A special place in the human nutrition system is occupied by cereals. The cereals obtained from them are extremely useful and very tasty. What are the positive properties of wheat porridge, what are the benefits and harms of this product? What is in its composition and how to cook this dish?

Wheat porridge - calories, composition, nutritional value

Calorie porridge is 310 kcal. One hundred grams of the product accounts for 12 g of protein, 1.5 g of fat and 6 g of carbohydrates.

The composition of wheat porridge also includes the following useful components:

  • alimentary fiber;
  • amino acids;
  • cellulose;
  • starch;
  • vitamins (B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, A, E, PP, K);
  • trace elements (zinc, silicon, manganese, copper, iron, silicon);
  • macrocells (phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium).

The benefits to the human body

The beneficial properties of porridge are largely due to its various components:

  • Vitamin B4 ensures the maintenance of a normal level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Vitamin B2 improves vision, indispensable for the retina;
  • Vitamin B5 helps to improve the functionality of the brain and nervous system;
  • Vitamins E, A improve the functionality of the immune system, help maintain skin tone, and prevent thrombosis.

Additionally, porridge has the following positive effects:

  • maintains normal blood sugar (if necessary, lowers it);
  • contributes to better regulation of metabolic processes;
  • has a restorative effect;
  • improves bowel function, normalizes stool;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • improves the health of hair and nails.

Useful properties of wheat porridge for weight loss

When choosing products with the aim of further losing kilograms, first of all, it is worth considering their calorie content and a list of properties useful to the body. Wheat porridge for weight loss - a dish approved by nutritionists.

The finished product has all the qualities that contribute to fast and healthy weight loss:

  • water-based porridge has a low calorie content (90 Kcal per 100 g);
  • the product quickly satisfies hunger, keeping this feeling for a long time;
  • establishes the digestive process;
  • regulates the functionality of the intestine (provides trouble-free emptying, eliminates toxins, toxins).

Using wheat porridge as a dietary product, it is worth considering a number of features:

  1. The dish is best eaten in the morning.
  2. It is permissible to carry out unloading days on porridge (no more than 1 time per week!).
  3. Porridge is allowed to combine with vegetable oils, vegetables and cottage cheese (low fat).

Important! Wheat porridge is consumed freshly brewed. No need to keep the finished dish in the refrigerator.

How to cook: in water, milk

It is permissible to cook wheat porridge in water, milk or broth. Traditionally considered a recipe for cooking cereals using water.

Wheat porridge on the water

Prepared in stages:

  1. One part of the cereal is thoroughly washed under running water.
  2. Add 2.5 parts of water, boil, salt.
  3. After boiling water, the fire must be reduced and the dish cooked for another 15 minutes.

At the end of the process, the container with the finished dish needs to be wrapped in a dense fabric and defended for about a quarter of an hour.

It is interesting: wheat porridge in a slow cooker

Advice! These proportions are relevant for the preparation of a thick version of porridge. To get a liquid consistency, you need to take the ingredients 1: 4.

Option for a slow cooker

It is prepared as follows:

  1. Pour a glass of washed and dried cereal into a container.
  2. Pour a couple of glasses of water, salt.
  3. Turn on the "Croup" mode for 20 minutes.
  4. At the signal, add a little sweet cream butter to the porridge and keep it in the heating program for 10 minutes.

Milk cereals are prepared according to the same recipe. After evaporation of the liquid, milk is added to the container and boiled to the desired consistency of the finished dish.

Advice! Preparing wheat porridge is the easiest way in a container with thick walls and a bottom.

Wheat porridge lactating and pregnant

Each dish introduced into the diet of expectant mothers and nursing women should be thought out in terms of benefits. Otherwise, insufficient knowledge of the properties of a particular delicacy can adversely affect the condition of the mother and baby. Experts recommend wheat porridge as a regular dish in the diet of pregnant women.

There are several reasons for this:

  • vitamin B improves metabolism;
  • fiber eliminates constipation - frequent companions of expectant mothers;
  • Helps fight stress, tension and fatigue
  • enriches the body with useful substances.

Attention! It is permissible for expectant mothers to eat wheat porridge only in case of good tolerance of gluten and in the absence of gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis or ulcers).

A woman in a position should not eat this porridge a lot and often - its immoderate consumption can provoke intestinal malfunctions. It is best to combine boiled cereals with raw or stewed vegetables, avoiding fatty foods. Porridge for pregnant women should not be too thick.

Newly made mothers often follow a diet in the first months of a baby's life. This is due to fear of harming the still fragile baby's body. Wheat can be introduced into the maternal diet 2-3 months after delivery.

Initially, porridge is prepared exclusively in water in small portions. It is very important to observe the reaction of the baby. After making sure that the baby is not allergic to the new product, it is acceptable to increase the portion size to 100-200 g. After a few months, the dish can be boiled in milk diluted in half with water.

Important! The main contraindication to taking porridge by a mother is considered to be intolerance to gluten by an infant or obvious allergic reactions.

At what age can children be given?

Wheat porridge contains gluten - a component that is intolerable to many babies. Therefore, kids are introduced to such food only after the introduction of other cereals (rice, buckwheat) into the diet.

Tip. If the child is prone to allergic manifestations, wheat dishes are not recommended as complementary foods for up to 12 months. If the baby is not allergic, you can start treating it with wheat porridge from 8-9 months.

In order for a new dish to be better absorbed by the child's body, it is worth following some recommendations:

  1. Groats should be cooked on the water without adding any spices.
  2. The consistency of the finished dish should be liquid.
  3. The first portion of porridge is no more than a teaspoon.
  4. Introducing a baby with an unusual product is best in the morning. Thus, it is more likely to track the presence of allergic reactions.
  5. Constantly in the children's menu such porridge is present 1-2 times a week.

Important! If, after the beginning of feeding, the mother noticed an allergy to cereal in the baby, it is not worth giving it porridge yet. In the case when there are no negative reactions, the portion of the dish can be doubled.

Harm and contraindications

It is not recommended to eat wheat porridge when the following problems occur:

  • flatulence;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • postoperative period.

Read also:wheat porridge - recipe

Wheat porridge has an undoubted positive effect on the state of the human body. This product has a number of positive properties due to its composition. Tasty, nutritious and at the same time low-calorie porridge is a favorite of diet supporters, pregnant and lactating mothers, babies and adults.