A chickenpox vaccine is a reliable way to protect yourself and your child from a common viral disease. In the United States and Europe, the vaccine has been used for several decades. It appeared in Russia relatively recently and so far is not very popular.

Is chickenpox immunization necessary

For a long time there was an opinion that every child is “obliged” to get chickenpox, and that this “ailment” is practically harmless. Such a judgment has become more prevalent due to the lack of the necessary vaccine in the country to prevent infection.

In fact, chickenpox can be quite dangerous. Even in children with high immunity, cases of the development of various complications are recorded (facial nerve damage, chickenpox encephalitis, pneumonia, eye damage, secondary skin infection, cerebellar ataxia), even fatal outcomes were recorded - 1 patient out of 60,000. In people of the older age group the percentage of probability of occurrence of pathologies and the onset of death increases several times. This is due to the state of immunity of potential patients. In childhood, the body has enough strength to transfer chickenpox "on its feet." People who are older than 30 years old with the virus can experience the most severe side effects - fever, aches, loss of strength, dehydration, numerous skin rashes and severe itching.

Important. A weakened chickenpox virus can persist in nerve nodes.This feature can further lead to the development of herpes or shingles. At risk is more than 15% of all who have had chickenpox.

Danger threatens expectant mothers. A woman who has never been sick and does not have antibodies is capable of contracting the virus at any time. At the same time, there is a high probability of the development of pathologies in the fetus, up to its death.

You can protect yourself from possible risks only with the help of vaccination. Now in Russia, foreign vaccines are used to protect a person from negative consequences.

Vaccination of adults and children

The need for vaccination is being addressed at the regional level. For example, in Moscow, these activities are recorded in the preventive vaccination calendar since 2009.

Immunization is carried out for people of different age categories:

  1. Children from 12 to 24 months.
  2. For children over 2 years of age, if the parents are planning a vacation for their child in health pensions and camps.

A chickenpox vaccination is given to a child provided that he has not previously had this infection.

Among adults, vaccination is recommended for people at high risk:

  1. Exposed to radiation therapy.
  2. Receiving therapy with immunosuppressive agents.
  3. Blood cancer patients.
  4. Suffering from chronic pathologies.
  5. Patients preparing for an organ transplant.

Important. Like any other vaccine, the chickenpox vaccine should only be given to a completely healthy person. In the presence of long-term (chronic) diseases, it is important to carry out the procedure without exacerbation.

Chickenpox vaccine options

In Russia, two vaccines are used:

  • The vaccine "Okavax". Japan. It is produced using the attenuated live strain VZV "Oka". Registered in Russia in 2005.
  • The vaccine "Varilrix" (Varilrix). Belgium. Contains attenuated live strain VZV "Oka". It is used in more than 90 countries, has over 40 clinical trials, thanks to which its effectiveness and safety have been proven. Registered in our country in 2008.

There are several more vaccines produced in the USA (Zosterwax and Varivax), but they are not yet used and not registered in Russia.

Method of drug administration

The chickenpox vaccine is given subcutaneously. As for the frequency of vaccination, children under 13 years of age are given it once. Older people require a two-time administration of the drug with an interval of one and a half to two months.

Validity of chickenpox vaccination

Due to the short term use of the vaccine in Russia, there is no data on the duration of immunity after immunization. Thanks to the observations of foreign scientists, where the prevention of chickenpox has been carried out for several decades, we can talk about guaranteed terms of protection - at least 10 years.

Important. Even if a person has been vaccinated or has already suffered an infection, there is no 100% guarantee that the disease will not catch him or return again. But even if this happens, the disease will proceed in the most mild form (low temperature, slight rash).

Vaccination can also be done as an emergency option to protect against the virus. in contact with a sick chickenpox. Doctors recommend an injection in the first 72 hours. Every day, the effectiveness of the drug is reduced, but the body in any case receives a certain level of protection. Therefore, we can safely say that vaccination after contact with the virus carrier, carried out during the incubation period, can significantly reduce the risk of undesirable consequences in case of infection.

Possible complications and reactions to vaccination

Like many other vaccines, the chickenpox vaccine is generally fairly tolerated.

Of the possible local reactions, the following should be distinguished:

  • redness;
  • compaction at the injection site;
  • painful sensations;
  • swelling;
  • itching

These symptoms, which develop within 24-36 hours, can persist for several days.

Among other side effects, you may experience:

  • chills and fever;
  • swollen and tender lymph nodes (especially cervical and axillary);
  • decreased performance and weakness;
  • rashes.

Doctors also talk about a possible risk of post-vaccination complications:

  • encephalitis;
  • joint pathology;
  • mild shingles;
  • decrease in platelet count;
  • violation of sensitivity.

Similar problems, according to WHO, occur only in a small number of people who receive the vaccine. Based on their latest information, the number of people faced with complications of this nature is 1,500 out of 10 million vaccinated.

Contraindications to vaccination

Even before going to the doctor, you need to know that vaccination against chicken pox involves a number of contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  3. The presence of acute diseases.
  4. Immunodeficiency in severe form.
  5. Tumor pathologies.
  6. AIDS.
  7. Neomycin and allergies.

In addition, the following factors should be considered:

  1. The vaccine can be given to a person who has had meningitis and other diseases of the nervous system not earlier than 6 months after the onset of full recovery.
  2. With recent intestinal as well as respiratory infections, a minimum of 20 days should pass.
  3. When using corticosteroids, you should first determine the level of lymphocytes in the blood.
  4. Do not get vaccinated immediately before surgery. A minimum of a month should pass from the time of vaccination to surgery.
  5. If in the previous six months there was a use of blood products and immunoglobulins, then vaccination should be postponed for 2-3 weeks. And also after its implementation, do not allow the use of these medicinal substances for at least 21 days.

The vaccine against chickenpox for adults and children in Russia has recently been given. But there are already positive reviews of those who have been vaccinated.