The dream in which the husband had died seems like an unpleasant nightmare. Considering the interpretation of this vision, it is worth considering: is a person alive who dreams dead; who is he at this stage of life in the fate of a woman? The details taken into account will help to qualitatively approach the solution and to prevent undesirable circumstances in the present.
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Interpretation in different dream books
Death is seen as a transitional stage. However, even such an interpretation does not affect the dreamer's emotional state in the best way. The changes promised in a dream in this way are bound to happen for sure. It is worth preparing for changes of any nature. Many dream books try to warn those who have seen such a dream about the impending betrayal of their beloved. Regardless of whether a woman is married or not, she can see in a dream that her husband has died. But what all the same, such night scenes testify to, a variety of dream books will tell.
Interpreter Miller:
- dreams of the death of a husband who is alive - a rival has appeared, it is worth paying more attention to relationships;
- when the death of a repentant spouse was seen, then in reality this means a violation of internal harmony, experience and boredom;
- if the dream was dreamed of by an unmarried young lady, then she would soon be married.
Freud's Dream Book:
- a widow to see her ex in a dream means soul-throwing, restlessness and sexual dissatisfaction;
- to see in a dream two of their chosen ones dead, one of whom is still alive, the prediction indicates that the pain of loss has not died down to this day;
- if the husband is alive, and the wife sees him dead in his dream, then this is a sign of dissatisfaction, perhaps the woman will have a lover.
Interpretation of Wangi:
- a living spouse dies - to his longevity;
- if a person is sick, and his wife dreamed that he had died, then the faithful would soon rise to his feet;
- if the widow dreams of the death of her deceased husband - the harbingers of her illness.
Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus:
- prepares for the wedding celebration is the girl who saw in her dream her ex-husband dead;
- if the sleeping woman laughs at the body of the deceased, a quarrel will occur between the spouses in real life.
Interpreter Longo:
- the dream of a dead husband is a sign that the sleeping soul is completely dependent on grief, it is worth repenting, serving a memorial service;
- when a woman sees in a nightmare the demise of her own living spouse, it is worth worrying about his peace of mind, reconsidering her attitude to him, and disposing tired of herself.
The interpreter of Catherine the Great:
- if the faithful dies in the wife’s dream, such a dream portends separation, cooled feelings;
- when the death of the former dead spouse is seen, then it is worth “tying up” with the past, it will not bring anything positive in the present;
- unmarried to see in a dream a dead husband promises an early acquaintance and celebration of matchmaking.
Interpretation of Phoebe:
- the death of a man, an ex-husband sleeping, symbolizes the liberation from trouble, the onset of a new stage in the future.
People's dream book:
- widowing in a dream - bright changes;
- if a dead man broke up with a woman long ago, and she sees his demise, then expect the former to visit;
- the girl finally sees her lover in a dream and sees his death portends bright changes, family troubles, marriage.
Why dream of the death of a husband who is alive?
The woman’s experiences due to a dream in which she had to see a living spouse dead are clearly justified if we consider many interpretations of dream books. As it turned out, the dream of the death of a husband who is alive only occurs when the faithful is bored with coexistence with his wife, and he decided to commit treason. A dream indicates that another has appeared. And if the spouse intends to keep her lover to save the family, then she is obliged to make every effort at the moment.
The deceased loved one died
Sleeping, seeing how the deceased husband died in a dream again, he will inwardly survive his death. Sensations after a dream will rise with new sorrow. It is worth realizing in reality that the person is no longer there, letting go of him, learning to live in a new way. Sometimes such a prediction symbolizes the fatigue of a single woman.
See the spouse in the coffin
The coffin should not be symbolized with something bad, like death, if the sleeper saw them in a dream. Often, if a woman sees her deceased husband in a coffin, this means the onset of a new stage in her fate, liberation from previous painful thoughts. Another thing is if you dreamed a dead living spouse. Then it’s worth understanding for yourself: is it worth it to come to terms with treason, is it necessary to go further with such a faithful one?
Funeral, wake in a dream
The funeral of a living person symbolizes the rapid changes in life associated with the news, attracting others to upcoming events. If the deceased is remembered in a dream, then a woman should pay a visit to the nearest church of God and honor his memory, light a candle for the repose of his soul.