Everyone dreams of preserving health, youth and beauty for many years, however, not everyone succeeds. What kind of funds does not offer the market of the modern industry of a healthy lifestyle! Among them, a quite worthy and deserved place is occupied by the purple tea Chang Shu, which grows in the mysterious mountainous regions of Asia. What are its beneficial properties and is it really possible to trust this miraculous drink?
Material Content:
- 1 Purple tea Chang Shu - what kind of tea is this?
- 2 Chemical composition, nutritional value and calorie content
- 3 What taste does the drink have?
- 4 Useful properties of purple tea Chang Shu
- 5 What are the varieties of tea?
- 6 How to brew and drink tea?
- 7 How to drink purple tea Chang Shu for weight loss?
- 8 Contraindications
Purple tea Chang Shu - what kind of tea is this?
The Tibetan purple tea belongs to the Mirtov family and therefore very remotely resembles another medicinal plant in its properties - eucalyptus. From the dry leaves of this amazing tea tree, essential oil is produced, which is successfully used in cosmetology. These leaves are located on branches so that they do not give a shadow, just like eucalyptus leaves. For many centuries, Asian healers have been using flowers in folk medicine. Dried or fresh inflorescences are brewed in a special way, getting a purple drink, which is called Chang Shu.
Since this plant grows at an altitude of more than three thousand meters in inaccessible mountainous regions, it is an environmentally friendly product.
Tibetan monks, Nepalese, Cambodian farmers and representatives of Chinese traditional medicine grow and collect it.After all, the habitat of this plant just falls on those areas of Tibet, Nepal and Cambodia that border each other.
The collection and drying of medicinal inflorescences is carried out twice a year, exclusively by hand, since the use of agricultural machinery in the highlands is excluded. Therefore, there is simply no special production for the production of this tea product.
Chemical composition, nutritional value and calorie content
Chang Shu has a fairly wide range of nutrients, so it can help with the treatment of a whole list of serious diseases.
Here is its main composition:
- The high content of chromium picolinate helps to increase mood, relieves depressive states. It can help with weight loss, because it reduces appetite and reduces the subcutaneous fat, helps to build muscle.
- Tannins and theotanins help to remove toxic substances from the body, have anti-inflammatory properties, restore blood vessels, improve their elasticity, promote proper digestion and generally strengthen the body. Their main property is increased fat processing.
- Catechins also contribute to the breakdown of fatty tissues and significantly lower blood cholesterol. They are antioxidants, which means they contribute to the rejuvenation of organs and tissues.
- Dopamine additionally helps to lose weight, because it has an activating effect on the brain area responsible for the processing of fats in the body. In addition, tea improves mood and normalizes the feeling of fullness, eliminating unpleasant psychological symptoms that usually contribute to obesity.
- The general tone is set by tianins. They help to carry strong physical exertion, normalize the emotional sphere and soothe the nervous system. This is very important for a person who has seriously decided to lose weight and applies not only a diet, but also active physical exercises.
- An additional "bonus" are luteins. They perfectly restore vision, protect it from overload, especially during prolonged use with a computer and the screens of various gadgets.
- Rejuvenation is provided by bioflavonoids, which help keep the skin from aging and hair from gray hair.
- The complex of vitamins of natural origin always contribute to the restoration of health, strengthening immunity, preserving youth and beauty.
The calorie content of tea is very low, and the nutritional value, due to such a diverse composition of substances, is very high.
What taste does the drink have?
The color of beautiful and large inflorescences of tea bush is azure-violet.
Therefore, when brewing the drink acquires an unusual saturated blue color.
It would seem that such a magnificent appearance of tea should be accompanied by a wonderful taste and bright smell. However, it is not.
The drink has an unexpectedly neutral taste. Unless you feel a light pleasant herbal shade. As for the smell, alpine flowers traditionally do not have strong aromas. Therefore, tea smells almost nothing.
Nevertheless, to drink Chang Shu was more pleasant, you can add a little honey or juice to it. However, it is not worth it to abuse sweet, and especially sugar. Since this will by no means contribute to weight loss.
The best solution would be a slice of lemon. At the same time, an interesting reaction will take place in the cup of tea - the infusion will begin to distinctly change the shades of color, become even more saturated, first purple, and then truly purple. Moreover, the more acidic the medium, the stronger the tea will change color, up to dark pink.
Lemon will add tea not only a pleasant taste, but also additional refreshing properties, will even more saturate with vitamins and useful substances.
Chang Shu can be drunk both hot and cold, and in the summer heat you can add a small ice cube to the glass.
Useful properties of purple tea Chang Shu
First of all, purple tea promotes weight loss. For a three-month course of taking this drink, a patient who has a lot of weight can lose 27 extra pounds. The main effect is that these lost kilos never return! The weight of a person is fully stabilized, since the metabolism in the body is normalized.
Another definite plus - Chang Shu tea is not addictive. Some means for losing weight, unfortunately, have a negative effect - while taking the drug, the weight is normal. As soon as the therapeutic course ends, the weight begins to grow rapidly. Purple drink is one of the most healthy and complete solutions in comparison with other means for losing weight.
However, purple slimming tea helps to get rid of not only excess weight, but also some very serious diseases.
- Hypertension. There is a strengthening of the walls of blood vessels, excess fat is burned, cholesterol is expelled, due to which pressure is stabilized and the entire circulatory system heals.
- Reduced immunity. Due to the large number of vitamins and nutrients, the body's resistance to infections is strengthened, climate change is more easily tolerated, and the stamina of the body as a whole increases.
- Diabetes. Purple tea lowers blood sugar.
- Inflammation. Chang Shu has anti-inflammatory properties.
- Intoxication. Various types of poisonous substances are perfectly excreted, the intestines, liver, blood, and lymph are cleansed.
- Diseases of the digestive system. Helps to eliminate digestive tract dysfunctions, improves intestinal motility, protects the entire system from the harmful substances that many food products from supermarkets are saturated with today, and helps to remove them from the body.
- Visual impairment. Helps restore visual acuity and clarity.
- Malfunctions in the nervous system. It calms, balances, helps to cope with stress.
- Excess weight. Promotes the appearance of a healthy feeling of fullness and thus controls the process of proper food intake, protects against overeating.
What is beneficial for women and men?
It is very important for women to acquire not only a beautiful figure, but also get smooth, healthy skin and luxurious hair. And purple tea Chang Shu is able to provide this effect.
- It tones the skin, removes excess water from under the skin. Accordingly, “shots” on the face, bags under the eyes, various kinds of “saggy” under the chest and abdomen, which are inevitable during weight loss, are tightened.
- Tea helps smooth out fine wrinkles, acquire a healthy complexion, because toxins from the body are actively removed.
- Purple tea prevents the appearance of gray hair, restores hair, eliminates their dryness, brittleness, strengthens the bulbs.
- Those ladies who abuse modern manicure products help restore the natural beauty of nails, accelerate their growth, eliminate brittleness and delamination.
However, one of the most important properties is the ability to help with various gynecological diseases, especially inflammation.
Purple tea will also help men eliminate common health problems, cleanse and rejuvenate the body. They will also be able to acquire a beautiful figure, not only getting rid of excess weight, but also building muscle. After all, tea helps strengthen the muscles of the body. The tonic substances that make up the drink increase physical activity.
In general, a person acquires healthy lightness, good mood, endurance and begins to feel the joy of life.
What are the varieties of tea?
The tea tree, from the flowers of which the healing drink Chang Shu is made, grows in only a few remote mountainous areas that are relatively small in area. There is a very harsh climate.Many plants in this climate zone simply cannot exist. Such conditions cannot be created specifically to expand plantations and grow this tea under artificial conditions, cultivate it and create new varieties.
Tea tree, on the other hand, has great ability to survive in high altitude conditions due to the extensive composition of substances that it concentrates in its cells. Therefore, some varieties of this tea tree simply do not exist. There is only one species of this plant.
Perhaps manufacturers can directly add Chang Shu flowers to various tea collections, combining them with other plants that are suitable in properties. However, this will no longer be directly Tibetan tea Chang Shu, but a completely different drink with different properties.
How to brew and drink tea?
Tea Chang Shu must learn to brew correctly, then you can get the most valuable drink. Useful substances only under certain conditions will pass from dried flowers to water.
What is the temperature for making Chang Shu purple tea?
The main requirement for brewing purple tea is the temperature regime.
Water should not boil.
If you fill the flowers with boiling water, then the beneficial substances under the influence of too high a temperature will be destroyed and such tea will not bring any benefits.
Therefore, the water temperature should not exceed 95 degrees Celsius. However, it should be remembered that the higher above sea level, the faster the water boils. For example, in mountainous regions, the boiling point of water is 80 degrees.
How long does it take to brew tea?
Each time, tea should be brewed separately in a 250 ml cup. Why do you need to take from 5 to 7 inflorescences and fill them with hot water.
The drink should be infused for about ten minutes or until it acquires a saturated blue color. Then it should strain the tea.
The whole portion must be drunk immediately, since this tea is not subject to preservation.
How to drink purple tea Chang Shu for weight loss?
To achieve positive dynamics for persistent weight loss is quite possible with the help of Chang Shu.
You can not take purple tea constantly, you should adhere to a special regimen.
- You can drink this tea for only three months. It is possible to repeat the course after four months.
- The first week of tea should be taken every day, one glass in the morning and evening. Then you need to take a break for seven days.
- The dosage indicated in the instructions must not be exceeded. Only the number of flowers that is specified should be added to the cup. Otherwise, unpleasant side effects will occur.
In any case, it is impossible to supplement the course with other nutritional supplements or medicines for weight loss. Since Chang Shu tea contains many substances that may be incompatible with other drugs, the combined use of other drugs can cause a negative reaction.
Tibetan tea Chang Shu is extremely useful, but it also has its contraindications. In some cases, a drink may have an undesirable effect, resulting in exacerbation of some diseases.
Therefore, it should not be taken in some situations:
- with allergies;
- under reduced pressure;
- during pregnancy, lactation and breastfeeding;
- children under the age of 18.
The dosage must be strictly observed, otherwise the following side effects may occur:
- constant feeling of thirst;
- the appearance of edema, as a result of excess fluid;
- bloating, flatulence, pain in the intestines or stomach.
The same phenomena can occur if the tea turned out to be a fake. You need to buy it only at official points of sale that specialize in the sale of medicines and food additives, or in pharmacies.