Mankind has long known the benefits of beekeeping products - they all have unique healing properties, not only in relation to the body, but also to the soul. In today's article we will talk about bee pollen, its beneficial properties and how to take it.

The chemical composition of bee pollen

This product is also called pruning because of the special technology of collecting insects in baskets that are on their hind legs. Pollen is similar to small irregular-shaped grains, coated and treated with the secretion of bee glands.

The product tastes sweet with the presence of bitterness. Depending on which plant it was collected from, a color with a shape is obtained.

Important: the healing properties of pollen are comparable to mummies, ginseng and rock oil.

There are much more biologically active elements in this beekeeping product than in honey:

  • B, C vitamins, carotenoids, tocopherols, cholecalciferol, ergocalciferol and rutin;
  • the full mineral composition of the periodic table;
  • phenols - phenolic acids with flavonoids;
  • essential amino acids superior to milk protein;
  • essential fatty acids - linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic, as well as fats - phospholipids, phytosterols and other lipids;
  • carbohydrates represented by glucose and fructose, including sucrose, polysaccharides, maltose and disaccharides.

The pollen still contains starch, dietary fiber, pectin and ash, which fills the product with benefits for the digestive system, liver and kidneys.

Useful properties of bee pollen

Patch can beneficially affect almost all organs and systems of the human body and psyche:

  1. Enhanced metabolic processes.
  2. The amount of adipose tissue is reduced.
  3. The work of the heart muscle and the elasticity of the vessels with the strengthening of their walls are supported.
  4. Cholesterol is excreted from the body.
  5. The immune system is significantly strengthened.
  6. Nervous tension is relieved, eliminating neurosis, depression and insomnia.
  7. The positive effect of the product extends to the liver, kidneys and bladder.
  8. The anti-cancer properties of pollen have been proven, which is based on a slowdown in the division of malignant cells.
  9. The composition of the blood improves and the hemoglobin level rises.
  10. The hormonal background is normalized and the activity of the endocrine system is supported.
  11. The beekeeping product perfectly restores the expended energy after various loads - physical or emotional.

We single out separately the benefit of leg trim for different categories of citizens - women, the strong half of humanity and children.

More materials:bee pollen - useful properties, how to take

For men

In addition to all of the above, the product for men's health has special value, restoring potency, increasing libido, eliminating impotence and improving sperm quality.

Bee pollen can improve blood circulation and relieve inflammation, as well as treat prostatitis.

Based on statistics, men often develop heart attack and stroke. So, regular use of mullet will significantly reduce the risk of these ailments. Antioxidant properties relieve the male body of all kinds of harmful substances, including toxins.

The benefits of pollen extend to increase vitality, strength and stamina, contributing to a quick recovery after enhanced training. At the same time, the product helps to gain muscle mass, not inferior to anabolics (synthesized), but without negative consequences for the body.

Bee pollen for women

A very important ability of the beekeeping product for women seeking to put their figure in order is to naturally correct the figure. This happens due to the establishment of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Pollen is especially useful for women during hormonal changes, whether it is transitional adolescence, pregnancy, childbirth and lactation, or menopause. The use of mint is possible simultaneously with the treatment with hormone-containing drugs and the use of contraceptives.

With success, the product copes with nervous disorders, depressive states, anxiety and emotional disorders. Regular intake of pollen will help you to be calmer and solve any everyday problems.

For children

For children, pollen perfectly strengthens the immune system, protecting against the development of all kinds of ailments that appear even at an early age.

The concentration of healing substances in the composition of the pulp positively affects the overall health of the child:

  • improving vision and blood formation function, changing the composition of blood;
  • developing cognitive (mental) abilities;
  • helping to better focus and develop memory;
  • normalizing metabolic processes.

Hyperactivity, excessive nervousness and sleep disturbances are also “within the power” of bee pollen, in a short time, solving similar problems.

Rutin in the product has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system of babies. At the same time, the mineral and vitamin complex of pollen is quickly absorbed by a small organism, helping it to develop fully.

How to take bee pollen

Slice is used in dry form and mixed with honey. To feed children, it is added in mashed fruit. According to experts, it is the mixture in combination with honey that is more correct to take, which will retain all the useful properties of the product longer.

Now about the doses:

  1. It is permissible for an adult to eat up to 15 g of pollen per day, dividing this amount by 2 times half an hour before eating. Prevention course - a month.
  2. Children from 3 years to 5 - 4 g, from 6 to 12 - 8, adolescents from 13 years old -12 grams.

It is recommended to use dressing for preventive purposes three times a year - in October, January and April.

Important: the maximum effect of the product will be obtained when absorbed under the tongue until completely dissolved.

You should not take bee pollen late in the evening, which can provoke insomnia, since it has an exciting effect.

Benefits from the application: recipes for medicinal mixtures from mash

Depending on the health problem and the goals of using this beekeeping product, there will be recommendations for use:

  • with anemia, it is indicated three times a day for 1 teaspoon for a month. Then you need to take a 2-week break and, if necessary, repeat the course;
  • a similar technique is indicated for neurosis and other disorders of the central nervous system. With light weight, the amount must be reduced by 2 times;
  • a course of 45 days treats tuberculosis - three times a day, 1 small spoon. For children, the recommended dose is half less;
  • to restore kidney function, mix honey with pollen in equal amounts and take a teaspoon 3 times a day for a month and a half. You can still fill the same composition with warm water (100 ml) and let it brew for 3 hours.

To enhance the protective functions of the body, also use pollen three times during the day, but 0.5 tablespoons per month.

Cases of getting rid of dystrophy in childhood and mental retardation were recorded. Schoolchildren with regular use of pollen learn better, and they still have the strength for additional physical education and sports.

About contraindications and possible harm

Compliance with the rules of use and recommendations will protect you from possible harm when taking bee pollen:

  1. You can’t eat a lot if you are prone to allergies to honey and other beekeeping products.
  2. Pollen is not indicated if there is a blood clotting disorder, since it contains vitamin A, which can exacerbate the problem in large volumes and damage the liver, destroying the cellular structure.
  3. Excessive amounts can lead to sleep disturbances.
  4. People with diabetes are also forbidden to use the product.
  5. An important point is proper storage, otherwise, its reception can lead to poisoning. Shelf life - no more than a month.

Despite the ability of pollen to heal from thrombophlebitis, taking too much trim can provoke bleeding, so it is very important to follow the recommended dosage and not self-medicate.

You should not immediately take the recommended dose - start small to check the reaction of the body. And even better if you consult with a specialist and thereby protect yourself from unpleasant consequences.