Atherosclerosis, characterized by damage to arteries and impaired blood flow, is considered one of the causes of most cardiovascular diseases. Pathology develops against the background of deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, narrowing their lumen.
You can stop the disease and avoid serious consequences if you include products that lower cholesterol in the diet.
Material Content:
- 1 Changing your diet and lifestyle - what's the point?
- 2 Types of Cholesterol
- 3 Avoiding the effects of risk factors
- 4 Product Cholesterol Table
- 5 Types of cholesterol lowering foods
- 5.1 Oats
- 5.2 Salmon and Fatty Fish (Omega-3)
- 5.3 Nuts
- 5.4 Tea
- 5.5 Beans and Soy
- 5.6 Garlic
- 5.7 Spinach
- 5.8 Avocado
- 5.9 Ginger root
- 5.10 Milk thistle
- 5.11 Fiber-rich foods: turnips, radishes, carrots, cabbage - all raw
- 5.12 Juice therapy
- 5.13 Fruits and berries of blue, violet and red color
- 5.14 Whole Grains and Oat Flakes
- 5.15 Corn
- 5.16 Red fermented rice
- 5.17 Fresh greens
- 5.18 Policosanol
- 5.19 Fats Guidelines
- 6 The relationship between cholesterol and a healthy lifestyle
- 7 What foods should not be eaten?
- 8 Increased physical activity and normalization of weight
Changing your diet and lifestyle - what's the point?
The arteries and veins that make up our vascular system, in their healthy form, are distinguished by the smoothness of the surface of the walls. Over time, the venous walls mutate and acquire the ability to accumulate deposits consisting of atherosclerotic plaques. The basis of such deposits is cholesterol, combined with calcium and fibrous tissue.
The greater the number of plaques, the narrower the arterial lumen, the less likely it is for normal blood flow. Symptoms of most cardiovascular diseases are determined by the localization of plaques and the degree of vasoconstriction.
Types of Cholesterol
Organic compounds called cholesterol exist in two varieties - high molecular weight high density lipoproteins produced in the liver and preventing the prevention of atherosclerosis, and low density lipoproteins, atherogenic compounds that contribute to the development of vascular pathologies.
Food is the main source of cholesterol in the body, and the most active suppliers of the substance are many of your favorite foods.
It is proved that the main prerequisite for increasing cholesterol levels in the blood is a sedentary lifestyle, abuse of unhealthy foods and bad habits.
Avoiding the effects of risk factors
To create favorable conditions for healing the body, you need to know which foods quickly reduce cholesterol in the blood, and replace them with unhealthy foods in the diet. First of all, doctors recommend paying attention to the calorie level of food consumed and the amount of animal fat.
Correction of lipid metabolism is facilitated by a properly organized lifestyle, rejection of bad habits and a healthy diet:
- adherence to an anti-sclerotic diet that includes refusing sugary foods, reducing animal fats, increasing easily digestible carbohydrates, omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber, trace elements, and pectins;
- to give up smoking;
- support for stable body weight;
- physical activity;
- peace of mind and mental comfort in the absence of stress;
- limited alcohol consumption.
Properly organized nutrition should maintain the balance of apoliproteins so that low density lipoproteins do not exceed the level of high molecular weight compounds.
Product Cholesterol Table
Since the complete destruction of cholesterol causes the body no less harm than its excess, it is important to take care to maintain the optimal level of lipoproteins in the blood. And in order to remove fat deposits in the form of cholesterol plaques from the vessels, it is enough to regularly use products that cleanse the vessels.
The cholesterol level in the most common products can be estimated using the table:
Product types | Mg / 100 g | Product types | Mg / 100 g |
Any vegetables and fruits | 0 | Egg yolk | 4500 |
Seafood | |||
Tuna | 55 | Mackerel | 360 |
Herring | 97 | Pollock | 110 |
Carp | 270 | Cod | 30 |
Meat | |||
Pork | 110-380 | Chicken, White Meat | 80 |
Fat free beef | 65 | Beef liver | 400 |
Milk products | |||
Cheeses | 90-150 | Whole milk | 14 |
Fat cottage cheese | 25-30 | Yoghurts | 8 |
Kefir low-fat | 1 | Sour cream 30% | 100 |
Fats | |||
Butter | 180 | Lard pork | 90 |
In all types of vegetable oil, cholesterol is completely absent.
Types of cholesterol lowering foods
It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of how long it will take for the vessels to be completely cleansed of cholesterol. The duration of the recovery period depends on the intensity of metabolic processes in the human body, its weight, as well as the general state of health.
The sooner the recommended foods are included in the diet, the faster the process of cleansing its vessels and healing the body begins.
In addition to the fact that oats do not contain cholesterol, it includes many elements that are valuable to health:
- polyprofinols that promote blood thinning;
- vitamins that destroy cholesterol accumulations and ensure their withdrawal;
- vegetable proteins;
- tryptophan and lysine - amino acids that neutralize lipoproteins that have settled on the walls of blood vessels and prevent the formation of new deposits;
- carotene, nicotinic acid;
- fluorine, magnesium, iron and potassium.
Regular consumption of whole oat grains strengthens the nervous and immune systems, reduces the absorption rate of low molecular weight lipoproteins, enhances the process of processing cholesterol in the liver, and normalizes metabolic processes.
People with kidney failure should limit their intake of oats.
Salmon and Fatty Fish (Omega-3)
The value of oily fish in cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol is due to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Steamed or baked salmon, tuna, trout or mackerel will provide not only a delicious dinner, but also help to clean the vessels at the cellular level.
And the presence of minerals, amino acids, vitamins and microelements in the fish will improve the quality of metabolic processes, normalize the nervous system and restore blood flow intensity.
The daily rate of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is contained in 100 g of any fish of the salmon family.
Despite the high calorie content, nuts are recognized as an indispensable product in the fight for clean vessels. Nutritionists note the high health value of the elements in nuts - proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins and fiber.
The US FDA has listed nuts such as peanuts, pistachios, pine nuts, and hazelnuts on the list of healthy foods.
A handful of almonds per day can lower cholesterol by 10%.
Regardless of the variety, tea has a number of health-valuable properties, and not only does it not contain cholesterol, but also helps to reduce its level in the vessels.
Among the beneficial properties of green and black tea:
- positive effect on the nervous system;
- stimulation of immunity;
- soft expansion of the walls of blood vessels;
- deactivation of antioxidants;
- splitting and withdrawal of excess cholesterol;
- decrease in the production of enzymes that provoke the appearance of cholesterol deposits.
Tea contains tannin, caffeine, catechin and tannins.
Beans and Soy
All types of the legume family are distinguished by the complete absence of cholesterol and the ability to cleanse blood vessels. Moreover, soy helps increase the level of high molecular weight lipoproteins.
In addition to a large number of easily digestible proteins, legumes contain many anti-sclerotic elements - fiber and dietary fiber, folic acid, B vitamins, potassium and manganese.
To cleanse the vessels and lower cholesterol, it is appropriate to introduce all types of legumes into the diet - leguminous and asparagus beans, lentils and peas, soybeans and beans.
Daily use of beans for a month can reduce cholesterol by 10%.
One of the most popular and effective means of cleansing blood vessels is considered garlic. The healing properties of garlic are expressed in the normalization of cholesterol and antioxidant, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and hypoglycemic effects and are due to its composition: volatile, vitamins, essential oils, sulfides.
In addition, garlic dilutes blood, helps to dissolve cholesterol plaques and dissolve blood clots.
Fleshy spinach leaves are rich in fiber, beta - carotene, minerals and vitamins, including vitamin K, as well as bioflavonoids and antioxidants. Half a cup of spinach per day is the norm, which is enough to not only clear the vessels of cholesterol, but also to avoid age-related osteoporosis.
Read also: beneficial properties of spinach
Tropical avocado fruit does not contain cholesterol and is considered to be the source of many healthy elements - polyunsaturated fats, beta-sitosterol, pectin, fiber, potassium and copper, vitamins, and folic acid.
Beta-sitosterol is a plant sterol that is particularly effective, which suppresses the absorption of cholesterol even at the stage of digestion of food in the intestine.
Ginger root
Adding aromatic spices to food provides a powerful healing effect:
- blood thinning;
- intensive fat burning;
- purification of blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques;
- normalization of metabolic processes.
Ginger root contains vitamins, valuable amino acids, essential oils and compounds that actively affect the deposits in the vessels - gingerol and shogaol.
Milk thistle
The healing properties of milk thistle are relevant for use in many ailments.
Receiving powder from the dried fruits of the plant allows you to:
- restore liver cells;
- normalize the composition of bile;
- remove toxins and harmful substances from the body;
- stimulates blood formation processes;
- strengthens the immune system;
- normalize lipid and protein metabolism.
In addition, the plant is considered a powerful antioxidant. The use of tea or thistle granules for a month slows down the aging of cells and provides the cleansing of blood vessels.
Fiber-rich foods: turnips, radishes, carrots, cabbage - all raw
Most vegetables grown in Russia contain a large amount of fiber, which provides purification from toxins and cholesterol, not only blood vessels, but also the intestines.
Zucchini and carrots, turnips, eggplant and all kinds of cabbage are ideal for healing, provided they are eaten raw or boiled.
Juice therapy
Freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables contain all the nutrients needed to clean the vessels. Nutritionists recommend mixing different types of juices and alternating their intake every day: celery with carrots, carrots with beetroot and cucumber juice, celery with apple and carrots, orange juice.
Fruits and berries of blue, violet and red color
Studies have shown that plant components have effective anticholesterol properties.
The level and specificity of the therapeutic effect of vegetables and fruits is determined by their color:
- red. Cranberries, pomegranates, raspberries, blueberries are high in phytosterols;
- blue and purple. Dark grapes, eggplant and beets contain polyphenols and resveratrol. Red cabbage contains antioxidants. Plums contain vitamins and organic acids. In purple onions - sulfur compounds and volatile.
The composition of all types of fruit berries includes plant fiber, pectin and phytoalexin - substances that improve lipid metabolism and prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.
Whole Grains and Oat Flakes
The special value of whole grains and oatmeal is the presence of soluble fiber in their composition, which cleanses the vessels of atherosclerotic plaques, like a brush. The micronutrients contained in corn, buckwheat, rice and millet are most effective at cleaning vessels.
Lack of cholesterol is not the only plus of corn.
The composition of the cereal includes substances and trace elements that can destroy toxins and atherosclerotic plaques:
- fixed oils;
- essential oils;
- pantothenic, folic and ascorbic acid;
- magnesium, phosphorus and copper;
- biotin;
- linoleic acid derivatives;
- vitamins;
- tocopherol;
- pentosan.
Along with the constant use of corn for food, nutritionists advise using the healing properties of corn stigmas and oil.
Red fermented rice
To obtain red rice, special processing methods are used, including the fermentation process, during which the cereal acquires healing properties. The substance monacolin K, secreted by fungi that provide rice fermentation, has a powerful anti-atherosclerotic effect.
In addition, red fermented rice provides an antitumor effect.
Fresh greens
The introduction of a large amount of greens into the diet is a powerful basis for cleansing blood vessels of cholesterol and the body of toxins:
- parsley - strengthens blood vessels, stabilizes metabolism;
- dill - an antiseptic with vasodilating properties;
- basil - stimulates the activity of the immune system, prevents the spread of carcinogens;
- cilantro - removes cholesterol, toxins and toxins;
- green onions are minerals and vitamins, dietary fiber and essential oils, effectively affecting harmful deposits in vessels.
The polycosanol food supplement is prepared by mixing several varieties of fatty alcohols derived from vegetable waxes. The effect of polycosanol is expressed in the suppression of cholesterol synthesis and stimulation of its breakdown.
In addition, policosanol increases the level of high density lipoproteins and prevents the formation of blood clots.
Fats Guidelines
Recent studies have shown that blood cholesterol is determined by human fats:
- saturated - increase;
- polyunsaturated - reduce;
- dietary cholesterol - increases to a small extent.
Dietary cholesterol refers to compounds found in food. According to the results of studies, it turned out that the most significant source of harmful compounds are fats, especially trans fats.
Reducing saturated fat intake is the only way to cleanse your blood vessels and lower cholesterol. The best way to do this is to limit the consumption of animal fats, increase the amount of vegetable fats.
An ideal source of monounsaturated fats in the body is olive oil. The product of processing olives contains phytosterols that normalize cholesterol, and allows you to reduce its level in the blood to 18%, provided that there is no other types of fat in the diet.
A healthy dietary cholesterol per day is 300 mg.
The relationship between cholesterol and a healthy lifestyle
Most often, health problems occur in people who do not eat well, are prone to bad habits, avoid physical activity, often get into stressful situations and do not observe the daily routine.
What foods should not be eaten?
To stabilize the diet, it is necessary to exclude products with a high coefficient of atherogenicity from it.
The most dangerous in this regard are:
- vodka;
- sweets, pastries;
- smoked products;
- caviar;
- fatty meat and dairy products;
- chicken yolk;
- margarine, fatty sauces, fast food;
- all types of offal - liver, brain;
- any fried foods.
The use of eggs, coffee, white bread and mayonnaise is recommended to limit.
Increased physical activity and normalization of weight
The best basis for healing not only blood vessels, but also the whole body is considered to be smoking cessation and regular exercise.
Exercise, exercise and other types of aerobic exercise contribute to the activation of many physiological processes. Blood flow increases, metabolism improves, weight decreases, and the production of enzymes promoting cholesterol withdrawal is stimulated.
Walking and running, cycling and swimming, tennis and volleyball are the best friends of a healthy person. But in order to achieve successful results, an integrated approach is needed, combining diet, physical activity, weight loss, rejection of nicotine and the absence of nervous shocks.
Reasonable alternation of physical and mental stress with relaxation is an ideal basis for stabilizing cholesterol and improving health.
- Anna