The compatibility of Cancer and Libra always depends on the ability of two people to find a compromise. If both partners try and at least give up their positions so actively defended in various life spheres, their union will become successful and happy. True, in marriage they are likely to fight for a leading position all their lives.
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Characterization of Cancer and Libra as zodiac signs
Cancers, regardless of gender, are very vulnerable, emotional and sentimental people.
Their mood is so changeable that now the representative of the sign under discussion can laugh contagiously and be completely happy, and after a minute get upset and hate the whole cruel world. It is with this trait that you will first need to learn how to get along with a partner.
- Cancers are pessimistic, revengeful, prone to depression. If the same non-positive person is next to them, life for a representative of this sign may seem black and hopeless.
- They definitely need constant support and the ability to cheer from a partner. Then Cancer will forget about his melancholy for a while and sincerely enjoy life.
- At the same time, representatives of such a sign are practical, domovit, they love comfort and order in everything. They are very good at saving and are unlikely to blame their partner for temporary financial difficulties. If necessary, even a Cancer girl can make good money. True, such young women rarely achieve real heights in their careers. To achieve ambitious goals, they also constantly need the support and praise of a partner.
- Crayfish keep secrets perfectly, know how to sympathize with others. They cannot be blamed for impulsiveness or a tendency to reckless actions. They always carefully calculate all their actions.
Scales are more optimistic and funny people.
Therefore, they are able to perfectly support depressive Cancer and tune it to a positive wave. True, the representatives of the zodiac sign Libra are extremely disliked to be commanded.
- They are very independent and freedom-loving people who are accustomed to make decisions exclusively with their minds. In this they will not consult even with their soulmate.
- The main goal of Libra is to achieve harmony and balance in all areas of life. If they still fail to achieve this for a long time, the representatives of the sign may begin to mope, without any reason being annoyed at everyone around them.
- Libra is prone to laziness. They can work hard and painstakingly for a long period, and then hit the unceasing entertainment. Moreover, no comments from relatives and even the threat of dismissal will not force them to return to work again until the period of laziness ends.
- Scales are very responsible, honest, always perform their work with high quality. If they got down to business, you can be sure of an unsurpassed result, because the representatives of this sign really do not like to remake anything.
Compatible Cancer Men and Women Libra
How strong the union of the man Cancer and the woman of Libra will be, will largely depend on the partners themselves. To achieve truly harmonious relations in a pair, both of its representatives will need to work hard on themselves.
In a love relationship
In love, these signs are often poorly understood by the partner.
A man will try to immediately tie his beloved to himself in all possible ways, and the young lady will demonstrate ostentatious independence in response.
Initially, Cancer can take such a girl for a feminist, as she communicates with a man on an equal footing and never tries to seem better than she really is. On the one hand, the Libra woman seems to him too complicated, and on the other, it causes irresistible interest. In addition, next to such a girl, he feels surprisingly comfortable and calm.
Cancer Man has very conservative (or even old-fashioned) views on family relationships. He wants the girl to be at home, bake pies, keep the space clean, raise children. The representative of the stronger sex is ready to take on the role of the main earner in the family. But the Libra girl can oppose such a situation. Most likely, she will want to continue her journey in search of harmony and her place under the sun, and not cook borscht. In addition, representatives of this sign rarely become mothers of large families. When discussing such issues in a couple, serious conflicts can arise.
Cancer Men for a very long time decide on a marriage proposal. They prefer to check their chosen one for a long time in various life spheres. For decisive Libra, such behavior may seem offensive. Often the girls in this pair are the first to take a step towards the man, or at least hint that it is time to try on the treasured ring on the ring finger.
If the representatives of the signs in question will be able to live together for a couple of years and be able to find an approach to the partner, then in the future they will have a happy and long life.
They are strongly attached to each other and will strive to maintain a union in order to avoid a painful separation.
In friendship
Libra and Cancer are difficult to make friends. Representatives of both signs are prone to mood swings, so they can endlessly be offended by each other, without understanding the true reasons for the arisen silence.
If the Libra woman left her chosen one, Cancer, then they definitely will not be able to become friends after a love relationship. Most likely, they will remain in a deep quarrel.And even having a common child will not help to establish communication.
Sexual compatibility
Cancer Man treats sex very calmly. He does not crave permanent changes in this area. For complete happiness, regular intimate contacts without any “zest” are enough for him. In this regard, partners manage to tune in to a common wave.
Their sex life is very measured and calm.
Cancer Man wants to get tenderness, sensuality, warmth from intimacy. It is these feelings that the chosen one gives birth to him, born under the sign of the zodiac Libra.
How compatible Cancer woman and man Libra
Cancer woman and man Libra are less compatible with each other than the opposite combination of signs. In such a pair, it is impossible to do without frequent high-profile large-scale conflicts. Only strong true love will keep partners together.
In a love relationship
At the initial stage of relations, a woman-Cancer and a man-Libra often do not understand each other at all.
A girl may seem to a man too dreamy, sentimental, “not of this world,” which scares away the pragmatic representative of the sign of Libra. The guy, in turn, often seems to the woman-Cancer rude, mocking, ill-mannered. If, despite a misunderstanding, the couple remains together, she will have to constantly work on herself and try to figure out the soul and thoughts of her partner in order to maintain a relationship.
A Libra man and Cancer woman can become happy in marriage only if they learn to respect each other and stop imposing their own opinions on the partner.
It is very important that the husband begins to perceive the soul mate exactly as it is, without trying to fix it, and the spouse begins to openly express all dissatisfaction.
Libra man is in great need of freedom. His fiancee, on the contrary, loves spending time at home next to his beloved. Conflict can often arise on this ground in pairs. As a result, communication between spouses often just comes to naught. The Cancer girl devotes all her free time to home and children, and the Libra guy - to numerous friends and careers.
In friendship
The zodiac signs under discussion will be able to make friends only if their views on life turn out to be exactly the same. Otherwise, constant disputes cannot be avoided.
In friendship, these signs are not suitable for each other.
On the one hand, the girl-Cancer is attracted by the calm and poise of Libra, and on the other - it repels his inability to listen to someone else's opinion. A man is attracted to her friend by her tenderness, femininity and ability to create a comfortable environment around him under any conditions. True, he is not able to understand her frequent changes in mood and is not ready for hours to talk about how beautiful the world is at a time when a Cancer woman is depressed.
Sexual compatibility
Libra man loves sex. He cannot live without regular intimate contacts. Libra often changes partners and is unable to remain faithful even to a truly beloved woman. At the same time, the Libra man does not perceive physical betrayal as a betrayal and will be sincerely surprised if it will cause his wife to leave him.
For a Cancer woman, this attitude to sex is completely unacceptable. In bed, she longs for purity, tenderness, warmth and endless romantic conversations. She does not need animal passion, such a girl is bad about erotic experiments.
Therefore, in a couple at the initial stage of the relationship, sexual problems can arise.
Positive and negative sides of the union
The horoscope suggests that the union Cancer - Libra has many nuances.
- Representatives of both signs can not imagine their life without self-development. They will enthusiastically study endlessly something new and discuss discoveries with each other. This similarity will help partners always remain interesting to each other.
- Cancer and Libra become good parents. Together they are able to raise a child at the same time in moderate severity and boundless love.
- Crayfish poorly understand Libra's need for publicity. The latter, in turn, often can not figure out what their second half was offended by.
- Representatives of such signs often have intimate problems.
- Cancers and Libra do not have the same views on making money and on the amount needed for complete happiness.
Crayfish and Libra do not get along well together. Especially if a man was born under an air sign, and a girl under a water sign. Only strong love and a great desire to be together will allow them to maintain their union.