For people who adhere to special sports nutrition, protein bars are ideal, the benefits and harms of which go side by side, like in any other product. Weightlifters with their help increase muscle mass.
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The composition of protein bars
At the heart of any type of protein bars is protein, which is quite quickly, easily absorbed in the body. Also, one should not forget about the presence of chocolate for taste and various flavors. In order to keep the product in shape, a little collagen and gelatin are added to it during manufacture.
The composition may contain fruits, cereals, honey, condensed milk of natural origin, coconut oil, salt, citric acid, varieties of emulsifiers. It depends on the manufacturer and the type of bar. Many companies add elements of chromium, caffeine, glutamine, vitamin and mineral complexes to their products.
A typical bar contains the following components:
- 3-9 g - fats;
- 8-14 g - proteins;
- 21-40 g - carbohydrates.
Calorie content of the product is 200-300 kcal per 100 g.
Varieties of sports nutrition
Fitness bars can be divided into the following types:
- With a large capacity of carbohydrates. They have a small amount of protein - 1: 4 in relation to carbohydrates. They contribute to the speedy mass gain and muscle strengthening before the competition. Such healthy sweets are quickly absorbed, especially after sports competitions (Power Pro).
- High in protein.This is a classic type of bars that promote muscle growth and are used for weight loss during the protein diet (Natural Protein Bar, Power System High Protein Bar).
- With the addition of L-carnitine with cereals and low in calories. They are classified as carbohydrate bars, which are also used to reduce body weight. The bars have additives: dried fruits, fructose, rice, corn, sugarcane, oatmeal, starch (Power System High Protein Bar).
Before purchasing, you should carefully study the packaging in order to determine the composition, calorie content, the ratio of the volume of sugar, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Benefits and harm to the body
Sports nutrition based on protein bars has a large number of positive features:
- when using a quality product, the body receives a large amount of essential amino acids that contribute to the structure of muscle mass;
- there is a synthesis of immune and red blood cells;
- bars help to heal wounds;
- hormones and enzymes are produced;
- it is worth noting the convenience, ease of use anywhere, nutritional value;
- due to the content of the BJU, physical and mental activity is actively developing;
- using proteins, you can lose weight or gain muscle mass;
- products help to cheer up, have benefits for the brain and heart.
In addition to a number of advantages, as with all products, there is potential harm. Namely:
- contributes to increased stress on the kidneys;
- loads the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
- can cause constipation in the absence of the body's ability to digest a large amount of protein;
- considerable capacity of sugar and additives to improve the taste can negatively affect human health;
- when bars replace a large amount of food, the body lacks minerals, vitamins, and other useful acids.
In other cases, bars in excessive use make the body perceive protein not as a building material, but as an energy element.
When choosing the type of bar, it should be perceived not as snacks, but as a source of concentrated proteins.
How to apply for weight loss
Protein bars for weight loss should be taken according to this scheme:
- in the morning immediately after sleep;
- at the end of training in the gym or at home;
- during the day to use instead of food.
Take protein products should be no more than 2-3 times a day. Thanks to this complex, about 30-50 g of proteins are added to the daily diet. If a person does not increase physical stress on the body, more than 2 bars per day is not recommended. This applies to both women and men.
Before going to bed, bars should not be used, like any other food. This slows down weight loss.
What are the contraindications?
There are contraindications for taking protein bars.
They should not be used by people with such signs:
- manifestation of acute colitis;
- stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
- intolerance of constituent components;
- allergic reactions.
Before buying a product, you should pay attention that it contains as little as possible fructose, easily digestible carbohydrates, dyes, sweeteners, sugar alcohol and fats. Bars with a useful composition can be prepared independently at home.