Germinated wheat is a storehouse of useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body. When used correctly, this simple product will replace expensive drugs and synthetic vitamins.
Material Content:
- 1 The composition and calorie content of germinated wheat
- 2 Germinated Wheat - Benefits for the Body
- 3 What diseases does it help?
- 4 Wheatgrass Juice
- 5 Useful properties for weight loss
- 6 Wheat germ during pregnancy and lactation
- 7 How to germinate at home?
- 8 How to consume germinated wheat: recipes
- 9 Harm and contraindications
- 10 Rules for storage of sprouted wheat
The composition and calorie content of germinated wheat
Sprouted wheat grains are recommended for regular use by anyone who cares about their own health.
Vitamin and trace element composition of the product:
- vitamin E and group B;
- calcium;
- potassium;
- silicon;
- copper;
- selenium;
- zinc;
- iron.
A large number of nutrients determines the importance of this product for the human body. Grains are a valuable source of vitamin B9, known as folic acid.
The nutritional value:
- 34% carbohydrates;
- 26% of proteins;
- 10% fat;
- 17% fiber;
- 198 kcal / 100 g.
It is worth noting that wheat itself is no less useful, but the concentration of necessary substances during germination of grains increases by an average of 15%, while the amount of carbohydrates decreases.
In the process of germination, grains absorb carbohydrates better, which leads to a decrease in the calorie content of sprouted wheat compared to conventional.
Germinated Wheat - Benefits for the Body
The health benefits of sprouted grains are determined by their composition. A large number of B vitamins and valuable trace elements positively affect the state of the nervous system.With the regular use of sprouted grains, an improvement in mood, an increase in working capacity is noted, the body comes in tone.
In addition, the product contributes to:
- stimulation of metabolic processes;
- restoration of power reserve;
- increase concentration and efficiency;
- activation of immunity;
- normalization of digestive processes;
- cleansing of harmful compounds.
A large amount of fiber in the composition of germinated grains has a beneficial effect on the digestive processes and restores the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. This allows you to take more nutrients from food during its digestion.
Germinated wheat has a positive effect on the whole organism. It is believed that the daily use of such seeds is the secret of longevity and good health.
The effect of sprouted wheat not only affects the general well-being, but also becomes visible simply to the naked eye, since the product increases the elasticity of the skin, strengthens hair and nails.
What diseases does it help?
Germinated wheat is used as a useful nutritional supplement to strengthen the entire body. It does not cure any diseases, but the use of the product in the treatment of various pathologies is due to beneficial properties and the effect on the whole organism.
As a useful additive, grains can be used for the following violations:
- arterial hypertension;
- vegetovascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia;
- stress;
- depressive disorder;
- constipation
- intestinal dysbiosis;
- weakening potency in men;
- inflammation of the prostate gland;
- decreased fertility in women of childbearing age;
- decreased immunity.
Germinated wheat strengthens the walls of blood vessels and restores their elasticity, therefore it is recommended for patients with hypertension. The product does not have a hypotensive effect, but it has a general strengthening effect on the cardiovascular system. Also, the ability of wheat to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood was revealed, therefore germinated grains can be recommended for people with vascular atherosclerosis.
A large number of B vitamins and valuable minerals causes a positive effect of the product on the nervous system.
In this regard, wheat germ will be an excellent addition to the diet of people:
- prone to depression;
- neurosis;
- stress
- suffering from sleep disturbances.
For people with autonomic dysfunction, the product will also benefit. It has a tonic effect without a direct effect on vascular tone, therefore it gives a charge of vigor and strength, increases efficiency and improves overall well-being. It is possible to take the product with VVD for hypertonic, hypotonic and mixed types as a general strengthening agent.
The presence of fiber in the grains makes this product an excellent tool for the treatment of constipation, but with severe forms of intestinal obstruction, wheat should be discarded.
The product contains a large amount of zinc and selenium. These two components are critical to supporting men's health.
As a dietary supplement, wheat is recommended for men for:
- prostate;
- adenoma;
- decreased potency.
Thanks to folic acid in the composition, the product improves the functioning of the female reproductive system.
As a general strengthening agent, grains are recommended for all people with a decrease in immunity. They should be used for the speedy recovery of the body after infectious and viral diseases, including influenza and SARS.
Wheatgrass Juice
For the prevention of diseases and health promotion, you can use not only grains, but also juice from germinated wheat. It contains valuable amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Juice intake is recommended for all people suffering from frequent stresses - this improves the functioning of the nervous system, normalizes the psycho-emotional state, and improves the quality of sleep.
Juice has a pronounced tonic effect and a specific taste. It is recommended to use it as a prophylactic with a decrease in immunity. Amino acids in the liquid help fight inflammation on the skin, accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis, and improve hair growth.
Useful properties for weight loss
Compliance with strict mono-diets and other dietary restrictions for a long time leads to effective weight loss, but negatively affects the body. Sooner or later, poor nutrition makes itself felt by increasing irritability, deterioration of the skin and hair, and menstrual irregularities. All this is a consequence of a lack of B vitamins, certain amino acids and trace elements.
Sprouted wheat does not burn fat.
Nevertheless, it will become an excellent assistant in the fight against excess weight, as it is characterized by low calorie content and a large amount of nutrients. It should be taken as a dietary supplement. Wheat can replace the snack between the main meals by mixing it with yogurt or kefir. It is useful to add grains and sprouts to cereals and salads. This will allow you to more effectively lose weight without the risk of negative health effects.
Wheat germ during pregnancy and lactation
During the period of gestation and breastfeeding, juice from wheat germ or sprouted grains will definitely benefit the woman's body, as they contain a large amount of vitamin E, group B vitamins and valuable amino acids. Fiber will prevent the development of constipation during pregnancy and improve digestion. At the same time, not all women like the specific herbal smell and taste of juice. Those who are happy to use the product should be aware that abuse of it can lead to nausea and vomiting, especially in the early stages of pregnancy.
Conclusion: everything is good in moderation.
Pregnant pregnant women can drink juice and grains of wheat 2-3 times a week in small quantities (about 30 g of juice and 50 g of seeds).
If the smell makes you sick, there is no need to force yourself to take a healing product.
How to germinate at home?
Germinated grains can be purchased at a pharmacy or in health food stores and organic products. But you should know that sprouting wheat at home is not difficult, but it will significantly save money from the family budget.
There are two ways to do this.
- Rinse half a cup of wheat under running water several times. Then again fill with water, leave for 5 minutes and rinse again. Carefully sort through the grains, removing damaged, unripe or darkened. Spread the wheat with a two-centimeter layer in any porcelain or glass dish, and pour water on top. Water should barely cover the top layer of grains. Cover the container with gauze and leave for 1-1.5 days.
- Put in a jar 2 tablespoons of durum wheat grains, pour water overnight. Rinse the product in the morning and remove all water. Cover the container with gauze and place it at an angle of 450. Since the grains are soaked overnight, they will be distributed along the walls of the can, and the gauze will provide airflow and keep them in the container. The first sprouts will appear literally in 3-4 hours.
Grains are suitable for consumption when germinating at 2 mm. Sprouts are small white tendrils. They can be consumed with grains, or separated and eat separately.
How to consume germinated wheat: recipes
Having figured out how to germinate the product yourself, you should know how to consume germinated wheat. The easiest way: twist sprouted grains in a meat grinder and just eat 1 teaspoon each. Chewing is necessary slowly and for a long time, so that the product is better absorbed by the body. On average, a small spoonful of the resulting mass must be chewed for 60 seconds.
The following useful and tasty recipes will help enrich the diet and strengthen the body.
- Crush 2 large tablespoons of grains in a mortar and pour a glass of water at room temperature. Leave for 2 hours to infuse, and then squeeze the mass and drink the resulting cloudy liquid. Such a product is called "wheat milk."
- Cocktail for those who want to lose weight: grind 2 large sour apples in a blender and mix with 2 large tablespoons of pureed germinated wheat. It is recommended to take such a remedy as a snack between main meals, since its caloric content exceeds 200 kcal.
- To improve potency in men and strengthen immunity in women, the following recipe is recommended: twist a quarter cup of grains in a meat grinder, add two tablespoons of honey and mix thoroughly. This amount is calculated at one time, it is recommended to eat the product for breakfast.
- A healthy diet cocktail that perfectly replaces dinner: mix 100 g of cottage cheese and kefir, beat in a blender, add a tablespoon of sprouted grains, also previously grind them in a blender, mortar or meat grinder.
Wheat can be consumed daily. Daily Value - 2 - 3 large tablespoons of the product.
Healing sprouts perfectly complement fresh vegetables. Sprouted wheat salad is very easy to prepare - just mix cucumbers, tomatoes, parsley or other products with a tablespoon of grains. This dish is very nutritious and recommended for everyone who follows the figure.
Harm and contraindications
Grains contain lectin, which can lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and adversely affect the functioning of the thyroid gland. In this regard, it is recommended not to abuse the wheat sprouts, but to take them in courses of 2 tablespoons per day.
In the first days after the introduction of sprouted grains into the diet, digestive problems can be noted: diarrhea, bloating, increased gas formation. This is an absolutely normal reaction of the body, which takes place after a few days.
You should not use the product with milk - this can lead to diarrhea. At the same time, those who want to lose weight can use kefir sprouts, since fermented milk products do not interfere with the absorption of this product.
Germinated wheat is contraindicated:
- children under 12 years old;
- with gluten intolerance;
- with exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
It is also recommended to refuse the product in the first 2-3 weeks after any surgical procedures.
Different sources have different approaches to the possibility of taking funds by children. Some doctors and homeopaths do not recommend this product to people under 12 years old, but it is often possible to find recommendations that it is useful for children to eat a quarter teaspoon of sprouts to increase immunity.
If you want to introduce such a product into the child’s diet, you should first discuss this issue with the pediatrician.
Rules for storage of sprouted wheat
Only sprouts that have reached a length of 2-3 mm are useful for health. Therefore, it makes no sense to germinate wheat for more than two days. It is recommended not to store the product, but to immediately use it for its intended purpose. Darkened sprouted grains should be discarded; they are not suitable for food.
It should be remembered that the measure is important in everything. It is recommended to take wheat in courses of 1-2 months, and then take a break.