High protein foods are a must. You can choose healthy and tasty food, taking into account your abilities and desires.

The value of protein for the human body

Proteins are organic compounds that enter the body through food.

What tasks do they perform:

  • participate in metabolism;
  • become catalysts in chemical reactions;
  • affect the complex processes of intercellular communication; 4
  • support cell structure.

As a result of the synthesis of organics, the necessary amino acids appear, energy is released.

The role of proteins in human life:

  • restore muscle structure;
  • participate in the formation of muscles, the construction of bone and connective tissue;
  • contribute to a decrease in fat reserves;
  • improve brain function;
  • reduce the risk of oncology, atherosclerosis, diabetes;
  • beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora and the digestive tract;
  • stabilize the hormonal background and positively affect the reproductive function;
  • control the optimal composition of the blood, take part in hematopoiesis, the formation of hemoglobin;
  • increase resistance to adverse environmental factors;
  • increase stamina.

With a lack of protein compounds in the diet, immunity decreases, the appearance and health of a person worsen.

The daily norm in the diet

Proteins are the building blocks of cells. They are especially needed by women during pregnancy, the elderly.During the disease, proteins from foods are absorbed worse, therefore, in the recovery period after the disease, their volume in the diet increases. It is believed that in the cold season, the body needs more such food than during warm weather conditions.

In sports nutrition, high protein foods are called protein foods. With significant physical activity, the need for it increases. Proteins help to gain muscle mass faster and are involved in maintaining immunity. Thanks to these substances during intense training, metabolic processes and the psychoemotional state of a person will not be affected.

Protein foods should make up about 25-30% of the total daily diet. On average, 1–1 grams of protein per day is needed per 1 kg of human body weight. The minimum indicator is 1 g, with average loads - about 1.5 g. For athletes with an intensive sports regime, the indicator can reach 2-2.5 g of protein food per 1 kg of body weight per day.

With a weight of 60 kg, the daily protein intake is at least 60 g, and the optimal one is about 80 g. If body weight is higher, then the indicators increase. The body needs more of this food for diseases associated with poor absorption of protein compounds.

Norms cannot be reduced, but without a reason to raise them is also undesirable. Excess protein can negatively affect your health:

  • the level of bad cholesterol will increase;
  • all organs and systems of the body will work with the load;
  • the risk of developing osteoporosis will increase.

With problems in the digestive tract, kidney and liver diseases, the amount of protein in the daily diet is monitored with special attention. You need to eat balanced. Eat plenty of fats, carbohydrates, fiber, protein foods, and other substances your body needs.

High Protein Products Table

Food contains animal and vegetable proteins. When compiling the menu, not only the amount of protein in a particular food is taken into account. Its fat content, the percentage of vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates and other substances matter. The diet is also formed taking into account personal taste and financial capabilities. Average indicators of the amount of protein vary depending on the quality of the product and the method of preparation.

Plant origin

Plant foods are the most affordable source of protein. Many useful compounds contain seeds of various plants - pumpkins, hemp, sunflowers, as well as nuts. A very small amount of protein compounds is found in vegetables and fruits - cucumbers, zucchini, asparagus, apples, apricots, tangerines, blueberries.

The approximate amount of protein in plant foods:

NameProtein in 100 g of product
in grams
Brussels sprouts3-6
Pine nuts13,7
Sesame, Cashew18
Sunflower seeds20,7
Whole peas23

Instead of white bread, it is appropriate to include more healthy rye varieties from wholemeal in the diet. They have more beneficial elements, including protein. When buying oatmeal, do not take instant product. Proteins and other necessary substances contain traditional types of products that need to be cooked for 15-20 minutes.

Every year, the world's consumption of quinoa fruits is increasing. This is the only plant product, which contains complete protein compounds, essential amino acids. Nutritional quinoa is increasingly used in the diet by lovers of a healthy diet.

Animal origin

Essential amino acids that are not synthesized in the human body enter the human body with animal proteins. Their maximum amount is found in meat and fish.

The approximate protein composition of animal products:

NameProtein in 100 g of product
in grams
Quail eggs6
Turkey eggs13
Cottage cheese14-18
Brynza in milk of cows17,9
Beef liver18
Pork liver19
Pink salmon21
Chicken, turkey15-22
Beef, veal23-25
Hard Cheese24-30

One of the leaders in the content of nutritious animal protein is tuna. There are no parasites in it, so it is appropriate to eat this product raw or cook it with blood. Be sure to replace part of the meat in the diet with fish and seafood - caviar, mussels, oysters, shrimps. After all, they contain more healthy fats.

The absorption of proteins in the body

What you need to know about the features of processing protein foods:

  1. It is believed that proteins from eggs and dairy products are best absorbed, a little less - meat and fish. Then in descending order were soybeans, nuts and beans. The worst processed protein compounds from various cereals.
  2. It is recommended to combine animal and vegetable products in one dish. And to eat protein and fatty foods at the same time is not desirable.
  3. After heat treatment or heating, proteins are better absorbed, but some of the nutrients are lost. It is better to bake meat or fish, rather than boil it.
  4. Servings per meal are small. It is advisable to eat at least 4-5 times a day. At night, it is not recommended to use vegetable high-protein foods.
  5. Pay attention to the whole composition of the food. In addition to protein, it may contain too much fat, cholesterol. For this reason, do not abuse, for example, eggs.

The older a person becomes, the worse milk is absorbed in the body. Adults are better off eating low-fat sour-milk products - cottage cheese, cheeses, kefir. With caution, skim milk is used in the diet. A low fat indicator may indicate that the product has unnatural supplements. Preservatives, emulsifiers and other harmful chemicals are often present in milk powder.

It is harmful to eat food that contains low-quality protein-rich foods. You should read the composition of the goods in the store before buying, as well as refuse fast food, convenience foods. There are few proteins in the sausage, but the amount of unhealthy fats exceeds the limit. Often the name of the product does not match its accepted composition. For example, it may turn out that there is no cottage cheese in the “cottage cheese”. And if the product is called a “dairy product”, then often it contains protein, not animal, but vegetable.

How to lose weight with protein foods

High protein foods are used in some diets. With their help, you can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight in just two weeks. Protein food has high nutritional value. After its use, a feeling of satiety remains for a long time. Losing weight on such a diet is comfortable, but nutritionists recommend using it no more than 10-14 days. Of particular popularity is the Ducan protein diet. It includes several stages. At the very first of these, only protein foods are allowed to be eaten.

Long-term restrictions on food negatively affect health. If you only eat protein food for a long time, an imbalance of nutrients in the body occurs. As a result, increased fatigue is observed, the condition of hair, nails, and integuments worsens. A limited amount of carbohydrates in the diet can lead to intoxication, the development of urolithiasis, and kidney swelling. The use of a protein diet is allowed only after consulting a specialist.

You can eat balanced, tasty, and if desired - and economically enough. Among high-protein products, it is easy to choose an option that takes into account personal preferences.