It is not surprising if someone dreamed of a dog: we encounter them more often than, for example, with pigs or amphibians. But often dreams are not just a reflection of daytime events, but an almost magical tool that allows us to build our destiny.
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Dreamed of a dog - interpretation of dream books
Dreams can show dogs in different situations. Their characters are animals small and large, friendly and aggressive, defenders and enemies. In a dream, we play with them or escape from their pursuit; it happens that we suffer from animal bites, or we see a sick dog, scabby, even dead. Any dream book - and Miller, and Wang, and Nostradamus, and everyone else - says that all of these details are crucial to the proper interpretation of sleep. Great importance is also attached. the emotional coloring of dreams and the mood that you have after awakening.
Dream Interpretations advise paying special attention to dreams that seem to be imprinted in memory, so that sometimes it is not even immediately believed that everything that happened did not happen in reality. If what you see continues to emerge in your memory and before your eyes, do not hesitate: the Universe and your subconscious send a sign. And understanding what can lie ahead, how to behave better and how to act, will help the correct interpretation of what he saw in the "kingdom of Morpheus."
See a good or evil dog in a dream
We perceive a dog most often as a friendly creature. Her fidelity, love for man, nobility and the constant desire to protect and serve for us is an axiom. Therefore, most often such a hero of our dreams does not cause fears and negative emotions.In fact - well, can you expect anything bad from a friend? But it all depends on what kind of dog you dreamed about.
If in a dream there was a benevolent animal, what can this indicate?
- A dreaming affectionate dog does not step away from you, protecting you from everything and everyone? In reality, don’t worry. In this way, they saw their faithful friend who protects you and is always ready to help. So do not be afraid to be left alone with troubles, troubles and enemies.
- Or maybe this is a sign of participation in your destiny of higher forces, and behind your right shoulder is really a guardian angel, as it is believed by believers. In any case, Wangi's dream interpretation interprets such a vision in this way.
- In a dream in the house was a dog - beautiful, but quiet? And you did not notice the moment of its appearance? A guest silently walks around the rooms and looks around, completely not responding to you? This is a very good sign. Happiness will come to your home, and so quietly and gradually, without your participation, that you do not even immediately realize it. It remains to thank fate for such a gift.
- Did you see your own purebred pet in the night dreams? So, in reality, we should expect a gift or a quick enrichment. And if you also went for a walk with him - soon you will be envious of your great happiness.
When a dog dreams of an angry, aggressive dog, this is usually not a very good symbol. Almost all dream books say that vision portends some kind of trouble.
- After such a dream, you need to be afraid of meanness. And not only from the side of the enemies: it is quite possible and the betrayal of a friend.
- There are likely to be problems with work colleagues. There is a risk of conflict with complete strangers.
- Problems may arise that are not dependent on the human will: someone's serious illness, or even death.
- Also, the evil dog is the threat of business troubles that can even lead to bankruptcy.
Big, small dog
Since any nuances are important for the correct explanation of the dreamer, it is worth considering the size of the dog’s dream. From whether it was small or large, it may depend on what happens in real life.
How do dream books explain what a big dog is dreaming of based on her actions, mood and condition?
- Most often, a large animal means some kind of forces, earthly or otherworldly, over which the dreamer does not have power. Did you see the majestic deadpan dog? This may well be the leader located to you, whose support and intercession is always worth counting on.
- Is the animal unhealthy and / or aggressive? Not the best option, prophesying disease and trouble. An important point: the larger the dog, the greater the future difficulties.
- A huge, well-groomed and calm four-legged handsome man is a signal that you will soon acquire a new acquaintance, an influential person with a serious status. He will probably be your friend. Of course, these must be appreciated.
Many dream books agree that small dogs are often the embodiment of women in dreams. Such visions usually prophesy numerous troubles. If the baby is angry and barks, get ready for an unpleasant opening in reality. Someone from the people around you whom you unconditionally trusted will be unworthy of such an attitude. And since a small dog has bitten your hand in blood, one of your blood relatives will greatly disappoint you.
Dog attacks, bites
If you dreamed that the dog had bitten, or she is stubbornly attacking, and this is not a reflection of a similar situation that happened to you in reality, get ready for a black streak in life. Whatever the interpretation of such a dream - politics, work, children, friends - they all portend, to put it mildly, troubles, from misunderstandings in relations with people to wars and natural disasters.
If we talk about things not so ambitious, there is a possibility that:
- you need to be careful in communicating with people: not everyone from your environment can be trusted.It is very possible that some conceal evil intentions;
- will have to try to regain confidence and relieve tension in relations with someone from friends, close relatives. Especially in the case when in a dream the dog bit his arm or leg before blood;
- your stress and fatigue at work will lead to quarrels and conflicts with colleagues if blood does not come out in a dream after a dog bite;
- scandal will arise, as they say, out of the blue, if the animal attacked you without a "warning" - a roar or barking.
Pet play with dog
Such dreams, according to various dream books, are mostly not negative. Although sometimes it can be a warning. For example, the fact that you are too “loving” your child and suppress the child with excessive custody. Review your relationship and allow your son or daughter to be more independent.
What good can a dog play in a dream or a gentle stroking portend?
- There is a chance for a romantic date. A new acquaintance will appear in your life, a person very worthy, and new relationships with him.
- It may well be that you have outlined the next few days to have fun and have fun in the company of friends. Do not lose your head.
- If during a game with a dog you sat on top of him, waking up, evaluate your relationship with friends, think about their feelings. Do you abuse friendship, do you use people for your own purposes?
- Having played enough in a dream with a dog, do you treat it? A wonderful sign! You will have a new loyal friend. Or is he already nearby? Take a look around!
More dream books:cat
The value of sleep depending on the color of the animal
The color of the dog, as well as its behavior and mood, shows the possible direction of the predicted events. For example, white dog - it is always positive. Such a dream portends happiness and well-being in the family. See an animal angry, barking, in reality try to pull yourself together and maintain peace between you and your family. But even if some quarrels occur, they will soon end in mutual forgiveness and reconciliation.
About ginger pet interpretations of dream books are not so straightforward. Some interpret the appearance of a red-haired character as the appearance in the life of a dreamer of an intimate partner. Others promise the machinations of an evil envious. Still others talk about the upcoming acquaintance with a bright extraordinary personality with a difficult character. Yes, sometimes it’s not easy to communicate with such a person and be near. But without it, life becomes so fresh!
Comes to people often enough black doglike night itself. Many night dream interpreters rate this as a negative sign. Such a beast is a harbinger of all kinds of troubles.
It could be:
- betrayal of friends, bringing great disappointment and heartache;
- ridicule, flattery, hatred, and “undercover games” of acquaintances, covered in outward goodwill (if the black dog tried to kiss you in a dream). All this can turn into a real disaster for the dreamer.
However, Wangi's dream book may be right. It says that a black dog in a dream is nothing more than a symbol of your closeness and misunderstanding. Stop fencing off relatives and friends with an invisible glass wall, trust them. Think about what is worth changing in yourself, so that relationships with others are filled with harmony.
Many dogs
The extent to which future events in real life are capable of expanding is indicated by the number of dreamed animals. For example, if one barking dog can portend a loud quarrel with someone alone, then many dogs in a dream, setting off a deafening bark, portend enormous pressure from society.
But when the conditions have slightly changed - you are accompanied by a friendly dog pack that yells loudly and cheerfully - the luck awaiting you is unlikely to seem small and insignificant.
Interpreters give one more explanation to the large number of ghostly animals: you are too busy and do a lot of superfluous, loading your life with unnecessary nonsense. It's time to stop and choose what is really important. Live Calmer!
Did you find yourself surrounded by dogs in a dream? Probably, in reality, it's time to take a break, put in order thoughts and feelings, if only for the sake of this I had to postpone some important things for later.
A dog dreamed about a woman, a man - an interpretation
Even assuming that two people on the same night saw the same, up to the smallest detail, a dream with a dog, for sure he warns everyone about something of his own. Especially if one dreamer is a man, the second is a woman.
What can such a dream say to the fair sex?
- It is likely that a young girl will have a pleasant acquaintance who has every chance of becoming a sexual partner. But if the dog casts a redhead in a dream, do not rush into love with your head: it is not a fact that your feelings are answered sincerely.
- A married woman, when meeting a younger handsome man, should keep emotions in check. There is no guarantee that the loyal cavalier looking at you is actually not gigolo. If you succumb to the temptation, the relationship will not last long and may well end in banal blackmail.
- The dog in a dream, especially if it is white, symbolizes fast news. It will be a very pleasant start to an interesting journey with a welcome companion.
Men usually subconsciously embody their close friends in dogs. So, if in a dream the animals were calm and friendly, in reality you can be sure of your future. Reliable friends surround you, always ready to turn your shoulder. But if the dogs snarl viciously, begin to bark, it is worth preparing for serious problems.
More dream books:what is the dog dreaming about
Have you suddenly been bitten by a good-natured dog? There is a chance of problems with good friends. Does an unfamiliar animal display aggression? It is worth assuming that new acquaintances will “delight” with treachery.
Trying to understand what the dream wants to say, remember: not one dream book will give an accurate analysis of the development of future events. All interpretations are based on associations, sensations and personal perceptions of the environment. So be careful, consider the smallest details of night dreams and turn on your own intuition.