Colon cancer (carcinoma) is a malignant cancer in the lower intestine. The disease is extremely severe, abnormal cells of epithelial tissues, forming a tumor, begin to grow, penetrating other organs. The disease proceeds in several stages. Carcinoma can develop painlessly, latently. That is why the patient often finds out about the presence of cancer when he goes to the third (rarely the second), incurable stage of development. The question is, what to expect next, how to live?
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Description of cancer
Colon cancer is an oncological disease. According to statistics, more often people over 45 are prone to carcinoma. What provokes its appearance?
Improper lifestyle, abuse of harmful food (for example, mayonnaise, chips, etc.), excessive use of drugs, alcohol leads to a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.
Adversely affects the work of the digestive tract overeating and starvation. Frequent inflammatory processes in various organs of the digestive system also disrupt the functioning of the digestive tract. Enzymes for processing the food eaten are not enough, stagnation is obtained, because of which fermentation processes develop. Rot is absorbed through the walls of the intestine, spreads throughout the body, is excreted by other organs endowed with excretory ability.The body suffers from intoxication, immunity weakens. A favorable environment appears for the development of other microorganisms that reduce immunity in general, or for the growth of malignant epithelial tissue.
Sometimes a person may experience painful sensations not only during bowel movements, but also at rest, observe a disorder of the stool and an admixture of blood in the feces. The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that cancer at the initial stages of its development behaves secretly, the symptoms are mild, similar to other gastrointestinal pathologies, which is why patients do not pay attention to short-term disorders in their body (e.g., vomiting, diarrhea). They take intestinal malfunctions for temporary colon dysfunction, continue to live further, unaware of the growth of a malignant tumor inside the abdomen.
Colon Cancer Classification
There is a basic classification of bowel cancer. The division criterion is built according to the standard and internationally accepted TNM system, where not only the degree of development of a malignant tumor is recognized by letters, but also the stage of its course:
- T1N0M0 is the initial stage of colorectal cancer. Symptoms are absent, minor malaise may occur, health is worsening. A small seal has already formed on the walls of the intestine. With the help of analyzes, the genus and origin of the neoplasm is determined. If these are not polyps, then the tissue is taken for a cytological examination. The presence of a malignant tumor is referred to as T1. N0 means that the lymph nodes are not affected, M0 - no metastases.
- T2N1M0 or T3N0M0 is the second stage, in which the tumor has time to grow to half (or a third of the size), as indicated by the lower index near the mark T. N1– the lymphatic system is affected, there are no metastases.
- T1-4N0-3M0-1 is the third stage of cancer, in which the size of the tumor can reach the lumen of the entire intestine, as indicated by the number "4". The subscript near the mark N indicates the degree of damage to the lymph nodes, the processes can be insignificant.
- T1-4N1-3M1 - a malignant tumor of the intestine has increased in size. Lymph is seriously affected; tissues are pierced by metastatic processes that can spread to different sides of the abdomen.
Symptoms and first signs of an ailment
Cancer is desirable to recognize in the early stages of its development. Timely prescribed treatment will slow down the growth of malignant formation, prevent the occurrence of metastasis. But at the beginning of development, the disease is problematic to diagnose, since complaints may be absent. Signs appear as cancer cells grow.
What are the symptoms of colon cancer characteristic of each stage of development? At the initial stage, the disease is almost painless, hidden, sometimes a person can feel fatigue, drowsiness, pain in the lower abdomen in the intestine, as well as gain extra pounds.
The progression stage is characterized by such signs:
- defecation process is broken;
- periodic vomiting;
- cramping pains in the intestine;
- frequent rumbling in the stomach;
- false urge to empty;
- loss of appetite;
- bloating;
- fever.
The complication stage is the most difficult. Symptoms are added to existing ones:
- inflammatory process of the entire digestive system;
- bowel obstruction;
- dehydration;
- daily frequent vomiting;
- refusal of food;
- blood in the feces, blood loss (fistulas, abscesses).
A significant deterioration in human well-being occurs when colon cancer has reached the 3-4th stage of its development.
Note. With the above symptoms, if the body and whites of the eyes of a person acquire a jaundice, it can be concluded that metastases have reached the liver - a new localization site.
Stages and varieties of pathology
Depending on the degree of development, location, the process of proliferation of a malignant tumor, there are 4 stages of colon cancer:
- I - the neoplasm is small, the initial place of localization is the submucous layer of the intestinal flora.
- II - a malignant tumor increases in size, feeds on healthy cells of the small intestine.
- III - all layers of the thick section are affected, and metastasis also multiplies. At this stage, the growth of the processes can be stopped with the help of medication.
- Stage IV - metastases affect other organs, their development and growth becomes uncontrolled, the tumor becomes huge.
To clarify the stage of tumor development, it is worthwhile to carry out a series of measures aimed at collecting a general history. When examining, it is important to pay attention to the lymph nodes, their defeat with metastases indicates the last stage.
Colon cancer with metastases belongs to the last, incurable stage of the disease. Medication only alleviates the suffering of the patient, but it is impossible to cure the patient. The intestine is an organ with excellent blood supply. Blood is an excellent “treat” for metastases, against which they rapidly begin to spread throughout the body. If there were shoots of a malignant tumor, then the person has only a short time to live. With a neoplasm without metastases, the patient can live more than five years, with them - no longer than six months.
Diagnostic measures
Colon cancer can only be diagnosed by an oncologist. A biopsy of the intestines will help determine whether the tumor is malignant or not.
The initial stages of colon cancer can be detected by donating blood to tumor markers, undergoing colonoscopy or ultrasound. But at this stage, the disease is rarely diagnosed, often patients do not pay attention to chronic fatigue, considering it a sign of excessive employment.
Pathology at 3 stages causes symptoms that cause the patient to consult a doctor. The oncologist prescribes activities aimed at establishing an accurate diagnosis:
- general blood test, tumor markers;
- analysis of feces for occult blood;
- colonoscopy;
- Ultrasound of the intestine;
- fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy;
- biopsy.
With the help of diagnostics, the doctor will establish the presence of oncology, prescribe medication (chemotherapy is also possible, if metastases are detected), and put the patient on record.
Colon cancer treatment
The treatment of colon cancer depends on the stage of the malignant tumor, on the location of its location, on the degree of damage to the intestinal mucosa.
In the early stages, they try to do without surgery. Cancer cell growth is stopped by chemotherapy or radiation. If such therapy does not give the desired result, resort to an operational solution to the problem.
At the initial stage of the disease, you can resort to traditional medicine, but only after consulting a doctor. Here is a list of some tools:
- tincture of celandine inside - 1 liter of juice per 300 ml of alcohol (the infusion is prepared as follows - 2 tbsp. l. herbs to brew 400 ml of water);
- the use of beekeeping products (they have an immunostimulating effect) - royal jelly, pollen, fresh honey, propolis tincture;
- cabbage juice - 100 ml 3 times a day for 1 month;
- red homemade wine - 1 glass per day.
You need to understand that folk remedies are ineffective in the fight against cancer cells, this is only an auxiliary measure.
In the later stages, when the neoplasm reaches an impressive size, causes severe discomfort for the patient and there is a risk of metastasis, surgery is in first place when choosing an effective method of treatment of pathology. Often, preference is given to endoscopic intervention. But if the tumor is too large, then resort to an open operation, which is carried out through an abdominal incision.Further, chemotherapy or exposure to radio waves awaits the patient.
Quite often, radiation therapy is used just before the intervention. It allows to reduce the size of education, reduces the risk of relapse and metastasis after surgery.
In severe cases of the disease, the departments of the large intestine are completely affected. Therefore, a person suffers from complete bowel obstruction. This condition is corrected only by operational means.
Diet plays a major role in the life of a patient who has cancer of the intestine.
- boiled or steamed fruits and vegetables;
- cereal cereals;
- dried bread;
- low-fat soup with grated ingredients;
- lean meats and fish;
- scrambled eggs;
- compote, tea;
- still water.
- fatty meat dishes;
- garlic, onion;
- pepper, mustard;
- mayonnaise, ketchup;
- fatty dairy products, for example, sour cream, cream;
- pearl barley or wheat cereal;
- coffee;
- bloating vegetables such as legumes, cabbage;
- mushrooms;
- alcohol;
- carbonated drinks;
- chocolate.
You can’t eat fried, fatty and spicy.
Forecasts and Survival
The prognosis of survival after surgery is determined not only by the stage of development of the detected tumor, but also depends on such factors:
- the presence or absence of metastases;
- localization of a malignant tumor (in the right department is not as dangerous as in the left);
- early diagnosis of cancer;
- correctly selected treatment;
- compliance with a healthy lifestyle;
- diet.
If you establish the correct diagnosis at the initial stages of the development of the disease, start treatment in a timely manner, then a person can live with a tumor of five years or more. From six months to 1 year, patients live who are diagnosed with the last stage, there are metastases.