In the teachings of the eastern sages, it is indicated that there is a certain “acne map”. She can tell why acne occurs on the face, for which organs these rashes are responsible. Having learned the reason for the appearance of acne and acne, a person will be able to seek help from a doctor in time and protect himself from serious diseases.

How to determine the disease of organs on the skin of the face?

When meeting or communicating with a person, we always pay attention to his face and skin. Most doctors by the appearance of the skin can even guess the condition of the patient, since the epithelium is a reflection of the work of internal organs and systems of the human body.

Dermatologists say that about 95 percent of all skin rashes are caused by malfunctioning of the human body. Therefore, if you notice a rash on your face, they should not be ignored. Perhaps this is how your body signals internal problems.

Which organs are responsible for acne on the face?

The parts of the face and the possible causes of acne on them are described below.


The forehead is one of the most vulnerable areas of the so-called "T-zone", the area of ​​the skin where many sebaceous glands are located. If the forehead is not given proper care, acne and black spots will develop in large numbers on it. In addition, acne on the forehead can appear for other reasons.

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Some scholars claim that at least three areas responsible for internal organs are located on the forehead. The appearance of rashes on the skin, located near the hairline growth line, can be regarded as a sign of damage to the bladder.Additional symptoms of this organ’s disease are increased manifestation of moles, age spots and psoriasis. Sometimes diseases of the urea can provoke hair loss in humans.


The presence of a rash in the central region of the forehead is often a sign of malfunction of the digestive tract. This can be provoked by the abuse of sweet foods, substandard foods or medications. In this case, the body is simply not able to process toxins and fats, therefore, "expels" them through the skin. As a result, a person develops oily sheen and acne.

If rashes appear near the eyebrow growth line, this can be regarded as a symptom of heart problems.

Experts recommend that you do not ignore this manifestation and seek help from a qualified cardiologist

On the nose

The nose is a projection of the liver, so if this organ is not in order, it will immediately “show itself” as a rash. The deterioration of the functionality of the liver can provoke the abuse of dairy products, fatty foods and alcohol. To get rid of the problem, just adjust the usual way of life a little:

  • Eat healthy foods.
  • Consume protein correctly.
  • To resort to moderate physical activity.


Often, rashes on the nose are provoked by problems with the stomach and pancreas. The last organ is one of the most important for normal human life: thanks to it, internal secretion occurs, and digestive enzymes are secreted into the duodenum.

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Nose area

Acne, which has developed the wings of the nose, signals a disease of the bronchi. The body responsible for acne on the tip of the nose is the heart. To improve health, a person needs to spend more time on adequate physical activity and consume B vitamins. It is imperative to visit a cardiologist for a thorough examination.

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Eye and ear area

Acne near the eyes and ears is often a symptom:

  • Kidney disease.
  • Diseases of the urethra.
  • Inadequate human consumption of water.


When the body experiences a water deficit, it negatively affects the condition:

  • Internal organs.
  • Epithelium.
  • Hair.
  • Nail Plates.

Also, a person has instability of the emotional background, the level of concentration and the ability to quickly solve problems are reduced.

On the cheeks

Experts say acne on the lower cheek is a symptom of lung disease. The right cheek is considered a projection of the right lung, the left - the left. If the body lacks oxygen, its organs and systems cease to function normally, and various rashes appear on the skin.

If acne affects the upper cheeks, this may be a symptom of a disease in one of the digestive organs, such as the small intestine.

In the center of each cheek there is one symmetrical point that is responsible for the mammary glands. If acne often began to appear in this area, a person should immediately seek help from a specialist.


If rashes on the cheeks appear at the level of the gums, it does not hurt to check the general condition of the oral cavity.

It is interesting:acne on the face

In the lips

As a rule, rashes near the lips are provoked by severe stress, improper bowel function and a disturbed hormonal background. In women, a rash in the mouth can occur through the use of oral contraceptives or other hormonal-based pharmaceuticals. Acne is large, sore, and systematic. To get rid of this problem, a woman needs to choose other methods of contraception together with a gynecologist.

If acne occurs due to improper gastrointestinal functionality, it is enough for a person to adjust the diet. To do this, you need:

    • Minimize the use of fried foods and seasonings.
    • Consume fiber-fortified foods daily.
  • Eat at least three hours before going to bed at night.

It does not hurt to change hygienic lipstick, toothpaste and brush: often rashes near the lips are an allergic reaction to these personal hygiene items

On the chin

This part of the face is considered one of the main in the diagnosis of diseases of the internal organs, therefore, special attention should be paid to acne on the chin. If the skin of the chin is abundantly strewn with acne, a person should check the endocrine and digestive systems: perhaps some organ is malfunctioning.

In the female body, acne on the chin is often provoked by diseases of the reproductive organs. If a woman has gonads, new acne lesions will constantly appear on her chin. In this case, she urgently needs to visit a gynecologist and undergo a thorough examination to prevent the subsequent development of the disease.


A small rash on the chin often signals a person’s weak immunity and his inability to fight infections. An accurate diagnosis and the selection of appropriate treatment should be carried out by a qualified dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Read also:chin acne in women


If you notice the frequency of acne on your face and compared with a card, you should immediately seek qualified help. It is not recommended to self-medicate, since it can only worsen your health.