Cancer and Taurus compatibility can be called almost perfect. These two signs perfectly understand each other both in family life, and in the intimate sphere, and in friendship. Lovers are comfortable together in almost any situation, especially if Cancer is a girl and Taurus is a man.
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Characterization of Cancer and Taurus as zodiac signs
Cancer of any gender can be called the most emotional representative of the entire zodiac.
- Such people perfectly feel the mood and disposition of those around them. That is why it is easy for them to find suitable interlocutors and true friends, but at the same time it is difficult to build communication with unpleasant persons, for example, among colleagues or relatives.
- Crayfish need constant and long-term relationships. They are strongly attached to people, especially to mother and other family members. If at home representatives of such a sign are all right, then peace and harmony reign in the soul.
- Crayfish are rarely poor. They easily earn money and accumulate large capital, from which the heirs manage to profit. Moreover, such people do not like to spend their money. They prefer to save money and lovingly sort out pieces of paper, each time writing down an increased number in a notebook.
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Cancers are easy to offend, hurt. They worry for a long time about their failures, grievances, betrayals of lovers and for other similar reasons.
Taurus leads the list of the most hardworking signs of the zodiac. He is ready to work long and hard.Often agrees to the most painstaking difficult work for the sake of making large profits.
- It is easy for representatives of such a sign to make a pleasant impression on people around. They are charming, often beautiful, have an excellent sense of humor and, which is very important for comfortable communication, have strong nerves. Taurus is almost impossible to offend. He himself will gladly make fun of his shortcomings.
- Taurus is considered a somewhat passive sign. He often waits for the unique opportunity presented to him to get or change something in his life, than to actively hunt for luck. Sometimes this situation develops in a relationship. First, the representative of the sign under discussion waits for the manifestation of the first signs of attention from the person he liked, and only after that he goes on the offensive.
- In relations, representatives of this sign are quite calm. Especially men. To provoke them to scandal, you have to try.
If Taurus’s weak spot has been affected, he will keep an eye on him for a long time and find out whether the limits of decency in relation to him are really violated.
Compatible Cancer men and Taurus women
Couples male Cancer - female Taurus are quite common. Representatives of these signs are literally drawn to each other by a strong magnet.
In a love relationship
In a love relationship, such a pair is quite comfortable. They have common goals and plans for life. Both partners seek to know themselves and the world around them.
The only serious cause of conflict in such a pair is the excessive slowness of the Cancer man. The Taurus woman will constantly push him in all areas of life. It will be unpleasant for her partner to hear frequent comments about her shortcomings, and sooner or later, such minor skirmishes in a pair can lead to a large-scale scandal.
If lovers learn to avoid such misunderstandings, then they can live together happily ever after.
Even when love in a couple leaves, a man and a woman often remain together because of habit and banal household comfort.
From the outside, a marriage between a woman-Taurus and a man-Cancer may seem to be a prisoner of convenience. This impression is formed because both partners choose a soul mate with a cold head.
Both spouses in the discussed pair will do everything to create coziness, harmony, warmth and tranquility in the family. They will actively earn money and make a lot of efforts so that the home does not need anything.
Lovers with pleasure will spend family evenings together. They do not need crowded restaurants, nightclubs and other noisy places. They’d better watch a funny series together or bake their favorite pizza.
Even if the couple’s love ends, the couple will not think about divorce.
They will continue to live in the same comfortable conditions so as not to waste strength and energy on creating new ones.
In friendship
To make friends with a Taurus woman and a Cancer man can be difficult. The young lady in such relationships will be more hot-tempered, sometimes even slightly mocking. The representative of the stronger sex will require more attention from her, and also often take offense at inappropriate rude jokes.
Moreover, both of them are not capable of betrayal and are able to be friends for many years. If a girl learns to soften her jokes, and a man tries to be less touchy and closed, then their relationship will last a long time.
Sexual compatibility
Each of the partners in the pair under discussion highly values sexual relations and takes them seriously.
If there are sincere feelings between a man and a woman, then in bed they will be completely satisfied with each other.
Intimate life in such a pair is never on display. But in private with each other, the partners are very tender, caring and sensitive.It is unlikely that fiery passions will rage in bed at Cancer and Taurus, but at the same time they will surely be able to satisfy all their modest secret desires and refuse to seek pleasure in sex on the side.
How Compatible Cancer Women and Taurus Men
Almost perfect compatibility is observed in a pair of Cancer women and Taurus men. Such lovers complement each other in everything, making their own relationships surprisingly harmonious, warm, comfortable.
In a love relationship
More often in love, the first step to meet is precisely the young lady born under the sign of the zodiac Cancer. It is she who from far away sees that the attracted man is ideally suited to her in all respects. The guy, at first, only gives a reaction to the attention paid to him and only after that he makes the response. If he also liked the girl, then soon the initiative completely passes into the hands of the insistent Taurus.
Such a man perfectly understands his tender and vulnerable young lady and is ready to substitute her reliable shoulder at any time of the day or night. Beloved “pays” him for this with attention, admiration, and psychological help. If the lovers learn to peacefully resolve the minor conflicts that arise in a couple, then they will be able to live together happily all their lives.
The main thing is that both the man and the woman do not pay attention to the advice and tips of others about how they should build their relations correctly.
Girl Cancer will quickly receive an offer from her partner to get married. Male Taurus usually take a long time to think before inviting their partner to connect their lives with them. But it is precisely the representatives of the sign under discussion that turn out to be an exception for them. Such ladies can quickly enchant Taurus and tie him to themselves.
After a few months of family life, lovers get used to each other so much that they do not want to leave for a minute. For both spouses, homeliness, material well-being, calmness and harmony are important. It is on these points that they will actively work together.
A Cancer woman in such an alliance is pleased to become the guardian of the hearth. A Taurus man takes care of the wealth and tranquility of the family.
The spouse in this couple quickly becomes discouraged even because of the slightest problems. And the representative of the stronger sex helps her cope with problems and again become confident in her abilities.
In friendship
Even a friendly union between the discussed zodiac signs is durable. Cancer and Taurus complement each other, always on the same wavelength. They are endlessly interested in together. Especially if friends are passionate about a common cause.
Such friendly alliances often end in strong love relationships. After all, no other partner can give a girl-Cancer such a sense of calm, security. The Taurus man admires the tenderness, vulnerability, femininity and even some sacrifice of his chosen one.
Sexual compatibility
Such a couple has good sexual compatibility. Both partners are modest and slightly clamped in bed, but they manage to liberate each other.
True, they only achieve harmony in the intimacy a couple of years after the start of the relationship. At first, the representatives of the discussed zodiac signs are too closed and shackled. The main thing is that in the process not one of them releases an insulting joke about the other concerning sex.
Cancer and Taurus can hardly be called passionate fiery lovers. In their conjugal bed harmony also prevails, but without any zest. Partners do not need intimate experiments and will not attend a sex shop to arrange a sexual surprise for a soulmate.
Positive and negative sides of the union
To begin with, it is worth noting all the positive aspects of the alliance between Cancer and Taurus:
- In such a pair, regardless of the gender of the partners in the discussed signs of the zodiac, harmony reigns. Common goals, similar views on life and interests hold the union together.
- Both partners love to learn something new, often choose for themselves various fascinating hobbies and support each other in such endeavors.
- Any of the lovers will only rarely decide on treason. If everything suits you in a pair of both partners, then they will remain faithful to each other for many years.
- Spouses are happy to spend time in their cozy apartment or house talking about the future and a delicious cake. They do not need a crowd of guests, active entertainment, a constant change of scenery.
Such a pair also has negative sides:
- Taurus (both men and women) are extremely jealous. If their second half often communicates with representatives of the opposite sex, then violent conflicts cannot be avoided.
- To some, a pair of Taurus and Cancer may seem boring. Lovers will prefer a fun game board game in their apartment together.
- Taurus can sometimes get tired of the excessive resentment and emotionality of his partner. This feature of Crayfish can be another cause of conflict in the pair.
In general, the Cancer - Taurus alliance is always harmonious, happy. Representatives of these signs are able to build lasting strong relationships. They become excellent caring parents and are ready to support their offspring in any endeavors.