The first signs of hemorrhoids in women are no different from the external symptoms in males, although they are sometimes caused by purely female reasons. Attention shown to the initial signs of process progression can make it reversible or stop it. With the transition of the process into a chronic form, a longer treatment of the disease will be required.
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Hemorrhoids: the cause
Circulatory disorders cause many common diseases and occur for various reasons, in which the person himself is most often to blame. Hemorrhoids, which 8 out of 10 adults are familiar with firsthand, are also circulatory disorders. It occurs in the hemorrhoid plexuses of the rectum. Such sites are localized in its lower sections. The process is accompanied by concomitant complications. The most famous of them are varicose veins, vein thrombosis and hemorrhoidal bleeding. Pathology manifests itself in both men and women, but is considered more characteristic of the female body. This is due to the anatomical features of the structure, and the reproductive function, and even with the specifics of professional activities and sexual addictions.
Statistics say that every fifth suffers from hemorrhoids. At the same time, doctors are convinced that this figure does not correspond to the real one, because not everyone recognizes the presence of a problem, or does not go to the doctor for its solution. The first signs of hemorrhoids in women can be observed at a fairly young age, their occurrence is possible in any period, up to very old age. This is also due to common causes for both sexes, and individual, characteristic of the female body.The causes of hemorrhoids are conditionally divided into two large groups of causes: one originates in external conditions leading to increased venous blood flow, and the second is the result of mechanical stresses that cause negative changes in the rectum. The following factors are considered the main provocateurs:
- improper lifestyle (consumption of harmful products, abuse of alcohol and cigarettes, lack of motor activity, oxygen deprivation, permanent use of certain medications);
- chronic or somatic diseases of internal organs and body systems;
- reproductive processes and related hormonal and physical changes (pregnancy, childbirth, menstruation, menopause);
- physiological overstrain (difficulty in defecation, exorbitant physical effort, constant standing on the feet during work, anal sex);
- pathological effects or negative processes in the affected area (hypothermia, obesity, development and growth of neoplasms, permanent lifting of weights);
- hereditary predisposition or congenital malformations.
Any effect on the venous blood flow, the activity of the pelvic organs or the lower rectum, violating their natural structure and the cyclical processes of life, can become a provoking factor for the first signs of hemorrhoids.
Primary symptoms
The primary signs are not symptoms of hemorrhoids, but only manifestations of discomfort, indicating a possible development of a negative process. There are no special differences in the course of the initial stage for men and women, and a signal for contacting a proctologist should be characteristic sensations that are not present in a healthy state:
- difficulties with bowel movements, often painful sensations arising from bowel movements;
- the appearance in the anal area of a sensation of a foreign object, itching and burning;
- constant or periodic discomfort in the anus and rectum.
The dynamics of the development of the disease is gradual, and sharp changes in the general condition of the body at the initial stage usually do not occur if additional provocative factors do not join.
In women of childbearing age, pregnancy and childbirth become such. But leading to the development of hemorrhoids, and its transition to a more severe stage, can be constant anal sex, and the use of laxatives with the aim of losing weight. Constipation can also provoke an ailment due to the use of harmful products or irregular nutrition, and even psychoemotional disturbances arising from permanent stressful situations.
Turning to a proctologist at the initial stage of hemorrhoids usually leads to preventing the development of severe forms of the disease and further stages of the pathological process. But often it turns out that the fear of embarrassment before a visit to a proctologist outweighs the awareness of the possible consequences, and the disease develops without any special obstacles, leading to serious and dangerous conditions.
Symptoms of external and internal hemorrhoids
There are three types of hemorrhoids, which are differentiated by the localization of varicose lesions. With internal - venous plexus undergoes hypertrophy above the anal sphincter and it is impossible to see it. Only in the last stages does hemorrhoid cones fall out, and until that time there are three distinctive signs by which the presence of pathology can be recognized:
- the presence of spotting on the stool;
- persistent bowel movements and constipation;
- pain during the act of defecation.
External hemorrhoids are rarely characterized by the presence of bleeding, because hemorrhoids are located below the sphincter, but the pain is more intense, and the patient can see the hemorrhoids on their own.
Combined view - with present external and internal nodes.It combines the negative signs of both types and is accompanied by simultaneous traces of blood in the feces, pain in the anus, difficulties with bowel movements and constipation. In this case, difficulties arise with the visualization of the disease, which can be observed using a mirror. With this form of the disease, the anal veins in the subcutaneous region and the hemorrhoidal veins in the rectum are hypertrophied.
Stages of the development of the disease
There are 4 stages of hemorrhoids, in which the main sign of differentiation is the state of the venous nodes located in the rectum, anal and perianal region:
- at the first stage, remission is present for a long time, and exacerbation occurs only after provoking factors, while the nodes are still under the epidermis layer;
- on the second - nodes fall out periodically, due to physical effort or straining, but can still be adjusted independently;
- on the third - hemorrhoidal cones periodically fall out, but they can still be adjusted manually, although this is already very close to the 4th, when hemorrhoids can be fatal;
- on the fourth nodes drop out constantly, without apparent provoking reasons, acquire variable forms and large sizes and are not amenable to manual correction.
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The lack of timely treatment at the 1st and 2nd stage of progression of varicose veins leads to the development of the third stage, already fraught with risks of venous and vascular thrombosis, pinching and necrosis, inflammation and suppuration of the hemorrhoid cone. At 4 - only surgical treatment is possible, and the patient's life may depend on its timeliness.
Diagnostic measures
For the diagnosis, a rectal digital examination is used, which is accompanied by a medical history. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor can send for colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, anoscopy and irrigoscopy. Each of these methods has its own capabilities for obtaining additional information.
Possible complications
The list of possible complications expands with the transition to each new stage of the development of pathology. Venous thrombosis is also dangerous, which can easily develop in 3 stages, and the likelihood of pinching and necrosis with non-guided prolapse and increase in hemorrhoid cones to huge sizes.
It is noted that anal fissures, fistulas, suppurations, and secondary infections can appear against the background of the disease. Acute thrombophlebitis can be an immediate threat to life, because it causes a violation of blood circulation in the entire segment of the body. Permanent blood loss often leads to the development of iron deficiency anemia.