These lilac flowers growing along the roads, many people consider a useless weed. In fact, this herb is able to give a person both health and beauty. The following describes in detail about the beneficial properties and contraindications of milk thistle.

Useful properties of milk thistle oil

The importance and necessity of using milk thistle in the treatment of various ailments was recognized not only by traditional healers, but also by representatives of official medicine. The composition of many popular medicines includes oil and seeds of the plant in question. And herbalists also use its leaves and flowers for their recipes.

For the heart and blood vessels

For the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system and their treatment, milk thistle oil is usually chosen. Such a remedy effectively fights against atherosclerosis. From the very first days of use, it lowers cholesterol, makes blood vessels stronger and more elastic.

Active substances from the oil composition stimulate oxygen exchange in the heart, thereby increasing its energy resources, and also protect the system from inflammatory processes. This natural medicine is used as part of the prevention of heart attack, stroke.

For gall bladder

The medicinal properties of milk thistle for the liver and gall bladder are best known among the people. Proper use of different parts of the plant allows you to clean the pathways that remove bile, stimulate digestion.

Milk thistle can become part of maintenance therapy for various forms of hepatitis.In addition, the plant promotes the formation of the cells that make up the liver and prevents toxins from entering it.

It is included in the composition of various drugs prescribed for the removal of stones from these organs. Milk thistle is used for cirrhosis, inflammation of the gallbladder and ducts. With such serious ailments, the patient is usually prescribed Silymarin in capsules or tablets. They include dry extract of milk thistle fruits and some auxiliary components.

With diabetes

The unique composition of the plant allows it to positively affect the body of the diabetic in several directions at once:

  • normalize the functioning of the nervous system and the level of hormones;
  • regulate blood sugar;
  • to intensify the production of leukogen, without which the body cannot independently fight a dangerous ailment.

In addition, milk thistle-based medicines prevent frequent complications of the disease (for example, gangrene of the lower extremities) and help the patient to combat overweight.

With problems with the digestive tract

Tincture of seeds, leaves and butter of milk thistle (milk thistle) are used to treat various gastrointestinal ailments. Such agents improve the secretory and motor functions of the system, regenerate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, and generally normalize their functioning.

Milk thistle meal (crushed seeds) enhances the activity of the digestive system. Used to combat gastritis and even stomach ulcers. The plant relieves inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa and quickly eliminates constipation. You can use it even to endow a condition in case of poisoning.

For the reproductive system

Milk thistle oil is an excellent prophylactic against diseases of the female reproductive system. The tool normalizes the hormonal background of the patient.

Douching with the oil of the plant in question will accelerate the treatment of vaginitis, colpitis, cervical erosion.

Milk thistle in the form of a decoction also benefits pregnant women. This tool relieves the condition of the expectant mother with early toxicosis.

Also, the decoction and meal of the grass contributes to the speedy recovery of the female body after severe stresses. For this reason, drugs are prescribed to patients in the postpartum period. When breastfeeding, milk thistle activates milk production.

The use of milk thistle oil in cosmetology

Even in antiquity, the beneficial properties of milk thistle oil were discovered. Since then, women began to use it for self-care. The tool improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails. It generally cleanses and rejuvenates the body from the inside out, forcing all its systems to work at full capacity.

Skin Benefits

The anti-inflammatory property of the agent under discussion made it indispensable in the fight against acne and other skin imperfections. To do this, it is enough to wipe the face with useful oil in the morning and evening. Within a couple of weeks, the skin will become noticeably cleaner and smoother.

In addition, milk thistle oil acts on the skin of the face and body as follows:

  • nourishes and makes it more elastic;
  • reduces the negative impact of ultraviolet rays;
  • accelerates the healing process of small wounds and injuries;
  • in oily skin, it regulates the secretion of sebum.

Perfectly fights oil with wrinkles. It rejuvenates the skin and restores its tone.

You can add this natural natural remedy to any creams and ready-made masks. Or make them yourself, for example, from homemade dairy products and milk thistle oil.

For hair

The oil has a positive effect on the state of hair. It is capable of:

  • enhance hair growth;
  • improve the condition of damaged strands and stop further delamination of the tips;
  • completely eliminate dandruff;
  • reduce loss.

Oil can be used as an independent tool in the care of hair, as well as an additional ingredient to your favorite masks.For example, mix oil with cosmetic clay, bee honey, dairy products and other essentials.

For nails

Perfectly suitable for daily care of nail plates and cuticles. In addition to it, you will not need to use any additional means so that the nails always remain beautiful and healthy.

It is enough to lubricate the nail plates and the area around them with slightly warmed oil 2-3 times a day. Apply the product only on clean hands.

How to take milk thistle oil?

Recommendations on how to take milk thistle oil will depend on the purpose for which it is planned to use the product. Very often, oil is prescribed to prevent a variety of diseases, to protect the liver (for example, with prolonged therapy with strong medications), and also to strengthen the body's defenses. In this case, it is enough to take 1 teaspoon of oil per day for 30 days. Then take a month break and repeat again. It is taken after a hearty meal. In this case, the patient will feel a surge of strength and energy in a couple of weeks.

If a person fails to comply with the strict regimen of oil intake, then for preventive purposes you can limit yourself to adding it to food. The main thing is that in this case the product should not be subjected to heat treatment at high temperatures. The best solution would be to add oil to an already prepared, slightly cooled porridge, or to the composition of dressings for vegetable salads.

With hemorrhoids and intestinal ulcers, oil is injected by the pear into the rectum immediately after a cleansing enema. Enough 25-35 ml is not a cold remedy. The procedure is carried out daily until complete recovery.

For the treatment of gastric ulcers, cirrhosis, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus and any diseases of the cardiovascular system, 1 teaspoon is taken twice a day. You need to take it half an hour before a full meal. The full course of treatment lasts 30 days. If it needs to be repeated, then after completion it is necessary to arrange a break for 7 days. It is very convenient to use milk thistle oil in capsules. In this case, you need to follow the instructions on the packaging for the tool.

The oil in question is used externally. For example, for the treatment of various skin ailments, wounds and burns. For this purpose, a sterile bandage soaked in the product is applied to the damaged areas. The compress should remain on the skin for at least half an hour.

Contraindications and possible harm

The unique milk thistle oil has virtually no contraindications. It is absolutely safe for patients. But this applies only to those cases when a person takes the drug with strictly permitted doses. In no case can they be increased, thereby trying to enhance the therapeutic effect. Otherwise, the oil will only harm the body.

With caution, you need to take the remedy for epilepsy and shortness of breath. It is not recommended to use the oil in question for women in late pregnancy.