One of the subspecies of chronic inflammatory diseases is psoriasis on the hands. This disease most often affects the hands, palms, as well as the area between the fingers. In addition to unpleasant sensations, the disease can cause many complexes, for example, a person begins to hesitate to appear in society. To prevent this, it is necessary to combat scaly lichen in the first stages of its formation.
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Causes of psoriasis in the hands
To date, a huge number of factors have been established that provoke the development of the disease. Often psoriasis causes a combination of several reasons. Also at risk are owners of thin and dry skin on their hands.
Among the most common causes of the development of scaly lichen include:
- Uncontrolled hygiene. Frequent use of detergents and washcloths can lead to injury and a violation of the natural protective functions of the skin.
- The presence of AIDS or HIV infection. About 40% of people with this diagnosis suffer from psoriasis.
- Dermatological problems can occur even as a result of bad habits. At the moment, we are talking about smoking, drug addiction and alcohol consumption, they violate the nutrition and blood flow of the skin.
- Infections - it can be both fungi and staphylococci. They are able to accelerate the development of lichen.
- Heredity - this reason can be said if the disease was detected before 10 years of age.
- Allergy. The disease can cause intolerance or hypersensitivity to certain foods.
- Bad ecology, a sharp change in climatic conditions, flights can also give rise to the development of psoriasis on the fingers.
There have been cases when scaly lichen arose as a result of constant work with alcohol solutions and household chemicals.
Symptoms and signs of scaly lichen
In the first stages, psoriasis affects the skin and nails. But each of us should know that this disease is not limited to, as tendons, spine and joints begin to suffer over time. It is proved that the disease has a negative effect on the immune system, nervous and endocrine systems.
The main symptom of psoriasis in the hands is a rash of various shapes. Papules can be pink or red in color, on top of them are covered with scales, in connection with this they are often called psoriatic plaques.
There are several varieties of rash:
- Spot - all elements are clearly distinguished, their shape may resemble a head from a pin.
- Teardrop - the name itself says which papules are in shape, from the side they look like lentil grains.
- Coin-like - the diameter of the plaques can reach up to 5 mm.
As practice shows, the form of a rash can be very diverse. Often, papules have the appearance of rings or arcs, sometimes resemble a real geographical map. Most of the rashes are concentrated in the lumbar region, in places where the arms and legs are bent, on the head under the hairline.
In theory, plaques can be located throughout the body, including the mucous membranes of the genitals.
In the early stages of development of scaly lichen, plaques in diameter are only a few millimeters, but over time, they begin to grow, affecting large areas of healthy skin. On top of the papules are covered flakes that begin to grow from the center of the spot. Under this crust there is a smooth speck of bright pink.
Quite often, psoriasis of fingernails occurs, which leads to:
- The appearance on the nail of small fossae, as a result of which it begins to look like a thimble.
- Discoloration of the nail or thickening of the nail plate. Such a phenomenon may be accompanied by brittle or detached nails, under which a psoriatic papule forms. As a rule, the nail is affected from the edge of the plate.
Stages of skin disease
Everyone who has ever encountered psoriasis should know that this is a chronic disease, the development of which is characterized by a certain sequence.
To date, three stages of the disease can be distinguished:
- The very first is the initial one, it is also called progressive. The first signs of the disease begin to appear between the fingers, on the hands, on the shoulders, in the places of elbow extension. Spots may be accompanied by swelling, itching, or inflammation.
- Stationary - at this stage, new spots do not appear, and those plaques that formed earlier begin to become covered with a white flake, the itching stops.
- Regression - the disease begins to recede. Papules acquire a pale shade, plaques disappear, the skin becomes cleaner. Small dark spots may remain.
Psoriasis can be in remission for several months or several years.
One of the most severe forms of scaly lichen is generalized pustular. The disease is accompanied by severe pain and fever, which in turn requires urgent medical intervention.
How to treat psoriasis in the hands
Always remember that the treatment of psoriasis should be comprehensive and include the following steps:
- Use of topical preparations.
- Acceptance of drugs of general action inside.
- Phytotherapy.
Drug treatment
Medication is the foundation. The first thing to do is pay attention to local remedies.
These include, first of all, creams:
- Hormonal - reduce metabolic processes in affected cells. More effective are funds that contain vasoconstrictor components. Once on the skin, creams reduce the concentration of nutrients, and they are also able to normalize the exfoliating process in the skin.
- Non-hormonal - have moisturizing properties. Unlike the previous ones, these creams do not cause a strong side effect and do not upset the hormonal balance. They are also more affordable from a financial point of view.
Ointments, unlike creams, are designed to soften the skin. Creams are used to eliminate itching, burning, swelling. Among the most popular ointments include naphthalene, sulfur-salicylic, Dayvoneks or Akriderm.
General-acting drugs can be:
- sedatives;
- antihistamines;
- homeopathic remedies;
- monoclonal antibodies;
- anti-inflammatory drugs;
- cytostatic drugs;
- immunomodulators, vitamins;
- cyclosporin group.
Folk remedies
Even before the use of drugs in the treatment of psoriasis, they tried to get rid of the disease with the help of traditional medicine:
- Sea buckthorn oil has reducing properties. It is a good prevention of dryness, protects the skin from the penetration of infections.
- Sea salt. Baths based on it reduce itching and inflammation. This ingredient eliminates crusts and flakes. The hand must be kept in solution for about 20 minutes.
- Laurel leaf has a cleansing effect. 300 grams of a sheet is poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for about 10 minutes. In the resulting infusion, you need to moisten the cotton pad and make compresses for it. You can leave it even at night.
- Peroxide is an excellent antiseptic that can disinfect skin.
- Aloe has antiseptic properties. The cut sheet is applied to the affected area for 20 to 30 minutes.
- Clover reduces inflammation. 2 tablespoons of leaves are poured with boiling water and infused. Apply a moistened swab to problem areas, you can withstand up to 2 hours.
- Baking soda. With its help lotions are also made. It softens the skin and eliminates peeling.
Possible complications and predictions
Like any other disease, in no case do not leave psoriasis on its own.
Inadequate and incorrect treatment can lead to chronic forms or other, more serious consequences, which then will be difficult to eliminate.
The stronger you start the disease, the larger the area of damage. Initially, psoriasis will spread to the lower extremities, then to the trunk, buttocks, neck and so on. In places where plaques were originally, sores will begin to form, which will bother with severe itching.
Another unpleasant complication is psoriatic arthritis, which is characterized by joint deformity. In a mutating form, scaly lichen can affect the spine, which leads to loss of mobility.
Prevention of psoriasis on the hands
Preventive measures include the following rules:
- Proper hand skin care. It is necessary to carry out water and hardening procedures, you can use herbal and salt baths. When bathing, use only soft sponges, use hard grades of soap with a minimum amount of chemical additives.
- Ultra-violet rays. They are able to relieve the inflammatory process and reduce psoriatic plaques.
- Try to avoid all kinds of injuries, as cuts and injuries can provoke the formation of psoriatic plaques.
- Be careful and careful when choosing cosmetics. It is best to give preference to pharmacy drugs.
Psoriasis is an unpleasant disease, but not fatal. Timely treatment will avoid all the negative consequences, and your hands will always be clean and beautiful.
- Dana