When a person dreamed of a cemetery, he was in any case excited, since it is always associated with sorrow, death and the grave. Sometimes dreamer visions await the dreamer, from which one cannot hide in a dream, but despite the terrible plot of the dream, one should not immediately interpret it as a harbinger of trouble.

Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams about a cemetery and graves

It should be noted that for a reliable interpretation of the vision, it is desirable to recall as many details of its plot as possible.

Considering dream books as the main source of interpretation of sleep, we can distinguish different versions of what the cemetery dreams of:

  1. In Miller’s dream book, the cemetery is a joyful portent of the near-term correction of the health of a loved one. Also, the well-groomed burial place indicates that justice will soon prevail, and the dreamer will be able to return what is rightfully his. Miller insisted that walking through the churchyard in a dream always promised longevity and a happy family life.
  2. The soothsayer Vanga assured in her dream book that the cemetery with the graves was dreaming on the eve of an important task, the result of which could indirectly affect the lives of the people involved in it. Moreover, if the sleeper copes with the task quickly and efficiently, a good reward for work awaits him. But it should be noted that failure to fulfill the business entrusted to him may lead to the loss of his beloved position. It is also said in the dream book that if the sleeping person is not afraid to be on the tomb, then the dream speaks of his strong spirit and good luck in all endeavors.
  3. The cemetery considers the psychological dream book as a subconscious experience of the possible loss of a loved one. In addition, the grave of a loved one in a dream portends small quarrels based on mutual misunderstanding.

When one dreams of one’s own grave, this indicates an insufficient realization of one’s own abilities.

Buy a cemetery place in a dream

A dream in which the dreamer chose and bought a place in the cemetery means that he will succeed on his own. The vision also suggests that his material well-being will increase every year. In addition, the dream of the sleeper indicates longevity.

The dream in which the dreamer bought a place for future funerals is a sign of the upcoming leisure planning. After the dream, an unexpected vacation is quite possible, which the sleeper will spend traveling around different countries. But you should plan your trip in advance so as not to waste valuable time in vain.

Walk through the churchyard

In Miller’s dream book it is indicated that a person walks around the churchyard in winter to dream of a possible health hazard. While the spring exercise in such a place promises the dreamer a solution to the monetary issue.

The dream, in which the dreamer was walking between the rows of graves, speaks of a running mess, both at his work and in a family setting. A person is currently faced with the problem of past unfulfilled promises and outstanding debts. The sleeper is advised to take more seriously what he is saying.

What portends a dream about a pregnant cemetery

When a pregnant girl dreamed of a cemetery and graves, this means that her future baby will be born healthy and strong. In addition, this dream prophesies a long and happy life for him.

However, if a girl dreams of her own grave in a cemetery, this is a sign that childbirth will be extremely difficult and may result in the death of the child. To the dangerous likelihood of stillbirth, there is a dream in which the expectant mother collected artificial flowers on the graveyard. In this case, one of the recommendations of the pregnant woman will be the choice of a good medical institution, in which both the woman and her baby will take care of the health.

Ruined, ruined graves

A very important point in the interpretation of vision is the state of the graves:

  1. An old cemetery with destroyed graves in a dream indicates that the dreamer will be surrounded by fame, luck and success. Moreover, if mold was present on the graves, then a dream portends people's envy to its success. In addition, if rickety crosses stood on the ruined cemetery, this is a warning of disagreements in the family. At the moment, the dreamer needs to establish family relations in any way.
  2. When a cemetery was seen in a dream with open graves, such a vision portends a small house clutter, the elimination of which will require a lot of strength and energy. Also, open tombs always dream of before a serious cleaning in the house. The dreamer should prepare for the fact that next weekend he will devote to creating comfort.

Digging a grave at burial sites

If in a dream you had to dig a grave at the burial sites, then the dream portends that in the near future there will be a need to fight enemies. In addition, the dream indicates that it will be necessary to apply the trick in order to win and defend.

An important point in the interpretation of such a dream is the dreamer's marital status:

  1. The single promises a dream of an early conclusion of marriage.
  2. If it happened to dig graves to married people, this indicates their longevity.

In the case when the dreamer dug up a grave for himself, the dream portends him a solution to the housing problem.

Perhaps he will be able to independently build a house or purchase an apartment. In addition, it should be noted that the wider and deeper the hole, the more wealth and prosperity will be in a person’s life.

Clean the cemetery

When a dreamer dreams about how he cleans the graves of his close people and friends in a cemetery, this indicates a rebellious period that will be filled with vanity and household chores. At the same time, many dream books insist that such a vision dreams on the eve of an unexpected pleasant visit by relatives.

In the event that cleaning a cemetery was a duty in a dream and the sleeping person was a worker in the churchyard, the dream is a bad sign. In this case, it promises a person bitter tears and despondency. The reason for this is a hidden insult that the dreamer cannot forgive. He should reconsider his attitude to long-standing disappointments and insults that prevent him from moving on. When the sleeper manages to discard all sadness, he will be able to avoid grief in the future.

Sleep, eat in the cemetery

A huge role in the interpretation is played by an unusual plot of a dream:

  1. When a dreamer in his dreams sleeps in a cemetery, he should undergo a medical examination. A dream indicates poor health, so you should consult a doctor more quickly to prevent the development of complications. Also, such a dream can portend serious problems in life that will arise due to the carelessness of the dreamer. During this period, it is undesirable to lose sight of the affairs on which the future directly depends.
  2. A dream in which a person ate at the cemetery and collected sweets is considered a good sign. For sick people, vision promises a speedy recovery. For entrepreneurs, it can be an omen of a bargain. Also, a dream with such food portends an unexpected profit and replenishment of the family budget. In addition, a sleeping dream prophesies an increase in wages and a cash prize.

Summing up, we can say that the dream, in which there was a burial place and the associated sorrows and anxieties, has a reverse interpretation. In most cases, such a vision promises the dreamer good health, longevity and wealth.