One of the tools used in cosmetology to eliminate wrinkles is Radevit - ointment, the instructions for use for which are used as indications for skin diseases and natural aging processes. During use, the drug managed to establish itself as a highly effective means of fighting wrinkles at the initial stage of their formation.

Pharmacological properties

Thanks to the components that make up the drug, it has a number of pharmacological effects, such as:

  • strengthening local immunity and protective properties of the skin;
  • activation of regenerative processes;
  • moisturizing the skin;
  • relieving itching;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • softening the skin.

Due to the natural origin of the drug and the low content of active substances, the effect of the drug does not begin immediately. To obtain noticeable results, the discussed ointment for the face must be used for several weeks.

Note: Radevit does not have a direct effect on wrinkles, but due to the moisturizing and regenerating effect of the drug, age-related skin changes become smoother and less noticeable.

Release form

The drug is available in the form of an ointment or cream. Ointment is a mild dosage form of white or yellowish color, for which Vaseline or hydrogenated fat is used. Cream - a dosage form for which a less viscous base is used. The pharmacological effect of ointments and creams does not differ from each other, but the cream, as a rule, erases faster from the surface of the skin and less stains clothes.

Ointment "Radevit" from wrinkles is sold in aluminum tubes of 10, 35 or 20 grams. The kit includes cardboard packaging and official instructions for the use of the drug. Distribution of the drug in another container or package is not performed. This should be considered in order to avoid the acquisition of counterfeit medicines.

The composition of the ointment

The active substances of the ointment and cream "Radevit" include:

  • retinol palmitate;
  • alpha - tocopherol acetate;
  • ergocalciferol.

Retinol palmitateIt’s also Vitamin A, which helps retain moisture in the skin’s tissues. It is he who is the main component of most anti-aging compounds. Due to its high fluid content, the skin maintains smoothness and elasticity. With insufficient vitamin A content in the skin, its condition worsens, pathological processes occur.

Alpha - Tocopherol Acetate is a natural antioxidant. It binds free radicals, preventing their destructive effect on the cells of the epidermis and dermis. In addition, tocopherol helps to eliminate toxic substances that accumulate in the deeper layers of the skin.

Ergocalciferol - vitamin D2. It has an antibacterial effect, stimulates the natural protective mechanisms of the skin, directed against the pathogenetic effect of bacterial microflora. In addition, the vitamin accelerates the healing of small scratches and cracks on the face.


In the vastness of the World Wide Web, there are often questions in the style of “ointment makes it helps.” Responding to them, experts usually give evidence indicated in the official instructions:

  • ichthyosis;
  • dermatoses;
  • seborrhea;
  • uninfected wounds;
  • burns;
  • contact dermatitis and neurodermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • prevention of exacerbations in chronic pathology of a dermatological profile;
  • bedsores and other trophic disorders that occur in bedridden patients.

In addition to official indications, both ointment and cream can be used to prevent age-related changes and preserve youth. Regenerative and moisturizing properties of the drug contribute to the fact that it begins to be actively used not only for medical, but for cosmetic purposes. Radevit is recommended for use not only by dermatologists, but also by cosmetologists.

Note: in addition to the usual ointment, there is a “Radevit asset” ointment, which includes vitamin D3. An additional indication for this tool is the intense photoaging of facial skin.

Instructions for use of Radevit ointment for wrinkles

In order to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, the ointment is used once a day, before bedtime. The drug is applied in a thin layer, after which the treated area is lightly massaged, allowing the drug substance to be absorbed deep into the tissues. For therapeutic purposes, as well as with existing wrinkles, the frequency of use of the ointment is increased up to two times a day. The technique for applying the medicine does not differ from that for the prevention of aging.

Before using a new dose of cream, the face should be washed with moisturizing soap and treated with lotion. This will remove the remaining cream from the skin from the previous application, and will help the new portion of the drug to act as efficiently as possible. In the presence of cracks in the skin of the face, the cream is applied after their preliminary treatment with an antibacterial composition. With severe peeling of the epidermis, it is possible to use the medicine as part of an occlusive dressing.

To enhance the action of the ointment, the simultaneous use of moisturizing face masks is allowed. They should be applied at a time when the drug is not on the skin. For example, Radevit is applied in the morning and evening, and a fifteen-minute moisturizing mask is applied at lunch.

Side effects

"Radevit" ointment, the composition of which is almost completely represented by vitamins, has a minimal amount of side effects, which include:

  • increased itching and swelling when using the product on top of foci of acute inflammatory skin diseases. This is due to the accumulation of fluid in the inflammatory focus and some irritating effect of the components of the drug;
  • allergic reactions - more often occur with repeated application of the drug, although some allergy phenomena may occur after the first use. Radevit applied to the skin does not cause severe allergies such as anaphylactic shock or angioedema. The reaction to its use most often becomes urticaria, which is easily stopped with the help of antihistamines;
  • a negative effect on the fetus during pregnancy and lactation - the possible negative effect of Radevit ointment on the fetus has not been experimentally proven, however, theoretically, the possibility of complicating pregnancy or worsening the health of the baby during breastfeeding is present. The child may develop allergic reactions to the components of the drug that enter the body with breast milk;
  • increased symptoms of skin diseases - the combined use of a regenerating ointment and glucocorticosteroids leads to a weakening of the effect of the latter. This can cause an exacerbation of the disease. GKK are often used to treat psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis.

It is interesting: perioral dermatitis

In addition to the foregoing, the ointment can aggravate the condition of the patient with hypervitaminosis "A", "D", "E", which sometimes becomes the cause of serious metabolic disorders.

How much does Radevit ointment cost?

The cost of Radevit ointment in tubes of 35 grams starts from 334 rubles on the Yandex market. In offline pharmacies, prices vary depending on the region and start at 318 rubles. Comparative characteristics of prices are given in the following table:

MoscowSt. PetersburgNizhny Novgorod
ElixirPharm - 395 rublesRigla - 338 - 332 rubles
“5 mg” - 425 rublesNeopharm - 346 rubles-
"36.6" - 318 rublesBaltika honey - 391 rubles-
The average price is 346 rublesThe average price is 344 rublesThe average price is 332 rubles

The cost of the drug is indicated on the basis of the price lists available on the Web at the time of writing and may vary depending on the pricing policy of pharmacy organizations.

Analogs ointments Radevit

The ointment under discussion has many analogues, which include almost all known dermatoprotective agents.

The most famous drugs that can be used as a substitute for the drug in question are:

  1. Carlem - a reparative and wound healing agent that practically does not cause allergic reactions. It can be used as a dermatoprotector for radiation injuries of the skin and mucous membranes. Dosage form - ointment.
  2. Colocil - a restorative with antiseptic properties. Available in the form of a sponge intended for application to the wound surface.
  3. Lineol - a metabolic drug that normalizes metabolic processes in the skin.
  4. Linin - relieves skin itching, accelerates tissue regeneration, acts as a wound antiseptic. The composition of the drug is similar to Radevitis.

It should be remembered that the use of dermatoprotectors as the only means of combating aging will not lead to the desired result. It is possible to prolong youthfulness for a long time and delay the appearance of wrinkles only if all the necessary measures (healthy lifestyle, massage, pharmacological therapy, the use of cosmetic and surgical techniques) are applied comprehensively.

Aging is a natural process that cannot be avoided. It is possible to delay the external manifestations of age-related changes, but for this you should start to deal with yourself even when wrinkles only appear and are easily amenable to correction. Smoothing deep wrinkles is not always possible even with the use of plastic surgery techniques.