Antiviral suppositories for children is a real salvation from viral diseases, which can lead to rather serious complications. When choosing drugs of this group, it is worth considering their features of use. In some cases, the use of such funds is impractical.
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How to choose antiviral suppositories for children
Children's antiviral drugs should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. When choosing a medication, a number of factors are taken into account:
- the age of the child;
- type of infection;
- active substance;
- the presence of contraindications.
You should not experiment, otherwise you can harm the baby.
Note. For children, interferon preparations are most often used. In this case, an important role is played by auxiliary components in the composition, which can lead to the development of allergic reactions.
Description and classification of immunomodulators
Immunomodulators for children are of several types:
- Homeopathic. There is still debate about their effectiveness, and therefore homeopathy has become the most controversial section of pharmacology. The representative of this group are Viburkol candles. They are safe, can be used from birth, have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic and antipyretic effect, have a calming effect on the baby. Propolis suppositories, which stimulate local immunity, are less commonly used, thereby allowing the body to fight viruses more productively. The disadvantage is an increased likelihood of allergies.
- Based on interferon. This is the most popular group of drugs, which is represented by a wide range of medicines in the form of suppositories. The basic component is interferon, which is produced by the human body. This substance provides anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and immunomodulatory effects. There are many drugs of this group - Laferobion, Viferon, Kipferon, Genferon.
- Chemical antiviral drugs. Their representative is Galavit. The active substance - sodium aminodihydrophthalazinedione has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects. The disadvantages of the drug include the possibility of use from only 12 years old, although sometimes pediatricians have been prescribed suppositories since 6 years.
In what cases are drugs prescribed
This drug group is prescribed only if the baby has a viral disease. Medications are not effective against bacterial and fungal infections.
For the use of drugs that stimulate the immune system, the following indications exist:
- SARS or the flu;
- herpetic infection;
- hepatitis;
- company-, entero-, cytomegalovirus;
- measles, rubella, chickenpox virus;
- meningitis;
- immunodeficiency.
Immunomodulators are always prescribed as part of complex therapy. Symptomatic agents are used to treat the manifestations of the disease.
The best drugs for treating viral infections in children
Of course, the best representatives of this group contain interferon. One of the popular drugs is Viferon suppositories for children. Its popularity is based on good tolerance, the ability to use for premature and newborn babies.
The dosage of such a drug varies from 150,000 to 3,000,000 IU. When choosing medications for children, it is advisable to focus on the smallest concentration of the active component.
Newborns are shown 1 suppository 2 times a day. The interval between administration should not exceed 12 hours. The course of therapy is 5 days. For children over 7 years old, a dosage of 500,000 IU is suitable.
Note. The daily dose of interferon is determined by the doctor depending on the type of virus.
Another mega-popular immunomodulator is Genferon. Due to its complex composition (interferon, taurine and benzocaine), the drug is active against not only viral, but also bacterial and fungal infections.
The age of the baby plays a decisive role in choosing the dosage of candles:
- up to 7 years - 125,000 IU;
- older than this age - from 250,000 IU.
The course of treatment is also 5 days, but in severe cases, prolongation of therapy is allowed up to 10 days.
A similar action, as Genferon, provides Laferobion. Candles have an antimicrobial effect. In addition to interferon, the composition contains vitamins. Thanks to 4 different dosages, the drug is suitable for treating babies from birth.
An alternative to the above medicines can be Kipferon. In addition to interferon, it contains immunoglobulin, so suppositories have a moderate anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Such a drug is allowed from 6 months. Children under 7 years old should not use more than 2 suppositories per day. On average, the course of treatment lasts 7-10 days.
Which drug to choose? Pediatricians recommend Laferobion, Viferon or Genferon suppositories for children. They contain a small dose of the active substance, therefore they are safe.
Among the popular drugs that are used in the treatment of viral diseases, it is worth highlighting Cefecon D. suppositories. Despite the fact that they do not have an antiviral effect, the drug reduces pain and lowers body temperature and has a mild anti-inflammatory effect. Selection by age is carried out depending on the dosage of paracetamol in the composition. Suppositories of 50 mg are allowed for babies from 1 month.
Advantages and disadvantages of immunomodulators
If we consider the advantages of suppositories, then it is worth noting the ease of use.Antiviral suppositories for children up to a year - the optimal form of release. They can be used without problems by newborns. A cone-shaped medical product provides a smooth and comfortable introduction. Despite the variety of forms of drug release for children of a younger age group, suppositories are indicated for children 3-4 years old. Because of stubbornness and disobedience, getting them to take a pill or syrup is problematic because the drugs are tasteless.
Another important advantage is greater security. The substance does not pass through the stomach, but is absorbed directly by the intestines. It does not have such a negative effect on the body as tablets, accordingly, the likelihood of allergic reactions and other side effects decreases.
Among the shortcomings, the impossibility of using diarrhea should be noted. And also the effectiveness of the drug will be reduced if the baby suffers from chronic constipation.
Disadvantages from the use of suppositories can be caused by improper administration. If the parent does this too quickly, then the likelihood of cracking of the anus and microdamage of the intestine is high. That is why before the introduction of the candle, it is worthwhile to reassure the baby, lubricate the anus with petroleum jelly or baby cream, and then gently begin the introduction, avoiding any sudden movements.
Antiviral drugs have a minimum of restrictions, but they need to know:
- individual intolerance to the components in the composition;
- endocrine diseases;
- severe damage to the liver or kidneys.
The medication is prescribed after examination by a pediatrician. In case of side effects, you should stop taking the medicine.
Evaluation of treatment effectiveness
Antiviral rectal suppositories are not a cure for viral infectious diseases, they only stimulate the child's immunity to fight viruses. In fact, these are immunomodulators. Many consider the use of such tools pointless, it is not. They just need to be handled correctly.
Important. The greatest effectiveness from the use of antiviral drugs occurs if therapy is started within 36 hours after infection has entered the body.
Medicines of this group are advisable in the early stages of the disease when there is a suspicion of a viral infection, when there are still no obvious symptoms. Due to the activation of protective forces, the body independently cope with the virus, so the child does not get sick. As a result, there is no need to take antipyretic and antibacterial agents.
Despite the seemingly harmlessness of antiviral suppositories, they should be used only as directed by a doctor. They are not absolutely safe, have contraindications and side effects.