The opinion that the psychologist takes exclusively in the psychiatric clinic is still very common. It is finally necessary to figure out who the psychologist and psychiatrist are, what is the difference between these professions, so as not to be afraid to seek the help of a specialist when necessary.
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How is a psychologist different from a psychiatrist
First of all, it should be noted that psychologist and psychiatrist are two completely different professions. At some points, the fields of activity of these specialists intersect, but in general they deal with various problems.
A psychiatrist works only in medical institutions, but a psychologist can be found in any large enterprise and in educational institutions. The differences also relate to the training characteristics of these two specialists, but the most significant difference is in their competence.
According to the form of training
Psychiatry is a huge branch of medicine. Training of specialists is carried out exclusively in specialized universities. Such can only be a person with a higher medical education in this area, as well as having completed his residency in psychiatry. Preparation takes a long time, because on average a full course of study at medical institutes takes from 7 years.
- The psychiatrist studies the specifics of the human brain, especially the functioning of the psyche. The course necessarily includes pharmacology, neurology and a number of basic subjects that are taught in medical schools.
A psychologist is a person with the formation of a humanitarian university.
Today, almost all such institutions offer a training course for psychologists. Education takes about 4-5 years, depending on the specifics of the university and the sample diploma that graduates receive. A child psychologist most often acquires the necessary knowledge at pedagogical universities, but a clinical psychologist has a basic medical education.
Differences in methods of psychology and psychiatry
A psychiatrist is a doctor. He conducts examinations, makes diagnoses and prescribes medication. Methods of psychiatry are based on knowledge of the biochemical processes that occur in the human brain, and the specific effects of various drugs on the body. Violation of these processes caused by various causes and factors entails pathologies, the treatment of which is carried out by a psychiatrist.
The psychologist does not prescribe drugs. His competence does not include the treatment of brain pathologies. This specialist uses special psychological techniques based on working with a person’s subconscious during a conversation. The methods of treatment in psychiatry are aimed at eliminating brain malfunctions leading to the development of mental illness.
A psychiatrist treats with pills, a psychologist treats with a word.
As a rule, people come to the latter for support in certain situations, while a psychiatrist treats serious mental pathologies - schizophrenia, bipolar personality disorder, depression, etc.
How is the consultation
A psychiatrist doctor is receiving an appointment at a medical facility. As a rule, in any clinic there is an office of this specialist. The psychologist can take in a private office, which has nothing to do with hospitals.
A visit to a psychiatrist begins with a description of the complaints. After listening to the patient, the doctor will ask questions about mental illness among family members, as well as various diseases that the patient suffered. At the same time, he will certainly be interested in the presence of harmful addictions - drug addiction, alcoholism. He will then proceed to a detailed discussion of the symptoms that concern the applicant. Having made a preliminary diagnosis, the doctor can refer the person to additional examinations or immediately prescribe drugs.
Reception at the psychologist also begins with a conversation. A citizen sets out in detail the complaints and the internal state, and then the doctor also begins to ask questions. The main difference in admission among these specialists is the method of interviewing patients. The psychiatrist only clarifies the issues regarding symptoms and complaints, the psychologist conducts a full dialogue with the visitor. Such differences are due to a different approach to the essence of the issue. The psychiatrist must make a diagnosis, prescribe medications and cure the patient, the psychologist's task is to reduce emotional stress, ease the general condition, and direct the person’s thoughts in the right direction.
In other words, the psychologist does not cure a specific problem, but helps the individual to find ways to solve it himself.
Which of these specialists is a doctor
Having figured out how a psychologist differs from a psychiatrist, the question arises - which of them is a doctor? That is precisely the psychiatrist. A person in this profession has enough knowledge about the human brain and the work of the psyche, the necessary qualifications to make diagnoses and prescribe treatment. Diagnostic methods are based on the recommendations given in the International Classifier of Diseases.
Psychology is a humanitarian field and is often compared to marketing or advertising. A psychologist is not a doctor, but rather a consultant who is able to help a person make the right decision at the right time.
What unites them
There is an opinion that the psychologist treats the healthy, and the psychiatrist treats the sick. This is partly true. However, if the patient does not reveal obvious ailments, but experiences severe emotional overstrain and does not consult a psychologist in time, it is likely that after some time he will become a patient of a psychiatrist.
The human psyche is complicated.Any traumatic event leaves an indelible mark. So there are phobias, obessive-compulsive disorder, obsessive thoughts, etc.
The psychologist's task is to prevent the development of dangerous mental disorders.
In other words, if a person faces a serious test for the psyche, for example, a painful break with a partner or the death of a loved one, the person who needs help will need help from a psychologist. In this case, the psyche will recover over time, and the citizen will again be able to live calmly and fully. Just a few sessions or specialist consultations will help you regain control of your feelings, emotions, desires.
If the resulting traumatic situation is left unattended, it will begin a destructive effect. The result is a violation of the biochemical processes taking place in the brain. Over time, this can turn into a serious problem - depression, psychosis, neurasthenia, paranoia, etc. But the treatment of these diseases is in the field of activity of a psychiatrist.
How to understand who to contact
A psychiatrist treats mental disorders listed in the International Classifier of Diseases. Most often, doctors of this specialization have to deal with acute pathologies. Such a disorder is characterized by a complete loss of connection with realities. Such states are commonly called insanity or madness. Psychoses can accompany various ailments, including acute intoxication with alcohol and drugs. Diseases that are treated in psychiatric clinics are deep depression, schizophrenia, paranoid syndrome, etc.
- Depression is understood as a severe mental disorder, accompanied by a complete loss of the ability to experience vivid, lively emotions. Do not confuse this pathology with a periodic deterioration in mood, which happens with every person.
Symptoms to be contacted by a psychiatrist:
- sudden uncontrolled mood swings;
- suicidal thoughts;
- hallucinations;
- obsessions;
- memory losses;
- constant anxiety;
- trouble sleeping;
- alcohol or drug addiction.
You need to contact a psychologist if a person feels internal discomfort, which he is able to cope on his own, but he does not manage to keep the result for a long time. The specialist will help to overcome recently experienced negative events, he also works with phobias, complexes, fears. If a person is confused, unable to find a solution in this situation, or is afraid to change something in his own life, a psychologist will come to his aid.
Not knowing which specialist to go with a question, you can safely sign up for a consultation with a psychologist. If the problem falls outside his competence, he will simply refer the patient to a psychiatrist.