To survive the death of loved ones, even in a dream, is very difficult and painful. If you dreamed that your mother died, you do not need to panic: the interpretation is not bad. Usually such a dream portends longevity to the parent, good health. Consider the dream in detail.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
The Modern Dream Book says that if you dream of a dying or dead mother who is actually alive, then you will be tormented by remorse. Perhaps you quarreled, communicate a little. The dream interpretation is in a hurry to warn you about the importance of communicating with your parent, while there is still such an opportunity. Indeed, there is something to think about.
Consider other, no less popular interpreters:
According to Miller:
- The psychologist claims that if mom is sick in life, she will recover soon. A dream foreshadows her long years of life.
- For young girls and women, a dream means soon assuming great responsibilities. You will control a lot, the well-being of some people depends on you. The dream that mother has died warns that soon you will lose support, you may even have to perform male duties.
According to Freud:
- Scientist and psychologist assures that your children need attention, you spend too little time on them! Be a dreamer a man or a woman, he should from this moment spend more time at home, deal with children.
- If there are no children, then Freud predicts an early acquaintance with the person whom you will take care of. Perhaps this will be your second half or just a good person who needs some help, even guardianship.
The universal dream book says that such a dream, as the mother’s words about the date of her death, can be horrifying! But everything is not as it seems. Remember the named date, from this day everything will work out in your life.
If you dreamed that the mother was beating in dying agony, then in reality you should pay attention to your health. Take an examination, because a disease detected at an early stage has a better chance of cure.
I dreamed that mother died to her son, daughter
The meaning of sleep varies for daughters and sons. Mom’s longevity in real life is an indispensable part in the interpretation. But what does vision mean for the dreamer himself?
- For a man, this vision means trouble in family life. The dream says that the dreamer is too frivolous about his life, about his wife and children. Households do not feel care, attention, so everything can end badly soon. Enough to live only for yourself, think about your desires. The wife after the mother is the closest person, but you can lose her.
- If the man is not married, then this dream portends his quick marriage. Mother gives up her obligations, and now another woman will look after the dreamer!
- There is no thought of getting married - just enjoy the news of the longevity of your beloved mother!
For the daughter, the interpretation is different:
- If the dreamer is married, then the dream speaks of the support that always surrounds her. You are too afraid to be left alone, but forget that there are so many loved ones who are ready to help at any time.
- If there are children, then pay more attention to them; they need you too much.
- For an unmarried woman - to remain alone for a long time, to pull all the problems on her own. Think about whether it's time to start a family?
If you dream that mom died, regardless of your gender, pay attention to some details. Perhaps you saw a grave, a photo on a monument or a coffin.
More dream books:death of a loved one
See the parent in the coffin
If the parent is actually alive, then inquire about her affairs. Most likely, now she does not have the brightest streak in her life, but she does not tell you that, so as not to upset. To see how the mother lies with her eyes closed in the coffin - she herself cannot cope with the problems she has piled up; she needs help.
If in a dream the parent came out of the coffin, said that she was doing well, she was alive, then in fact, the mother herself copes with all the problems.
If the coffin is lowered into the grave, then you will soon receive news that you will not like. But this news will not directly affect you, so do not attach special importance to them.
Mom's funeral in a dream
If you are preparing for a funeral, but you don’t see the coffin, mother, then soon all your plans will come true. When in a dream baking pies for the funeral of a mother who is actually alive, in real life you will achieve prosperity. If there are financial problems now, you will soon forget about them.
If you see a photo on a monument or a cross, then think about health. Do not ignore the pain that you sometimes feel in the same place. Perhaps this is a serious illness.
To look at an empty grave is to feel relieved, to achieve a goal in life. If the grave has already been buried, then in reality soon complete important things, make a profit.
If you dream about a wake, then wait for the invitation to the wedding of a loved one. You may be asked to be a witness at a celebration.
What does sleep depend on the day of the week
Before you look at the meaning of mother's death in a dream book, pay attention to the calendar. Interpretation may vary depending on the day of the week.
When had a dream:
- on Monday - mom will live a long time, you are no less, but you need to take care of your health, quit bad habits;
- on Tuesday - the interpretation will come true;
- on Wednesday - a dream that she had about her mother promises her many years of life and good health;
- on Thursday - an empty dream, perhaps you are internally worried about the health of the parent;
- on Friday - remember when you last visited your mother: she is bored;
- good news on Saturday;
- on Sunday - the desired will not come true.
Of course, seeing in a dream the death of a loved one is terrible. The next morning, the desire to take a lot of sedatives, stop thinking about sleep.How unpleasant a vision is, how bad it is to you at the very thought of it, so everything will be fine in later life! Do not forget your parents, call them, visit while it is still possible! You’ll be calm for your mother, you will have good dreams. And in life everything will be wonderful too! Good night.