Radionuclides are radioactive substances. They enter the human body from the outside, leading to serious health problems. Even in small doses, substances have a detrimental effect on all living cells, and cause cancer. Everyone needs to know about the routes of entry into the body.
Material Content:
- 1 What are radionuclides, the effect on the body
- 2 Classification of where in the body
- 3 Harmful effects on humans
- 4 The effect on the body of strontium-90 and cesium-137
- 5 What products are contained in?
- 6 How to process products for purification from radioactivity?
- 7 What to do with a radionuclide lesion?
- 8 Interesting facts of the effects of infections
What are radionuclides, the effect on the body
Radioactive isotopes are atoms with radioactivity, a short half-life. They are harmful to humans. The severity of the adverse effects depends on the dose received, the duration of exposure and the depth of radiation penetration into the body.
Radioactive isotopes are actively used in medicine for the diagnosis of diseases (radionuclide diagnostics), in science and industry. They surround a person everywhere. The main routes of radionuclide intake into the human body:
- with air;
- through the skin;
- water;
- food product of animal and vegetable origin.
These substances have good penetration. They can accumulate in tissues, internal organs, and even bones.
Note. The most sensitive to radionuclides are organs with active cell division. It is a blood-forming, reproductive, and digestive system.
Of the common ones, cesium, molybdenum, tellurium, iodine, and ruthenium can be noted. They are short-lived, therefore not particularly dangerous. The greatest danger is strontium, barium, plutonium, zirconium, niobium and yttrium.They are slowly eliminated from the body as they accumulate in the bones.
Isotopes of polonium, uranium and radium are also retained for a long time. They accumulate in the liver and bile ducts, have a large atomic mass.
It removes radionuclides from the body mainly the intestines, some of it is excreted by the organs of the urinary system. Gaseous particles are released through the skin and respiratory tract.
Classification of where in the body
Depending on the etiology of origin, harmful substances can be divided into 2 groups:
- natural;
- artificial.
Natural radionuclides are characterized by a long half-life. They are synthesized by nature, are in the atmosphere and in the soil. They can be divided into 3 subgroups:
- with a large half-life - which were formed at the time of the Earth’s origin;
- cosmogenic - caused by the action of cosmic radiation;
- radiogenic - are the decay products of long-lived radionuclides.
The appearance of artificial radioisotopes is associated with human activities. There are over 900 types of artificially created radioactive substances. Most of them have a long half-life, leading to environmental pollution.
According to the stability of atomic nuclei, radionuclides are short-lived (exist up to 10 days) and long-lived. There are radioisotopes that decay in a few minutes.
Depending on radiation toxicity, there are low-, medium-, highly toxic and most toxic substances.
Isotopes accumulate in any tissues and organs. Localization depends on the type of substance:
- thyroid iodine;
- strontium, barium, radium, plutonium, uranium in the bones;
- cesium in the urinary organs and liver;
- plutonium and potassium in the organs of the reproductive system;
- potassium and cesium in muscle tissue;
- uranium and plutonium in the respiratory organs.
Harmful effects on humans
Radiation radiation leads to inhibition of biochemical processes, inhibition of cell division and death. The danger of radiation is that the DNA structure is damaged, the genetic code is destroyed, which causes severe genetic diseases, physical malformations of babies. Not only children can suffer, but also grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Not only internal, but also external exposure is dangerous. High doses kill living cells, leading to the following diseases:
- cancer;
- tumors of the thyroid gland, mammary glands, organs of the reproductive system, lungs, stomach;
- diseases of the hematopoietic system, which are manifested by a change in the composition of the blood (anemia, leukemia);
- infertility;
- impaired embryonic development;
- miscarriage, fading of the fetus;
- violation of the integrity of blood vessels, which leads to bleeding;
- decreased immunity, insecurity of the body against infectious diseases;
- radiation sickness.
The effect on the body of strontium-90 and cesium-137
It is these substances that most often have a negative effect on a person. They have a long half-life, therefore, lead to the most serious consequences.
Note. Strontium-90 and cesium-137 are the most dangerous. They do not collapse in the human body until 30 years of age, causing irreversible destructive processes.
Strontium is dangerous because it mainly accumulates in the skeleton and organs of the hematopoietic system. Accordingly, it disrupts their functioning. The likely outcome is anemia or leukemia. The concentration of this substance is detected in the blood after 15 minutes. after a lesion, and after 5 hours, it accumulates in human tissues.
Cesium is mainly localized in muscle tissue, it enters along with plant food through the digestive tract. Its greatest content is in barley, millet, wheat, buckwheat and beans.
What products are contained in?
Since radioactive nuclides are contained in the soil, the grass and crops grown on it absorb these substances.The highest concentration in bakery products, milk and dairy products, fruits, vegetables (especially in mushrooms), berries, which were obtained in areas with high radioactivity.
Plant products are more contaminated than animal products. Less harm from eating meat, fish and seafood. The dose of radiation in fresh water is higher than in marine, pure artesian. This should be considered.
Note. Concentration in water and food products largely depends on the general radiation background of the area.
How to process products for purification from radioactivity?
Radionuclides in foods lead to internal exposure, which is much more dangerous for humans than external exposure. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine the level of radiation pollution at home, but it is possible to reduce the radiation content.
The easiest way to remove strontium and cesium from food. In vegetables and fruits, harmful substances accumulate in the upper part and peel, so they must be disposed of. Wash products thoroughly before cleaning.
Heat treatment helps to remove up to 50% of radioactive substances, but not all methods are acceptable. For example, frying, on the contrary, delays radionuclides.
Other methods:
- soak meat and fish in water for 2 hours (with the addition of vinegar for 30 minutes);
- drain the first meat broth;
- boil milk for at least 20 minutes;
- soak mushrooms before cooking in water, be sure to boil (it is not advisable to fry or dry).
What to do with a radionuclide lesion?
The longer these substances are in the body, the more harmful their effects. Unfortunately, there are no medical procedures or drugs that would completely clear of radiation. An important role in cleansing from radionuclides is played by the body's natural protective properties.
It is on the state of the immune system that resistance to harmful radiation depends. Do not forget that harmful substances are excreted by the intestines, liver and kidneys. It is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of these organs.
If you have to constantly take radiation doses, to speed up their elimination it is important to use diuretics, multivitamin complexes to strengthen the skeletal system, and drink mineral water. The diet should include fruits and vegetables high in pectin, as well as eggs and milk. Calcium helps to remove strontium.
Interesting facts of the effects of infections
The activities of nuclear power plants, technological disasters lead to the release of a large number of radioactive substances into the environment. The radiation background in contaminated areas is not normal. But danger is far from all substances. The most harmful is the isotope of iodine, plutonium, cesium and strontium.
If a person has been exposed to a significant dose of radiation with these substances, he needs qualified medical help. All offers from strangers who offer cleansing the body of radioactive substances for money are a hoax.