Hepatitis B is a common infection caused by a viral pathogen. To prevent this phenomenon, as well as in order to acquire the body's resistance to a specific causative agent of the disease, vaccination is used. A hepatitis vaccine is the basis of immunization. It is required in Russia.
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What is dangerous hepatitis B
The virus is transmitted parenterally, in other words, in order for the disease to progress, the pathogen must enter the bloodstream. Even microscopic damage to the skin or mucous membrane is enough for it to enter the body. Its size is smaller than that of HIV.
It is resistant to the environment:
- virus activity persists after freezing to -20 0С, and also for 6 months at t 32 0С. This is dangerous when using a common razor, accessories for manicure;
- does not die when boiled for 30 minutes;
- the carrier is contagious in the acute period and if the disease has become chronic.
The most dangerous time is considered to be the last three weeks of incubation and the first three weeks of acute form. The virus is found in the blood and all fluids that can be excreted by a person: tears, urine, seminal fluid, vaginal secretion, feces, even in breast milk, but it does not threaten the baby.
Why a virus vaccine is needed
Hepatitis is a serious illness that often causes death. After infection, immediately no one dies.In 6-15% of cases of infection, the disease acquires a chronic form, which leads to various complications. Often the result of such a pathology is oncology of the liver. The organ with severe development of the disease does not perform its functions in sufficient volume, and the effect of treatment is absent. For this reason, immunization is a way to protect yourself from pathology. Hepatitis B vaccine is given to newborns in the first 12 hours from the moment of birth.
The disease at an early age increases the chance that the disease will become chronic. In adults, this probability is about 5%, and in infants - 30%. When vaccinated, the body produces antibodies that resist the pathogen.
The virus can adapt to a variety of conditions: it is not afraid of boiling for several minutes, is resistant to freezing, remains intact at a pH of 2.4.
Often, pathology is accompanied by viral hepatitis D, as a result of which cirrhosis develops.
What vaccines exist
For hepatitis B immunization, several vaccines are used. They have the same composition and properties, are produced by foreign and Russian pharmaceutical companies.
The following vaccines are used in the Russian Federation:
- Serum Institute - Production India;
- Recombinant hepatitis B vaccine - Russia;
- Biowak - India;
- Regevak B - Russia;
- Shanvak - India;
- Eberbiovac - Cuba;
- H-B-Vax II - USA;
- Euwax B - South Korea;
- Angerix B - Belgium.
The most common ayw-type virus in Russia. The Regevac B vaccine was created specifically to combat it, but the rest are no less effective.
There are also combined formulations for vaccination of Russian manufacture:
- Bubo-M - aimed at the production of antibodies against hepatitis B, tetanus, diphtheria;
- Bubo-Kok - prevents the development of viruses that cause hepatitis B, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus.
Location and immunization schedule
For adults, hepatitis B vaccine is injected into the brachial muscle. It is strictly forbidden to do this subcutaneously - in this case, the injection will not completely enter the plasma, then there is no need to talk about the effectiveness of vaccination. The muscles on the shoulder are well formed, located immediately under the skin.
It is not recommended to stab into the buttock - here the muscle is located far below the fat layer, it is difficult to get to it.
The vaccine does not contain a virus, consists of protein. Therefore, measures to prevent this pathology cannot be the cause of infection.
Vaccinate according to a certain pattern: 0-1-6 months. For six months, a person should be given 3 injections. The second is done 30 days after the first, and the third - when it takes more than 2 months after the second, but not less than 4 months after the first.
There are accelerated schemes, when the patient requires surgical intervention with blood transfusion. The following scheme is applied: 0-7-21-12. The second injection is administered 7 days after the first, the third - on 21 days, the fourth - a year later.
For those at risk of infection, a different schedule is used: 0-1-2-12. The second introduction - after 30 days, the third - after 2 months, the fourth - after 12 months.
If the second injection was not administered up to 5 months, the vaccination schedule should be started again: 0-1-6. This is a mandatory requirement prescribed by state standards.
Vaccination protects for 8 years or more.
Rules before and after
From compliance with these important conditions depends on how easily the vaccine will be tolerated.
- A preliminary examination is required, in which it is necessary to donate blood and urine for a general analysis. This will help the doctor see if the patient is healthy, whether he can be given a vaccine.
- 2 days before and 4 after preventive measures, you can not get into crowded places.
- Bathing a baby and taking a shower for adults after vaccination is possible, even useful. Just do not forget that the injection site can not be rubbed with a washcloth.But from bathing in a river, lake or sea, one should refrain for several days so as not to infect the wound from the injection.
- Before vaccination by a doctor, an examination must be carried out. It is necessary to assess the condition of the throat, lymph nodes, listen to the heart and breathing, measure the temperature.
- If you feel unwell, you need to postpone the event for several days.
- After the procedure, it is required to refrain from taking spicy food and alcoholic beverages.
- A week before and during the next seven days, new foods should not be introduced into the diet of babies. Sometimes the cause of an allergy in a child becomes other food components.
- After an intramuscular injection, for half an hour you need to remain in the medical institution under the supervision of a physician, so that in case of a rapid reaction, the necessary manipulations for its relief are timely performed.
The reaction of the body of children and adults to vaccination
Modern vaccines are of fairly high quality. Therefore, complications or undesirable effects are very rare.
But still, sometimes certain manifestations occur:
- allergy to vaccine components - manifested by general malaise, the appearance of a rash at the injection site, rarely - Quincke's edema;
- general complications - expressed in increased body temperature, the appearance of joint pain, soreness in the abdomen, nausea, general malaise;
- local complications - the occurrence of redness, pain, compaction at the injection site.
There are no clinical manifestations with severe symptoms for this vaccine. Usually people tolerate it well and reactions do not occur so often. Sometimes they happen due to violation of transportation rules or violation of the regime by the patient after immunization. In certain cases, the reaction develops on the second or even third administration. In such situations, it is necessary to exclude allergies to the constituent components.
Possible complications
The complications caused by this vaccine are:
- anaphylactic shock;
- the appearance of an allergy to yeast dough;
- rash, urticaria.
Such consequences are very rare and occur at intervals of 1 per 100,000 or 300,000 people.
Contraindications and side effects
Contraindications for immunization are temporary or permanent.
- The vaccine is postponed for acute infectious diseases and exacerbations of chronic pathologies.
- If the weight of the newborn is less than 2 kg - doctors are waiting for the body weight of the baby to normalize.
- After chemotherapy, they are postponed for several months.
- The introduction of a vaccine in immunodeficiency conditions is prohibited: pregnancy, oncology, malignant blood pathologies, AIDS.
- If the last injection was marked by a severe allergic reaction - the next should not be done.
Although the vaccine is safe, side effects do occur:
- soreness at the injection site;
- increase in body temperature.
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea are very rare. Having made one vaccination, it is necessary to carry out the rest. Only then can a stable immunity develop in the body.
Hepatitis B is an infectious disease that leads to serious consequences. To prevent this, mandatory prevention of viral hepatitis b is required.