This dog has amazing coat the color of ripe wheat, it falls in silky waves, sways easily to the beat of movement. A handsome wheat terrier, as if he knew about his attractiveness. His character is kind and open, cheerful and friendly, smart brown eyes covered with a long bang, carefully look at the world.
Material Content:
History of breed origin
Wheaten terriers, or, as they are also called, wheaten, have common ancestors with other Irish terriers. The ancient Romans admired these dogs, depicting them on coins, tapestries and musical instruments. Initially, apparently, there were two varieties. One of them was grown by nobles for hunting, and the other, smaller, was the ancestor of a wheaten, and lived with the poor.
It is believed that the breed was bred by the method of "folk selection".
Ordinary people in Ireland were forbidden by law to keep large hunting dogs. The poor could afford small terriers to help herd cattle, protect the household from strangers, and hunt small rodents. Wheaten were also used in the hunt for foxes and badgers.
In the historical homeland, the breed was recognized in 1937. Wheat Irish Terriers came to America in the forties of the last century. Due to their beautiful appearance and excellent character, dogs have gained popularity and love in many countries. The International Cynological Federation recognized the breed in 1957.Currently, wheaten nurseries exist around the world, including in Russia.
Description and character traits of a wheat terrier
The dog is slightly elongated, although it seems square. Has a slender body, in males the maximum weight is 18 kg with a height of 48 cm, bitches are smaller. Rarely obese. The coat can be light or dark wheat, white and brown colors are not allowed.
Description of the breed, standard requirements:
- head elongated proportional to body;
- a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle;
- powerful jaws, scissor bite;
- black nose;
- eyes are dark brown, not black;
- ears are small, look forward, bent flush with the skull, fit snugly to the temples;
- neck of medium length;
- limbs are straight, muscular;
- chest is deep;
- tail set high, docked at 1/3 of the length;
- movements are free, natural and energetic.
At exhibitions, special attention is paid to wool. American dog breeders prefer sheared terriers, and the British and Irish love dogs with a natural length of hair. In the latter case, it should not exceed 13 cm. The coat is flowing and silky; it cannot be fluffy, like a poodle.
Interestingly, puppies are born with a dark mask and black spots, which disappear with age. The dog reaches its true color only after a year and a half. Judges take this into account when evaluating the breed standard at shows. An important role in evaluating dogs is played by the appropriate temperament.
Wheaten terriers are affectionate, kind in nature, love children, if they do not offend them, take part in children's games with pleasure. Dogs are a bit stubborn and touchy, but dog breeders consider them the most flexible of all terriers.
They are very mobile, willingly play and engage in various sports with the owner. Cowardice and aggression are not typical for wheateners, they are very open and sociable dogs.
Features of keeping and caring for a dog
To keep a dog, a city apartment and a country house are suitable. In the first case, much time needs to be devoted to walking, because terriers are active, energetic, and wheaten is no exception.
The regimen and diet of feeding
A dog needs a balanced diet. The appearance of the coat and the health status of the pet depend on the quality of the feed. The choice is best made in favor of premium dry feed and super premium class.
Food must be appropriate for the age of the dog. For puppies, they buy products that have the mark "from 0 to 12 months". Some manufacturers produce special medicinal feeds that take into account the special needs of some animals.
Feed the dog twice a day. It is advisable to do this half an hour after a walk so that the dog does not run with a full stomach - so she can easily earn a gut twist. Water is given unboiled, drinking. She should be freely available all day.
Wool and bathing
The dog’s coat is soft, silky, flowing in waves, has no undercoat, almost does not fade and needs special attention of the owner. The show dog needs to be washed once a week, and combed every day. If the pet does not participate in exhibitions and is cut short, you can bathe it once every 2 weeks.
Care for the hair of a wheat terrier should be daily, if you do not comb it, mats will easily form.
Brushing teeth, ears
The puppy is taught to brush your teeth, care for your ears and claws for up to 4 months. An adult dog will actively protest against hygiene if not accustomed to them in puppyhood.
The terrier's teeth are brushed 2 times a week with a special toothpaste from a pet store or regular activated charcoal, slightly moistened with water. Remains of plaque and particles of coal are removed using gauze wound on a finger.
Claws often grind during a walk, but in winter they need to be cut once every 5 to 6 weeks. For clipping claws use special nail clippers.Only the transparent tip is cut off, trying not to hurt the blood vessels passing in the claws.
Ears are cleaned after each bath using a special ear lotion. Inside, the auricles are first wiped with a dry cotton swab, removing residual water.
Soft Coated Activity
Wheaten Terriers are great companion dogs. It is interesting to walk with them in the forest, you can take them with you on a bike ride. Terriers swim beautifully, with pleasure they go into a river, a pond, the sea, bathe in open waters.
The breed is suitable for young people who play sports, walk a lot, run in the mornings. With wheaten, you can engage in agility and other sports.
The Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is distinguished by great mobility and developed intelligence. But even the smartest owner is not always able to understand his dog. Man and animals interpret many life situations differently. For example, a dog regards a strong hug as aggression, a desire to dominate, for a person it is a manifestation of love and friendship. Therefore, the pet often resists trying to hug him.
Looking directly into the eyes for an animal is a challenge, a signal to attack, for a person it is an expression of trust, openness. When a dog approaches and sits with its back to the owner, it expresses the highest degree of respect and trust, showing that it believes in human decency.
Breed diseases
Most often, wheat terriers suffer from dysplasia of the hip joints. This disease is considered hereditary, and sick animals are not allowed for breeding. If the puppy is selected in the kennel, the risk of genetic abnormalities is significantly reduced.
Dysplasia is diagnosed between the ages of 4 and 8 months and can develop in a puppy from completely healthy parents. An important role in maintaining joint health is played by proper nutrition and reasonable physical activity.
In addition to hip dysplasia, puppies of the wheat terrier can inherit such diseases:
- Allergy. Most often, a food allergy occurs, which manifests itself in the form of itching, sneezing and swelling. The condition of the animal is controlled with the help of special diets, sometimes drug therapy is necessary.
- Progressive retinal atrophy. Eye disease, leading to complete blindness over time, is not treatable, progresses rapidly. It starts with "night blindness" when the animal does not see well in low light.
- Addison's disease. The adrenal glands of a sick animal do not produce some hormones. Without medical treatment, the disease leads to the rapid death of the dog.
- Renal dysplasia. Malformation of the kidneys, manifested in weight loss, increased thirst, frequent urination. A sick animal rarely lives for more than two years.
When buying a puppy, it is advisable to look at the medical tests of his parents, and make sure that he is not burdened by bad heredity.
Parenting and training a pet
The owner of the terrier must be a powerful person who can explain to the dog the need to obey. Only dominance should be reasonable, without aggression, screams and blows. The surest way to earn the respect of a fourth friend is to learn to understand him.
Of course, patience and consistency are essential in raising an animal. The character of the dog can be stubborn and mischievous. Like representatives of other breeds, wheat is better able to absorb important information in childhood. Weaning an adult terrier from bad habits is almost impossible. If you let the puppy chew on slippers with impunity, you will walk barefoot in the apartment for the next 15 years.
The breed does not belong to the service or hunting. This is a companion dog, she is willingly engaged in any training that the owner offers her. The main thing is that it be fun, diverse and interesting.
It is not necessary to undergo a special training course with a dog handler if there are no special problems in behavior.The dog will understand what the owner wants from it, and will gladly execute commands for treats, but you should not count on unquestioning obedience.
A smart and funny wheat terrier is a loyal friend and a tireless participant in games who will never agree to spend whole days alone. He fearlessly repels the ill-wishers, will be the most gentle and loving dog for his master.