Traditional medicine of Asia stores many ancient recipes from herbs that help to cope with ailments, rejuvenate and strengthen the body, get rid of excess weight. Purple tea - a Thai healing drink - is one of those secret remedies that anyone who wants to lose weight can make.
Material Content:
- 1 Purple tea Chang Shu - what kind of tea, description
- 2 Chemical composition, nutritional value and calorie content
- 3 What taste does the drink have
- 4 Useful properties of purple tea Chang Shu for weight loss
- 5 How to brew and drink tea to lose weight
- 6 The effectiveness of purple slimming tea
- 7 To whom the drink is contraindicated
Purple tea Chang Shu - what kind of tea, description
The purple tea Chang Shu is made from the flowers of the evergreen herbaceous creeper clitoris tripartite, which hails from tropical Asia and the mountain valleys of Tibet. Since ancient times, a flower drink has been used as a medicine for many diseases.
The original name of the drink - blue tea, or Thai, Anchan - is associated with the bright sky color of the petals of the clitoris ternary, which in Europe is referred to as Butterfly Pea and even pigeon wings.
Amazing color clitoris give contained in the petals of the natural coloring matter anthocyanins. In fact, the color of the brewed anchan is not purple, but cornflower blue. But if you add only three drops of lemon juice to it, amazing magic begins - the cornflower blue drink becomes saturated purple. And if you throw at least one hibiscus petal into the grass before brewing, then blue and red interfere and give you the pleasure of observing that famous purple color.
The rare properties of tea are determined not only by its natural value, but also by its unique collection technology.
Chang Shu buds are picked early in the morning and processed in a special way so as not to dry the core and preserve all the healing properties.
Chemical composition, nutritional value and calorie content
Chang Shu tea contains biologically significant elements, thanks to which the drink has long been used not only as a cure for diseases, but also as an excellent remedy for obesity.
Base substances:
- Tannins. Suppress the activity of pathogens, prevent bleeding, stimulate fat burning, protect the mucous membranes of the digestive organs from ulceration.
- Bioflavonoids. Able to neutralize poisons in the digestive tract, stop hair loss and gray hair distribution. Improve the condition of the skin, the walls of the capillaries, reduce blood pressure.
- Lutein. Enhances the protective function of the retina.
- Chromium. It reduces appetite and participates in lipid splitting processes, strengthens muscle fibers, helps eliminate depressive anxiety states, and maintains a normal balance of glucose in the blood.
- Levocarnitine. A substance similar in properties to B vitamins. Accelerates metabolic processes, suppresses appetite, improves myocardial tissue metabolism.
- Alkaloid synephrine. A substance that suppresses inflammatory processes.
- Naringin - A natural flavonoid that controls glucose levels and suppresses the need for food. It has a significant anti-cancer effect.
- L-Tianin. A valuable “tea” amino acid that eliminates stress and irritability, improves brain function during physical and emotional overload.
In addition, the Tibetan drink contains a large number of vitamins that support anti-aging and regenerative processes in the body.
Thus, the high nutritional value of purple tea, combined with zero calorie content, provides real healing effects of the drink.
The healing effect of purple tea on the body:
- suppresses cancer processes;
- relieves anxiety and depression, without causing drowsiness, is used as a natural antidepressant;
- strengthens defenses and increases the overall energy intensity of the body;
- slows down the aging of cells;
- helps strengthen hair, skin and nails;
- activates blood circulation in the brain tissue, improves the flowing properties of blood, preventing thrombosis and reducing the risk of strokes, heart attacks, vascular pathologies;
- improves memory;
- reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol;
- affects glucose metabolism, lowering blood sugar levels in diabetics;
- improves vision, eye condition with glaucoma, diabetes;
- cleans organs from toxins and poisons.
After medical research, the use of Thai creeper was recognized as effective in the treatment of infertility (including male) and menstrual disorders.
What taste does the drink have
The taste of blue tea is soft herbal, slightly reminiscent of traditional green tea. But many find flavors of corn, rosebuds, and even green peas in the drink. The smell is not intrusive, barely audible.
It is because of its delicate taste and soft aroma that the purple drink blends wonderfully with honey and any citrus fruits, organically complementing their own healing properties. It is also suitable for use with rose, lavender, thyme and mint.
Useful properties of purple tea Chang Shu for weight loss
The benefits of Butterfly Pea tea for those who plan to lose weight are its special substances:
- Levocarnitine (vitamin B11) is a natural substance related to B vitamins. It accelerates metabolic processes, suppresses appetite, transports fat cells to the energy structures of muscle fiber cells (mitochondria), where fat molecules break down and transform into energy.
- Protoalkaloid synephrine. Natural fat burner that dulls hunger. It destroys fats by enhancing thermogenesis (heat production in the body), “accelerates” metabolism.
- Naringin.It promotes the accumulation of caffeine in the blood, causing the body to increase calorie costs for heat (thermogenic effect), stimulating the breakdown of fats in this way. It has a mild choleretic effect, which also helps to strengthen the process of splitting fat molecules, causing the effect of weight loss.
- L-Tianin. It is part of sports complexes and fat burners.
All these substances are included in industrial fat burners and sports supplements to eliminate fat depots.
How to brew and drink tea to lose weight
In order to not only get healing pleasure from a mysterious drink, but also to really get rid of unnecessary fatty deposits, purple tea for slimming Anchans must be prepared with the preservation of Thai and Tibetan traditions.
What is the temperature at which to make purple tea Chang Shu
Chang Shu is never brewed by filling the flowers with boiling water, otherwise boiling water will simply destroy the healing substances of the plant.
Water temperature should be between 86 - 90ºC. To do this, boil the water for 10 minutes, so that it cools slightly. For the same purpose, some observe the boiling of water, and as soon as the abundance of small bubbles begins to rise from the bottom of the container, this means that the water temperature has reached the desired level.
But any doctor will still recommend boiling water to destroy the possible bacteria in it, and then just cool it a little.
How long does it take to brew a drink
After the flowers are filled with water of the desired temperature, blue tea is allowed to infuse for 3 to 5 minutes, not longer.
Rules for taking slimming tea
How to take Chang Shu purple tea to really lose weight?
Welding Rules:
- It is unacceptable to follow the advice about the possibility of brewing flowers several times - each time you need to cook a fresh portion from the clitorium.
- You should drink tea immediately after brewing warm, and not prepare too much of the drink, planning to drink it all day.
As a teapot, it is best to use crockery made of porcelain or glass.
Brewing stages:
- Quickly rinse the teapot with boiling water.
- Spilling the first. Pour the desired number of flowers into the teapot, fill the volume about 1/3 with water, brought to 85 - 90ºC, and immediately drain it to remove foreign dust particles. The first strait warms the flowers, preparing them for the maximum release of nutrients.
- Spilling the second. We make tea by pouring the entire portion of water. For a cup of 200 - 250 ml, 4 to 6 flowers of "butterfly pea" are enough.
- After 3-5 minutes, the real Anchan is ready. The maximum daily volume of the drink is not more than 400 - 500 ml.
The optimal course of admission is 2.5 to 3 months, after which it is worth taking a break for 2 to 3 weeks.
The effectiveness of purple slimming tea
Purple tea is considered by nutritionists as a rather effective means of helping to lose a few hated kilograms.
But the drink will show a real result only in combination with a low-calorie diet and at least minimal, but regular, physical activity.
The use of Chang Shu activates all metabolic processes, and although the drink itself is not a fat burner, it acts as a catalyst (accelerator) for the breakdown of fats. With the correct use of blue tea and an optimal diet, a decrease in fat mass will be clearly noticeable after 2 weeks.
To whom the drink is contraindicated
Purple tea is allowed for consumption by very many, but it should be borne in mind that you can not drink the drink:
- with intolerance to the substances that are in its composition;
- with allergies to plant components;
- while waiting for childbirth and during breastfeeding;
- children under 14 years old (only with the permission of the pediatrician);
- people with low blood coagulability or taking blood-thinning medications, such as Warfarin.