One of the easiest ways to lose weight is to spend fasting days once a week for weight loss, there are a lot of options. There are recipes that help to lose up to 3 kg in a short time.
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Rules for holding fasting days
Fasting days can be called a short-term mono-diet.
They help the body to relax from the abundance of food, remove toxins from toxins and are practiced in such cases:
- after a period of holidays and feasts;
- at the end of long diets;
- as a regular practice of self-control of weight.
But you need to understand that getting rid of extra pounds does not come from burning body fat, but in the process of removing excess fluid and accumulated waste.
It is necessary to adhere to generally accepted rules:
- Conduct unloading not more often and at least 1 time in 7 days.
- To reduce physical activity, the body simply will not have enough energy for this and it will work for wear.
- Choose days with busy schedules for unloading. The abundance of affairs distracts from constant thoughts about food, which can not be said about those cases when you have to sit at home all day.
- The daily diet should not exceed 700 g, if we are talking about proteins, and 1.8-2 kg, if we mean vegetables and fruits.
- Drink at least 2 liters of water per day, with the main part to be consumed before lunch.
After unloading, do not immediately attack the food.
The body will not be able to quickly adapt to the new diet, so digestive problems will be guaranteed.
The most effective fasting days for weight loss
When choosing a product for a fasting day, you need to focus not only on your food preferences, but also on the potential effect. Buckwheat, beloved by many, can give weight loss no more than 1.2-1.5 kg, but cucumbers in the best cases, even up to 3.5 kg.
You need to prepare for unloading in advance. If you eat a lot well on the eve, then the next day a person will experience a strong feeling of hunger. In the evening, you need to eat a light low-calorie dish to tune the body to a new regimen.
Fruit and vegetable fasting days
The easiest way is to unload on vegetables or fruits. The most popular vegetable is cucumber. It contains a record low number of calories and a lot of tartronic acid, which slows down the process of converting carbohydrates into fats. The daily calorie intake when consuming cucumbers alone barely exceeds 300 units. During the day you need to eat 1.5 kg of cucumbers without salt and oil. If it’s difficult, you can add 2 boiled eggs to the diet.
Days on fruit will suit your sweet tooth. It is best to carry out such unloading in the summer or early fall, when seasonal fruits are abundant and available.
Most often used for weight loss:
- apples
- melon;
- watermelon;
- plums
- peaches;
- pineapples.
Option on kefir
Fasting days on kefir are transferred quite easily, since the product is quite satisfying. This is a good preparation for mono-diets. Kefir suppresses the processes of decay, removes end products of metabolism, improves the intestinal microflora, removes heaviness in the stomach and is absorbed within an hour. But people who don’t tolerate fermented milk products, it is better to abandon this method, as they will suffer from increased gas formation and unpleasant feelings in the stomach.
For a day you need to drink 6-7 glasses of yogurt. It is important to choose the right product - fresh kefir can cause flatulence and diarrhea, and already standing for more than 3 days - constipation.
Buckwheat or rice unloading
Fasting days on buckwheat do not lead to an imbalance or lack of nutrients, since each grain contains a considerable amount of vitamins and elements. In buckwheat, there are slow carbohydrates, so the feeling of fullness persists for a long time. Of the shortcomings - not too much loss of kilograms.
It is necessary to give preference to the kernel, the work is not good. The cereal does not need to be boiled; just pour boiling water over it and leave it to swell for a while. They say that you can eat such porridge as much as you want. But since salt, milk and butter are forbidden to be added to cereals, eating it a lot will not work. You need to eat in small portions, but often.
Do not forget about the drinking regime - you need to drink at least 2 liters of water.
You can arrange fasting days on rice. You won’t lose much weight on them, but you can get rid of 0.6-1 kg.
- Rice removes toxins.
- Removes swelling.
- Removes excess fluid.
- It envelops the walls of the stomach, which makes it useful for people with digestive problems.
It is best to use not a white, but a brown variety. On a glass of cereal you need to take 500-600 ml of water. Add sugar, salt, seasonings and butter is not worth it. The volume of rice should be divided into 5 parts and eat them every 3 hours. During breaks, you can drink water or green tea without sugar.
Unloading days on the water
The first time to withstand all day without food, drinking one water is difficult. Nevertheless, this is one of the most effective ways to lose weight.Therefore, it is worth making an effort and trying this method - the result is visible on the scales the very next morning.
In order not to drink one water, you can add lemon to it (juice of one fruit per 1 liter of water). During the day you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of such a drink. Drink should be in small portions throughout the day.
On cottage cheese or milk
Curd days are quite popular among those losing weight all over the world. This protein product eliminates the feeling of hunger and gives a long feeling of satiety. The main thing is not to consume a low-fat product, as this violates the metabolism. Optimal fat content is from 1.5 to 1.8 percent.
400-500 g of cottage cheese should be divided into 5-6 parts, approximately 80-85 g each, and eat it every 2.5-3 hours with a few slices of apple. For active cleansing of the body 25 minutes before a meal, it is useful to drink 300-400 ml of pure water.
If the body absorbs milk products well, you can try drinking one milk. During the day you need to consume 2 liters of milk, dividing it into 7 receptions. If hunger hurts, in between you can eat an orange or a little cottage cheese.
Apple fasting days
Regular consumption of apples can significantly improve well-being. They have a lot of fiber, organic acids, vitamins and minerals. They stimulate the metabolism, so apples are one of the best products for weight loss.
Microbiologists have shown that regular consumption of apples contributes to a significant increase in bacteria responsible for the process of digesting food. But people with stomach diseases need to be careful - acidic fruits can only aggravate the situation with gastritis with high acidity.
The menu is very simple: for the whole day you need to eat 1400-1500 g of fresh or baked fruits. This amount must be divided into 5-6 receptions. It is better to eat 2/3 of this amount in raw form, and 1/3 - in baked form. Baked apples contain more pectin, an effective adsorbent. You can drink water and apple juice or compote without sweeteners.
Apples enrich the body losing weight with iron and essential vitamins, remove excess bad cholesterol, and protect against the development of cancer.
Oatmeal unloading
This method will help you lose weight for those who do not like to starve. Oatmeal is a product with a low glycemic index, so a feeling of satiety will remain for a long time. It has a lot of fiber, which is very useful for the intestines. Do not take cereals, you need to give preference to whole grain.
The classic unloading method looks like this:
- Boil 200 g of porridge in water or milk diluted with water. Add salt and sugar is not necessary.
- The resulting volume is divided into 5 small parts.
- Eat everything throughout the day at regular intervals.
If the porridge is very fresh, you can add berries, apples or dried fruits to it.
Such unloading helps to remove several hundred grams, remove excess fluid, improve complexion and skin condition.
Unloading days according to the method of Malysheva
Nutritionist Malysheva helped a large number of people get in shape and switch to a healthy diet.
She also recommends holding fasting days once a week:
- Vegetable. Make a salad of carrots, beets and celery. Divide into 6 servings and eat throughout the day.
- Bitter. You can eat 5 grapefruits a day, drink 1 liter of green tea and 2 liters of plain water.
- Protein. During the day, you can eat 5-6 small servings of boiled chicken. Add salt in a minimal amount and, if desired, sprinkle meat with lemon juice.
The first two methods make it possible to lose more than 1 kg.The latter option is more satisfying and weight loss will be much less.
How to complete the fasting day
In the morning after unloading, you must drink 1 tbsp. l sunflower or vegetable oil. This accelerates stagnation of bile. The next day, you need to give preference to vegetable salads and liquid foods - light vegetarian soups. You need to focus on the feeling of lightness in the body, and not on the desire to eat.
Weekly fasting days menu
The menu of fasting days can be made individually. The main thing is to give preference to seasonal and quality products.
- The easiest way to create a menu on vegetable days. You can use any vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, since it contains a lot of starch. Delicious salads are made from carrots, beets, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes. But it is better not to add salt to them - onions, garlic, lemon juice and spices: parsley, basil, dill can do this well. It is better to season with olive or linseed oil. At the end of the day, before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
- Fruit and berry days are good because any allowed products can be included in the permitted 1.5 kg. If the fruits do not saturate, they can be supplemented with cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt.
- Occasionally useful to spend fish, meat and dairy days. Low-fat varieties of fish are always steamed and supplemented with vegetable salads. Of meat, veal, turkey and chicken should be preferred. The menu for a milk day can consist of milk, cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir. The main thing is to use them in small quantities, but often.
You can drink vegetable and fruit juices, compotes, juices, rosehip broth, green tea and water. Based on these recommendations, you can create a menu as you wish.
Benefits, harms and contraindications
The benefits of fasting days are undeniable. This is a real vacation for the digestive system. They stimulate intracellular metabolic processes, remove toxins and toxins, unload the cardiovascular system, normalize the acid-base balance.
Discharging during pregnancy or lactation is strictly prohibited. Any malaise or illness is also a serious contraindication.
Fasting days are a good addition to a healthy diet. But a noticeable benefit from them can be felt only with regular holding.