Human curiosity knows no bounds. Since the beginning of civilization, our ancestors wanted to know the most inconspicuous little things that make up the world. In the end, microscopes were invented. With these devices, images of objects can be magnified thousands and millions of times. Microscopes allow you to see what chalk looks like, human hair, a cat's tongue, the tip of a fountain pen that is familiar to us. Today we have put together a collection of things that seem commonplace - but only until you look at them through a microscope!

Micro steel cutting

Fountain pen tip

a piece of chalk

Butterfly wing

Strawberry surface

Muscle fiber

Human eyelashes

Red salt crystal

Instant coffee granule

Needle and thread

Infusoria shoe

Human hair



A cat’s tongue looks like it’s made from other small tongues under a microscope.

Human hair tip

Surgical thread wound

Toilet paper

Toothbrush villi

Used dental floss

Blood cells

Velcro closure

The hidden side of the objects around us is impressive, isn't it? What photo did you like more than the rest? Tell us in the comments.