After such dreams, many women try to find the answer to the question on the web: “I dreamed that I was pregnant - what is the significance of such a plot”? In different dream books one can find conflicting interpretations. Therefore, in order not to be mistaken, it is worth considering the details of sleep, and the mood of the girl herself in a dream.
Material Content:
- 1 I dreamed that I was pregnant - interpretation of various dream books
- 2 Big, small belly
- 3 Pregnancy dreamed a man - meaning
- 4 How do psychologists and somnologists interpret the dream of pregnancy?
- 5 Dream Interpretation: I am pregnant with a boy / girl
- 6 Own or another's birth
- 7 See a pregnant girl / woman
- 8 Pregnancy girlfriends, relatives
- 9 How to determine a prophetic dream?
I dreamed that I was pregnant - interpretation of various dream books
In the Hebrew dream book, an “interesting” position is always associated with something new, the beginning of an unknown path, etc. Therefore, such a plot does not mean at all that the representative of the fair sex will really become a mother in the near future. Rather, interesting twists of fate and unexpected events await her.
Freud is sure that pregnancy promises a woman the beginning of a new love relationship. In them, the sleeper will be able to open and express herself from a completely new unknown side.
In Meridian’s dream book it is noted that a dream about pregnancy can be a harbinger of real two stripes on the test only if the girl in reality dreams of such changes. Under other conditions, the subject under discussion promises her career growth and a large financial reward for recent work.
Vanga in his work says that a dream about pregnancy with a very large belly for an already married woman is a harbinger of the birth of twins or twins. It is necessary to perceive such a gift of fate as great happiness and reward, and not as a test.
According to the dream book of Hase, the pregnancy of a young unmarried girl promises her happiness on a love front.Very soon, the young lady will meet an interesting man with whom she wants to associate her fate. It is important to first check the representative of the stronger sex for his honesty and devotion in different life situations, and only after that give his consent to marriage.
Dream interpretation of Simon Kanonita suggests that a young girl can dream of pregnancy as a sign that she will be able to realize all her most ambitious plans. No need to be afraid and wait for support from loved ones - the sleeping one will overcome any obstacles and will be able to achieve everything on her own.
Big, small belly
A dream can be interpreted in different ways even depending on the duration of pregnancy.
Therefore, in the morning you need to try to remember how big the belly was sleeping.
If she’s very big and the girl felt the sensation of an approaching birth, this is a clear sign that the time has come for the realization of her most daring and ambitious plans. It is important not to miss it and really begin to act actively.
It happens that in reality a woman is engaged in some promising business, puts a lot of energy into it and suddenly sees in her dream a very large pregnant belly. This means that all the efforts of the dreamer will not go unnoticed. Soon she will be rewarded for her labors. First of all, it will be a large material compensation.
A very small pregnant belly in a dream in a woman who already has children is a bad sign. He suggests that in reality, the sleeper does not know how to build the right harmonious relationship with her heirs. She does not understand children and is not able to find a common language with them. This is an important issue that must be worked on.
Pregnancy dreamed a man - meaning
Interestingly, even representatives of the stronger sex can periodically see themselves pregnant in a dream.
This is a great sign for a man. He promises the sleeping man a successful waking period, which will bring him material well-being, and will also allow him to achieve a high position in society and significantly climb the career ladder. Good times will come after some significant changes. Therefore, you need to boldly decide on them.
If a man sees a pregnant woman and giving birth to a stranger, it means that a very passionate young woman will soon meet on his way, which will inflame him with strong feelings. Between her and the dreamer a bright beautiful romance is possible.
Most often, young people dream of pregnancy, whose spouse is expecting a baby. No special interpretation is required for such a plot. Surely a man just too often hears conversations about pregnancy and thinks a lot about this topic.
How do psychologists and somnologists interpret the dream of pregnancy?
Psychologists pay special attention to dreams in which a representative of the stronger sex sees themselves as pregnant and experiences discomfort. This is a clear sign that in reality the young man doubts his own masculinity. Most likely, the complexes were awakened by the second half or someone from those around him. It is very important to start fighting with them in time - with complexes.
Somnologists note that a woman often dreams of pregnancy as a result of her great desire to become a waking mother or, conversely, fears of an unwanted pregnancy. In order for such visions to cease to bother the girl, you need to understand yourself. Perhaps sleeping for this will require the help of a professional psychologist.
If the representative of the fair sex in a dream sees herself as pregnant and in every possible way tries to hide the “interesting situation”, then in reality she is ashamed of any of her own actions. Probably, the woman behaves too frivolously and realizes that this harms her reputation, but she can not help herself. It must be remembered that some errors can be extremely difficult to fix. Therefore, the best solution is to simply avoid them.
Dream Interpretation: I am pregnant with a boy / girl
Women turn to their dream books with exciting questions: "I am pregnant with a boy or a girl, what does this mean?" The people say that a male infant in the stomach always portends a girl favorable changes in reality, as well as the successful completion of projects.
But the meaning of sleep largely depends on its details:
- Pregnancy as a boy, which causes a woman pain and discomfort in a dream, may be a harbinger of a car accident not only for the dreamer herself, but also for her close friends.
- The boy is a symbol of strength and determination. If a girl is pregnant with him in a dream, then in reality she will be able to independently cope with all the problems that arise. The main thing is not to lose confidence in yourself.
- According to some dream books, a boy’s pregnancy portends important changes, which the girl will be frightened at first, and then will be glad about what happened.
As for the pregnancy of a girl in a dream, such a plot promises a representative of the fair sex unexpected joy. Perhaps she will receive some important good news that can have a big impact on the life of a waking woman.
Own or another's birth
If a woman herself gives birth to a child in a dream and at the same time experiences pain, it means that in real life she did not pay enough attention to some important matter. As a result, the young lady is tormented by an unpleasant sense of incompleteness.
A child was born dead? This does not mean that the plot will be repeated in reality. Most likely, the representative of the fair sex had a chance to change her life for the better - for example, find a new job, move to another city, start a relationship with another man, but the girl did not use it. Next time you need to be more determined and not be afraid of change.
Had to watch someone else give birth? This is a clear sign that someone from close friends needs help sleeping. It is unlikely that a person will declare this directly, so you need to independently offer support to a friend. If the birth of another woman caused the dreamer fear or other negative emotions, it means that in reality she experiences a feeling of depression.
See a pregnant girl / woman
If the sleeping woman saw another woman pregnant, you need to try to remember who exactly was in the "interesting position". If this is a stranger, details of her appearance are important. A beautiful well-groomed expectant mother promises the dreamer a large unexpected profit. True, the money will leave the sleeping hands as easily and quickly as it came. An ugly pregnant girl is a harbinger of mental torment.
Did you manage to stroke the pregnant tummy of another woman in your dream? In the near future, the dreamer herself will see two strips on the test. If she does not dream about pregnancy, you need to take care of more thorough methods of protection.
Pregnancy girlfriends, relatives
The dreamer's girlfriend, who is expecting a baby, dreams about marriage to the woman herself in the near future. If the sleeping woman is already married, a similar plot can promise her to move to another city or even another country. Had a pregnant girlfriend in a dream who was expecting a baby and in reality? You can tell the girl that her birth will be easy and quick. Do not be afraid for the health of the long-awaited baby.
A pregnant mother in a dream predicts the appearance in life of a sleeping rich influential man. He will become her patron and will help to realize many plans. True, the dreamer will not have true feelings for this new acquaintance. Therefore, she will have to choose between success and love.
Pregnancy of a daughter in a dream means that the girl chose herself as a partner in the life of a worthy person. Mom sleeping can not worry about her.
How to determine a prophetic dream?
The following signs will help distinguish a prophetic dream from an ordinary one:
- brightness and colorfulness - important dreams are always colored;
- completeness of the story - prophetic dreams usually represent a full story with a clear end and beginning;
- numbers and memorable information from the characters of the dream;
- strong emotions experienced in a dream, which a person experiences in the first hours after awakening.