In the 30s of the last century, the American naturopath G. Shelton developed an interesting system for cleansing the body. This system provided for separate nutrition for weight loss and toxins. Separate food is so loved by the inhabitants of the planet that even famous movie stars and celebrities use it to this day.

The main principles and rules of separate nutrition for weight loss

The system developed by G. Shelton included a strict list of rules that must be observed. It is the fulfillment of these principles that made it possible to cleanse the body of toxins.

Separate food can help lose weight.

The basic rules for eating a separate type are quite simple:

  1. Food products are divided into several categories: protein, starchy, carbohydrate, fatty, sour, sweet. There are also mixed types of food. All of these products must be used correctly, according to their compatibility with each other. For example, you can not eat proteins and carbohydrates at the same time. But we will talk more about this later.
  2. The main diet should always include vegetables, fruits and herbs. These products should become the pillars of the dining table. But fatty and carbohydrate should be reduced.
  3. The main sweetness during the cleansing period is honey. Homemade dried fruits are allowed.
  4. Products of store origin (canned food, semi-finished products) and home preservation are prohibited.
  5. Salt, sugar and seasonings are reduced.
  6. Raw food is a priority than the use of thermally processed food.
  7. Also, some products should not be combined with anything. These include bananas, melons, watermelons and milk.

What can not be combined with each other with separate nutrition:

  1. Protein + vegetable fat. Fat envelops the gastric mucosa, preventing the secretion of juice.
  2. Protein + protein. There is a significant load on the stomach, pancreas and kidneys.
  3. Protein + carbohydrates. The digestive system is loaded. There is bloating, flatulence.
  4. Protein + acidic substances. May cause rotting in the intestines.
  5. Carbohydrate + Carbohydrate. Large energy inputs are needed to digest products. Without releasing a significant amount of energy, everything goes into body fat.
  6. Carbohydrate + sugar. Fermentation processes are caused, excess calories turn into fat.
  7. Sugar + starch. Starch processing begins in the oral cavity, under the influence of the enzyme ptyalin. And sugar is digested only in the intestines. And while it is his turn, he begins to roam in the stomach.
  8. Starch + starch. A large number of starch compounds are difficult to digest by the body, so none of the products are absorbed until the end, and will cause fermentation.
  9. Fat + Fat. There is difficulty digesting food. The digestive system is significantly loaded, uncomfortable phenomena appear: nausea, bloating, flatulence.

Product compatibility chart and how to apply it?

The separate power menu is quite extensive.

Compatibility of certain product categories according to G. Shelton.

The product's name12345678910111213141516
1Meat, poultry, fishANDNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoYesATNoNoNoNoNo
2Cereals, BeansNoANDATYesYesNoATATATYesYesNoNoNoNoAT
4Lean oilNoYesNoANDATNoYesYesATYesYesNoNoYesNoYes
5Sour creamNoYesATNoANDNoYesYesNoYesYesYesATNoATYes
6Confectionery, sugarNoNoNoNoNoANDNoNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNo
8Sour fruitNoNoYesYesYesNoYesANDATYesATATYesYesNoNo
10Green, non-starchy vegetables, greensYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesANDYesYesYesYesYesYes
11Starchy vegetablesATYesYesYesYesNoATATATYesANDYesYesYesATYes
12Cottage cheese, dairy productsNoNoNoNoYesNoATATYesYesYesANDYesYesNoNo
13Cheese, feta cheese, suluguniNoNoATNoATNoYesYesNoYesYesYesANDATNoAT
14Various nutsNoATNoYesNoNoNoYesYesYesYesYesATANDNoAT
16Potatoes, bread, cerealsNoATYesYesYesNoNoNoNoYesYesNoATATNoAND

And - Identical Products

Yes - Should be combined together

No - Cannot be combined together.

B - The combination is acceptable

Using a table is pretty easy. In the first column, you look at the name of the product and its number and compare it with the number of another product (the numbers of the second products are located on the top line). In the found cell, you will see a specific color. Red (no) - products are incompatible, green (yes) - compatible. White color (B) allows you to combine food, but in small quantities.

Prohibited Separate Foods

Not all products are suitable for separate nutrition.

Among everyday foods, the following are banned:

  • sugar, industrial desserts and sweets;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • canned food and preserves;
  • refined oils, margarine, spread, mayonnaise and purchased sauces;
  • purchased sausages, smoked meats, salted and smoked fish products.

This food is a real enemy of health and a beautiful figure. Trans fats, flavors, sweeteners, emulsifiers, thickeners, and other “chemicals” threaten weight loss processes. These substances not only contribute to rapid weight gain, but can also adversely affect the state of organs and systems.

Separate nutrition for weight loss: a weekly menu

The discussed nutritional system is divided into two types: fast weight loss (per week) or a long process of cleansing the body in 90 days.

Separate nutrition is not a strict diet, but a lifestyle.

Fast weight loss is used before important meetings and events. Such a seven-day diet will not only help get rid of extra pounds, but also improve the digestive tract.

The table shows an approximate menu for the week. 5 meals are taken into account with a 3-hour interval between them.

Day of the weekBreakfastLunchDinnerHigh teaDinner
MondayBoiled omelet with broccoli, sugar-free green teaGreen appleLean Potato and Carrot SoupCottage cheese with dried fruitsBoiled fish (tilapia or marine) with asparagus beans
TuesdaySteamed buckwheat porridge with mix salad, coffeeCurd with low-fat sour creamLenten borsch (potatoes, carrots, onions, beets)Hard cheeseBoiled chicken liver with greens salad
WednesdayMultigrain cereal, coffeeCheese CrispbreadVegetable stew (in their own juice stewed asparagus beans, onions and young carrots)Unsweetened Tea and Homemade Banana ChipsSteam Salmon and Cucumber Salad
ThursdayOatmeal with dried apricots, green teaMelonBoiled Chicken Breast Spinach Puree SoupHomemade Banana Chips and Herbal TeaSeaweed with boiled veal
FridayBoiled omelet with spinach, herbal teaGrapefruitSteamed broccoli with turkey breastCottage cheese with dried fruitsBaked Pumpkin with Prunes
SaturdaySteamed buckwheat porridge with green salad, herbal teaCashew nuts, pine nuts or hazelnutsPumpkin puree soup on waterMelonBoiled Green Peas and Steam Turkey
SundayDuring the day, use low-fat kefir (1l), pine nuts or hazelnuts

Diet for weight loss for 90 days: menu

In the system of losing weight for 90 days, a special diet is provided.

Everyone can choose the right menu.

All days are divided into several types:

  • Protein
  • Starch;
  • Carbohydrate;
  • Fruit (vitamin);

There is also a fasting day during which only clean water is allowed.

  1. The first day of the diet is protein. During it, it is necessary to eat foods rich in protein compounds. These include lean meats, fish, vegetables and legumes, milk and dairy products.
  2. The second day is starchy. In the diet only bread, cereals and starchy vegetables (potatoes, pumpkin, radish, carrots). Tea and water are allowed.
  3. The third day is carbohydrate. The diet contains cereals, pasta, pastries, vegetables. Baking must be unsweetened. On this day, you can allow the luxury of eating a small piece of dark dark chocolate.
  4. The fourth day is vitamin. The diet contains fruits, fruit juices, and pure nuts. But you should not lean on them, since nuts contain a large amount of fat.
  5. The fifth day is unloading. In the whole system, it is the most complex. During the day, the endurance of the losing weight is checked, his desire to go to the goal. Pure water, herbal tea without sugar are allowed.

After the days are repeated anew. And so for 90 days. And then the thinner person returns to his usual diet. Adherents of the system claim that during this period you can lose at least 15 kilograms.


Recipe number 1. Lenten soup with vegetables.

Tasty and nutritious soup.


  • Potato - 3 pieces;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Onion - 1 piece;
  • Fresh or frozen green peas;
  • Fresh or dried greens.

All vegetables are cut into cubes, boiled until cooked. Soup served with rye crackers.

Recipe number 2. Steam veal with carrots.

A gentle and satisfying dish.


  • Veal - 500 grams;
  • Young carrots - 10 pieces;
  • Parsley to taste.

The dish is cooked in a double boiler. Veal is cut with plates, carrots are peeled and peeled. We spread the products in the capacity of the double boiler and cook for 20 minutes. Serve the meat with carrots and fresh parsley.

Recipe number 3. Baked pumpkin with prunes.

A storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.


  • Pumpkin - 1 piece;
  • Prunes - 100 grams;
  • Honey.

Soak prunes in boiling water for an hour. Peel and dice the pumpkin. On a baking sheet, a little greased with sesame oil, spread the cubes of pumpkin and prunes. Bake at 180 ° C for 20 minutes. When serving, water the dish with honey.

Physical activity with separate nutrition

For effective weight loss, it is not enough to follow only the principles of separate nutrition. Our body is designed in such a way that a short-term diet will not help to lose weight. After returning to the previous diet, excess weight will not only return fully, but additional kilograms will appear. It is possible to maintain weight stability with separate meals, provided that the nutrition system remains constant.

Physical activity required!

But moderate or increased physical activity during the weight loss period will not only accelerate the elimination of toxins, but also significantly strengthen the body.

The main condition is the correct selection of a set of exercises for classes. For each person, such a complex is selected purely individually, taking into account the characteristics and pathologies of his body.

The only thing all trainers agree with is that any training should be divided into stages.

Competent training is divided into 4 stages:

  • warming up muscles and tendons;
  • cardio loads;
  • strength exercises;
  • cardio loads.

The loads on the heart muscles have a beneficial effect on the general tone. Organs and tissues are more quickly saturated with oxygen, blood pressure is normalized, vital energy appears, extra calories are spent.

The most popular cardio loads include:

  • running (in place or over long distances);
  • swimming (they can be practiced in the pool or in water bodies);
  • Walking (moving at a fast pace is suitable for those who for one reason or another can not run);
  • bicycle riding;
  • roller-skating or skating;
  • dances (zumba, reggaeton, dance fitness).

Strength exercises are aimed at working out various muscle groups. For example, exercises on the muscles of the back, buttocks or abdomen. They are necessary to remove body fat in problem areas, tighten sagging skin, make the body bumpy and elastic.

Advantages and disadvantages of the system

Each weight loss system has pros and cons. Before choosing, you must familiarize yourself with them.

Adherents of cleansing the body according to G. Shelton assure that this method of nutrition has many advantages:

  1. The state of the digestive tract improves, discomfort in the intestine disappears.
  2. Dividing food into groups allows the body to absorb it quickly and without problems.
  3. The condition of the whole organism improves, since the organs are cleaned of toxins and toxins.
  4. A habit of eating only healthy and natural foods is developed.
  5. Weight is normalized by maintaining a healthy diet, moderation in portions and limiting junk food.
  6. Since the list of allowed products is large, a slimming person can choose many products.

But the system also has disadvantages:

  1. It is not recognized by the global medical community and nutritionists.
  2. The system does not have direct evidence of effectiveness, since studies show that the same result can be achieved with mixed nutrition.
  3. It is impossible to completely distinguish between product groups, since many contain proteins, fats, acids, and carbohydrates.
  4. Due to the inability to mix certain ingredients, dishes do not always come out successful.