvae. The pest leaves small holes on the root surface. For the preparation of medicine, spoiled radish can not be used.

People's advice:Kalanchoe

Green Radish Recipe

Green radish with honey is slightly inferior to black in the content of essential oils, but surpasses white varieties in this parameter. To prepare the medicine from it you need to squeeze the juice.

Take 3-4 peeled root vegetables and grind them with a mechanical grater or electric blender. Wrap the resulting flesh in gauze, wring out.

Add two tablespoons of honey to a glass of fresh juice. Store the mixture in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Use a tablespoon three times a day about half an hour after a meal.

Cooking from black radish

The classic recipe from black radish is as follows:

  • take a large root crop weighing no more than 300 g;
  • wash it under running water;
  • dry with a towel;
  • cut off the top and leave it to use as a cover;
  • remove part of the pulp with a spoon, making a large recess; it is impossible to leave the edges too thin, otherwise little juice will stand out; if the depression is small, the juice does not have enough space and it will pour over the edge;
  • put two tablespoons of honey inside the radish;
  • cover the pulp with the cut part.

Leave the radish with honey at room temperature for 12 hours. The next day, you can drink the medicine in a tablespoon three times a day, after waiting about half an hour after eating.

Black radish with cough honey is used to prepare rubbing. For this, the root crop is prepared in the classical way. Inside lay an equal amount of honey, salt and vodka. Withstand 6 hours in the dark.

To improve sputum discharge, the resulting syrup is used to lubricate the sternum and upper back, avoiding the heart area. Patches of skin are covered with a warm woolen scarf.

Compresses are kept at bedtime for no more than an hour. After the procedure, the body should be rinsed with water, washing off the remnants of the product.

White radish with cough honey

White vegetable can be given for coughing to children. It tastes the most delicate, although less wholesome. But for kids, the amount of active substances contained in it will be enough.

Fresh radish washed under water and peeled must be passed through a meat grinder. Mix the pulp with half a glass of honey, and squeeze the mixture through cheesecloth.

The resulting medicine is advised to be taken according to the usual scheme: adults with a tablespoon, children with a teaspoon three times a day after meals.

Experts recommend using such recipes for no longer than 10 days.

Radish syrup with honey for the treatment of cough

Radish syrup can be prepared in a more economical way. Take a large root crop. Peel it and divide it into thin sticks of no more than 1 cm in size.

Fold the chopped pulp into a glass jar or clay pot. Cover the cubes with honey. Close the container with a lid. Leave the radish in a dark place for 5-6 hours. The next morning, you can drain the resulting syrup and again fill the cubes with the same amount of honey.

With the classical method of preparation, the root crop with a cut top will dry out, and this method provides a more rational reuse of pulp.

Effective tincture for diseases of the throat

Radish contains glycosides - disinfectants that have a detrimental effect on the causative agent of the infection. Among other things, radish excites the nerve endings of the throat mucosa, which serves as a distraction and helps to suppress pain.

To prepare the tincture, you need to take one large black root crop. Free it from the skin and rub on a coarse grater. Pour the resulting slurry to the very top with vodka. Add two tablespoons of honey to the mixture.

Cork the contents of the container and put it in a dark place for a day. The resulting tincture must be filtered. When rinsing the throat, add a tablespoon to a glass of warm boiled water of the resulting product.

Rinse tincture is used three times a day at least 20 minutes before meals or after meals.

During pregnancy

The radish contains many caustic essential oils, which, when accumulated in the body, can provoke uterine contractions. It is not advisable for pregnant women to consume radish products for longer than four consecutive days.

To reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions, it is better to replace honey with sugar. The safest treatment for pregnant women is inhalation. You can just breathe over the cut vegetables. Its pairs penetrate the nasopharynx and have a disinfecting effect, and also help to fight a runny nose.

As a safe method for treating cough, rubbing with freshly squeezed juice or cooked tincture is used.


A vegetable is not good for everyone. Radish juice can provoke intestinal disorders and exacerbations of the disease in individuals suffering from cholecystitis, gastric ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis. Its caustic constituents adversely affect the inflamed walls of the intestinal mucosa.

Essential oils can bring down the heart rate. With radish, do not overdo it with patients with tachycardia.

Each person has a different sensitivity to one or another means. For one, radish with honey can be a real salvation, but it won’t help another at all. Not in all cases, folk remedies turn into effective medicines. However, experimenting with products is much safer than trying unfamiliar pharmaceutical products.