Symptoms and methods of treatment of prostatitis should be known to every man, since more than 80% of the male part of the population faces such a problem throughout life. The prostate is an important element of the human reproductive system. She highlights a secret that ensures the vital activity and mobility of sperm, with pathologies of the gland, the sexual activity of a man is primarily affected. There are also problems in the urinary system, as the urethra passes through the thickness of the prostate. Treatment of prostatitis is based on the use of antibacterial agents and massage courses, in severe cases, they resort to surgery.

If the disease cannot be cured in time, serious complications develop - infertility, prostate cancer.

Symptoms and signs of prostatitis

The earliest signs of prostatitis in men are difficulty in removing urine, as well as pain during the act of urination. This is due to the fact that the inflamed gland significantly increases in size and compresses the urinary canal, which passes through it. In advanced cases, the urethral lumen is completely blocked, and the patient requires urgent surgery.

Since the prostate is an organ of the male reproductive system, reproductive function suffers and the quality of the erection decreases. The penis is not completely filled with blood, and sometimes an erection is completely absent, the desire to have sex is also reduced - a decrease in libido.In addition, most men complain of the appearance or intensification of pain in the perineum during the period of excitement.

Problems with erection and excretion of urine are two of the earliest symptoms, with the development of the disease, other signs join them:

  • burning sensation in the perineum;
  • soreness during bowel movement;
  • the presence in the urine of light threads that float on the surface;
  • unusual discharge from the urethral canal.

By the nature of the course of the disease, acute and chronic prostatitis are distinguished. Their manifestation is somewhat different: in the acute form, general health is disturbed, the temperature rises, and the clinical picture of chronic inflammation resembles the symptoms of prostate adenoma.

Acute prostatitis in men

The disease begins unexpectedly, the temperature rises to 39 degrees, general health is disturbed, the man constantly runs to the toilet. Urine is excreted in small portions, the entire act of urination is accompanied by severe pain in the perineum, urethra and lower abdomen. Throughout the disease, discomfort is felt in the groin, sometimes in the rectum.

Sexual desire disappears, erection is weak or completely absent. Viscous mucus is released from the urethral opening: transparent with viral prostatitis or greenish, with pus - with bacterial.

Acute inflammation is accompanied by patient apathy, fatigue, and decreased performance.

Chronic prostatitis

Prostatitis with a chronic course develops gradually. At first, the symptoms are weak, a little worries a man, but over time, it grows. Soon, mild discomfort becomes a serious problem. Therefore, at the first signs, you need to contact a urologist who will help get rid of inflammation and drive it into a long remission.

Typical manifestations of chronic inflammation of the prostate gland:

  • aching pain in the lower abdomen, which mirrors in the testicles, intestines and perineum;
  • frequent urges to empty the bladder, which cause soreness and burning;
  • the time of sexual intimacy is shortened. This is due to the stable discomfort that a man experiences;
  • complete loss or decrease in craving for sexual activity (libido);
  • problems with ejaculation, the release of sperm is painful, its strength and range are reduced;
  • discharge from the urethra, which usually appears after or during going to the toilet.

Chronic prostatitis often leads to complications, since it is harder to diagnose. Sometimes a disease may not manifest itself actively for several years, and then lead to unpleasant consequences in a few days. Doctors advise men to periodically undergo a routine examination by urologists so as not to miss latent inflammation.

Correct diagnosis

For the diagnosis of prostatitis, the main role is played by examination and questioning of the patient. Typical complaints prompt the doctor to the correct diagnosis, and a digital examination through the anus and additional examination methods help confirm it.

If the prostate gland is inflamed, during rectal palpation the patient will complain of severe pain, and with chronic prostatitis - of an unpleasant, somewhat painful sensation. It is determined to the touch that the prostate is enlarged and swollen.

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To finally make sure of the diagnosis, the urologist prescribes additional examinations:

  • bacteriological analysis of urine - collected urine is sown on a special medium, where the microbe that causes inflammation soon grows. The analysis is relevant only with the bacteriological nature of the disease. Other methods exist for detecting viral prostatitis;
  • analysis of the secretion secreted by the prostate gland;
  • prostate biopsy - is prescribed in the situation when there is suspicion of the presence of cancerous transformation of the organ;
  • urofluometry.

Timely diagnosis allows you to prescribe the correct treatment and avoid unpleasant consequences.

Treatment of prostatitis

To make prostatitis treatment the most effective and quickly bring the desired result, doctors use complex therapy. It includes physical exercises, massages, the use of medicines, as well as folk remedies. In severe cases, when conservative treatment does not lead to recovery, you have to resort to surgery.

The recovery process takes a long period of time, but subject to all appointments, the prognosis is positive. Most men can forever forget about the unpleasant symptoms of inflammation.

What drugs are used to treat prostatitis?

To combat inflammation of the prostate, it is preferable to use medicines that are available in the form of rectal suppositories. With this pathway of drug into the body, it begins to act exactly at the destination, without exerting toxic effects on other organs.

Three groups of drugs are prescribed as standard, which fight the pathogen, relieve inflammation and swelling, and also reduce soreness:

  • antibacterial agents (antibiotics) - Amoxicillin, Tavanic;
  • alpha-adrenergic blockers - Alfuzosin, Finasteride;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances - Nurofen, Aspirin.

It is important not to self-medicate, since drugs should be taken according to an individual scheme. You can not mix different medicines. Before introducing a candle, you need to make sure that the previous one has dissolved.

The most effective folk remedies

Folk remedies have proven themselves in the treatment of the prostate gland. One of the most effective methods is the use of pumpkin seeds. About 30-40 pieces of unroasted seeds should be eaten per day. This will provide the male body's need for zinc, support the functioning of the prostate.

You can also mix 500 g of ground, peeled seeds with a glass of honey. Roll small balls the size of a walnut from the resulting mixture. Consume one scoop twice a day shortly before meals. It is important not to swallow honey quickly, but gradually dissolve it like a candy. Store the medicine in the refrigerator to avoid spoilage. Before use, it must be set for several hours so that the balls are not too cold.

In addition to pumpkin, traditional medicine recommends using green peel of chestnuts. It needs to be collected, washed thoroughly, brewed and drunk instead of tea 1-2 times a day. Since chestnut tea increases appetite, it is advisable to drink it shortly before meals.

Physical exercise

During inflammation, congestion occurs in the prostate gland, which provokes swelling and soreness of the organ. Physical training will help disperse blood, tone the gland and speed up metabolic processes. Physical therapy consists of static and dynamic exercises, you can also perform special exercises according to Kegel, which consists in the reduction and relaxation of the muscles located in the bottom of the pelvis.

Static exercises will help maintain the correct tone of the pelvic floor and abdomen, while dynamic exercises will relieve stagnation of the pelvic organs.

Kegel classes are a dynamic type of exercise. During such gymnastics, it is necessary to contract and relax the pelvic muscles one by one, periodically changing the intensity and duration of tension.

Massage for the treatment of prostatitis

To relieve manifestations of prostatitis, doctors prescribe prostate massage. There are two different methods - direct and indirect. Direct massage involves pressure on the gland through the wall of the rectum. Since it requires penetration into the intestine through the anus, it is better to entrust such a massage to a specialist and not to self-medicate.

Massage according to the second technique (indirect), the patient can conduct for himself. To do this, lie down, relax, and begin to lightly apply pressure on the center of the perineum - between the testicles and anus, gradually increasing the pressure intensity. The procedure should not cause pain, otherwise you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Hot baths

Hot baths with prostatitis are allowed only during the period of remission of the disease, during exacerbation, you can only take baths whose water temperature does not exceed 35 degrees.

During the procedure, the lower abdomen, perineum and anal area are gently rubbed with a washcloth. The duration of stay in the water should be no more than 15 minutes. It is important that the room is warm enough, since hypothermia or a sharp change in temperature will only aggravate the patient's condition.

For the best effect, decoctions of needles, oak bark or chamomile can be added to the baths.

Surgery for prostatitis

Surgical methods of treating prostatitis are resorted to only in extreme cases, when medications do not give any effect.

There are two types of operations:

  • TUR - resection of the gland through the urethra. The method is good in that no incision is made to carry it out, and all manipulations are carried out through the urethra. Surgeons remove part or all of the prostate, thereby reducing urethral compression and relieving symptoms of prostatitis;
  • prostatectomy is an open operation to remove the prostate gland. It is carried out when transurethral resection is impossible, has a longer recovery period.

What are the possible complications of prostatitis?

If you ignore the symptoms of prostatitis and do not fight the disease, the infection will spread to neighboring organs and cause complications:

  • vesiculitis;
  • urethritis;
  • the appearance of abscesses on the prostate or on organs located nearby;
  • sclerotic changes in the prostate gland.

The worst thing untreated prostatitis can lead to is infertility or cancerous transformation of prostate tissue.

Prostatitis Prevention

To avoid an unpleasant disease, you need to monitor the condition of the prostate and regularly undergo preventive examinations.

In addition, a few simple rules will help reduce your risk:

  • playing sports;
  • avoidance of prolonged sitting position;
  • regular devastation of the gland - completed sexual intercourse or masturbation;
  • hardening procedures.

You can also perform special exercises, indirect massage of the prostate gland and take a contrast shower aimed at the perineum.