If a man or woman had a wedding, then first of all you need to remember the circumstances under which the celebration took place, what mood the sleeping person had, and other details. Any little thing can radically change the interpretation. But more often the dream of a wedding is a good sign for the dreamer.
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Interpretation of dream books
- In Freud's dream book, a wedding symbolizes harmony in the sexual life of partners. If such a plot is seen by a man or woman, then a person is completely satisfied with the relationship with his other half. Especially intimate. To maintain harmony for a long time, you need to continue to behave in the same way as before. If a person in reality did not yet have sexual contact, then dreams with a solemn wedding event symbolize his fear of an intimate life. Subject literature and conversations on a sensitive topic with a person you fully trust will help rectify the situation.
- Wang tells you to remember how fun the holiday was. If the sleeper actively laughed and rejoiced, then in the very near future he should expect pleasant life changes. Perhaps a person will meet the long-awaited soulmate or just an important acquaintance will take place that will turn his whole life upside down. Was the dreamer among the guests of honor at the wedding? Soon, someone from an acquaintance will turn to the sleeping man for urgent help. In no case should you refuse him under such conditions. Otherwise, everything may turn against the person himself. For the help he received, he will receive a worthy reward.
- Miller notes that the marriage proposal, as well as the next wedding in a dream, is a hint that the dreamer will be able to realize all his ambitious plans.
If a girl watches her lover marry another, then in reality she will have to cry bitterly.
I dreamed about my own wedding
Often people dream of their own wedding. If such a dream was seen by a young lady who day and night dreams of a beautiful holiday with her beloved, then the dream is simply a reflection of her thoughts and fantasies. No need to give it special significance and try to find an interpretation. As soon as the dream of the fair sex comes true, the dream will cease to bother her.
More dream books:dream of someone else's wedding
Does a person fail to cope with problems that have piled up on all sides and suddenly in a dream he sees his own wedding? You can relax and breathe out calmly. This is a clear sign that it will be easy to eliminate the circumstances that impede success, and deal with all the troubles.
In general, your own wedding in a dream can turn out to be both a positive and a negative harbinger for a sleeping person, it all depends on her circumstances.
First of all, you need to remember with whom exactly the person was married:
- If with a stranger, then such a plot from a dream promises parting with a beloved in reality. The culprit in the break will be just the second half of the dreamer. Therefore, the latter is unlikely to manage the situation on his own.
- If you had to associate your fate in a dream with a colleague, this is a favorable sign. Such a plot promises a man or woman the recognition of others. He may portend a sharp jump in the career ladder.
More dream books:what is your wedding dream about
To dream about the preparation for the triumph
Had a wedding dress fitting? The situation will happen again in real life, and soon the sleeping one will get married. How happy and successful her marriage will be, it will be possible to understand by the mood from a dream. If the girl was joyful and calm, she made the right choice in reality. If the dreamer panicked and felt uncomfortable, it’s worthwhile several more times to think about whether she really knows her chosen one well and is confident in his feelings.
It happens that a girl has to decorate someone else's wedding procession. Such a plot of a dream suggests that soon she will have a rival. This young lady will actively weave intrigues so that the sleeping woman parted with her lover.
Did the man clean his own wedding shoes? Behind someone someone spreads dirty gossip about him, trying to spoil the dreamer's reputation. It is urgent to stop this process by any possible means.
A relative's acquaintance’s wedding
If a person sleeping in a dream suddenly had to go to a wedding with a relative who was in mourning robes, then this character will soon become seriously ill. It is worth advising a family member to visit a doctor in the near future at least for preventive purposes.
A friend in a dream signs with the husband of the dreamer herself? In reality, cheating in the second half is possible.
A lavish wedding at the neighbors, at which the sleeping man has fun and noisy, promises him big expenses. You won’t be able to avoid them, so you’ll have to come to terms and look for ways to fill the “holes” that have appeared in the family budget.
Walking at a stranger's wedding
Own wedding celebration with a completely unfamiliar and unpleasant man dreams of a scandalous separation from his own lover. The gap will be loud and very painful. The girl will still move away from what happened.
If a man sees such a plot, he will be disappointed in his beloved. Due to problems piling on him, the girl suddenly appears before the sleeping in a completely different light.
Also, someone else's wedding in a dream often turns out to be a hint to a person that he is overly curious and is trying in every possible way to participate in other people's lives.Because of this unpleasant behavior, all friends may soon turn his back on him.
Dreaming of a failed wedding
To see a failed wedding - to the shocking news. It is difficult to say in advance whether they will be positive or negative, but they will definitely hit the dreamer and have a significant impact on his whole life.
A more accurate interpretation will help you choose the details of sleep:
- The second half did not come to the registry office? She will disappoint the sleeper with her behavior and waking.
- If a girl leaves her groom in a dream right at the wedding, then she is very afraid of any life changes.
- Does a woman run away from a wedding with another? Sleeping and waking should take a closer look at the bride herself. Probably, the girl is really playing a double game.
Triumph with ex-husband
It can be quite difficult to understand exactly what a wedding with an ex-boyfriend / husband is about. Often such a dream is a girl who has not yet fully accepted the fact that her marriage has collapsed. Perhaps she continues to love her ex-man and hopes to restore relations.
If a woman has not remembered the past for a long time, then for her such a plot is a favorable harbinger. She can expect a joyful life change. Probably, the fair sex, even repeatedly and very successfully marry.
Interpretation of sleep depending on the dreamer's gender
The dreamer's gender also influences the interpretation of sleep. If a girl sees herself in a wedding dress covered with mud, then her hopes for a happy waking marriage will not come true. The chosen one is not approved by the parents. A beautiful magnificent wedding promises sleeping happiness in love and in reality.
For a man, the most negative version of the dream being discussed is the plot with a wedding with his own spouse. Such a vision dreams of a deterioration in his health. To a single representative of the stronger sex, going for a wedding - to a major business contract.