Oregano stands out in a string of spices and various spices, a seasoning famous for its magnificent aroma. Known to people from the earliest times, oregano has firmly taken its place in the palette of culinary spices all over the world. What is the peculiarity of this herb, and what dishes does it suit? How to apply oregano (alternative name - oregano) in the process of creating culinary masterpieces?
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Oregano seasoning (oregano): what is it
A familiar oregano or overseas oregano - what kind of seasoning is this?
It belongs to perennial species of plants of the family Yasnotkovye. It differs in small oval leaves and neat inflorescences of a whitish or pink hue.
Most oregano can be found in Europe, Russia and the Mediterranean on mountain slopes and forest glades.
It is interesting. In the literal translation from Greek, the word "oregano" means "the beauty of the mountains." Since ancient times, this plant has been known to people - mention of it is found in the works of the famous doctor of Hippocrates.
Useful seasoning properties
Oregano is often used to create culinary masterpieces - an excellent spice is obtained from herbs.
However, the use of oregano seasoning is not limited to cooking. Oregano is also used in the field of medicine. Its leaves, stems, flowers are excellent raw materials for making teas and decoctions. External use of oregano in the form of lotions, applications, compresses for wound healing is permissible. By pouring oregano into the bathroom, you can provide the body with a tonic effect and an improvement in overall well-being.
How did people become aware of the medicinal properties of the herb? According to the ancient Greek belief, on the island of Crete deer and other animals wounded by hunters were eating marjoram. Gradually, arrows and shafts of spears came out of the wounds on the body of the animals, injuries were healed and scarred. People took this wonderful feature into service and began to use oregano for medicinal purposes.
Gradually, additional healing properties of plants were discovered:
- Antispasmodic. Oregano-based products relieve pain and cramping.
- Soothing. By eating flavored oregano, you can forget about the disorders of the nervous system and eliminate the symptoms of insomnia.
- Antimicrobial. Medicines prepared on the basis of oregano help fight microorganisms that enter the person along with harmful or expired foods.
Consumption of oregano is relevant in the presence of the following problems:
- Malfunctions of the menstrual cycle, painful periods, pathology of the genitourinary system. Oregano also helps fight hormonal failure during menopause.
- Lack of breast milk. Oregano is an excellent way to increase lactation.
- Gastrointestinal problems. With the help of oregano, you can normalize stool and improve the digestion process.
- Diseases of the respiratory system. A decoction and rinsing from oregano eliminate the symptoms of colds. Also, such a remedy is relevant for rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, tuberculosis and other similar diseases.
- Dermatological diseases. Various oregano-based compresses help eliminate the effects of acne, neurodermatitis, and eczema.
By the way. Traditional medicine offers many recipes for alcoholism, the main component of which is oregano.
The use of spices in cooking
What dishes is spiced oregano suitable for?
A seasoning feature is its bitter taste. To create culinary creations, both freshly picked and dried leaves of the plant are equally well suited. It is also permissible to use oregano buds.
Oregano is relevant in the process of creating the following dishes:
- vegetable salting;
- pizza or pasta;
- sauces;
- pickled fish;
- meat soups;
- sausages;
- meat dishes;
- scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs.
What can replace oregano
Of course, not a single spice can completely repeat the original taste and aroma of oregano. But some herbs or their combinations can to some extent replace oregano.
These include:
- marjoram;
- basil + mint;
- dill + parsley;
- ready mix "Provencal herbs".
Attention. It should be noted that all of these herbs, although they have some notes similar to oregano, do not possess the beneficial qualities of oregano.
How and how much add oregano
Moderation is the main rule that must be followed when adding oregano to the dish. The persistent spicy aroma of spice, which, inadvertently, is filled up in excess, can spoil the culinary masterpiece.
Add oregano to the dish as follows:
- Use a dry spoon to draw the amount of spice specified in the recipe. Pour seasoning straight from the container into a hot dish should not be. The rising fumes can spoil the remains of oregano in the jar, after which the spice sticks together in a single lump.
- Fresh oregano is chopped finely and wrinkled with your hands, releasing a wonderful aroma.
Note. If the exact amount of oregano is not indicated in the recipe, you should proceed from the main component of the dish. So, for 500 g of meat or minced meat takes 1 \ 4 tsp. spice. For pasta or sauce - 1 tsp. herbs, in a salad - 0.5 tsp.
Regarding the time of adding oregano, the following principles should be followed:
- Fresh leaves fall asleep in a dish at the very end of cooking. It is in this way that you can provide a unique aroma to culinary masterpieces.
- Stew is also seasoned at the final cooking stage.
- When cooking broth, oregano with other herbs is tied into a bundle and put into a gauze bag.The latter is lowered into the pan, and when the broth reaches readiness - discarded. Thus, the prepared soup is completely saturated with the magnificent aroma of grass.
Seasoning storage rules
Oregano contains multiple volatile essential oils. That is why the spice must certainly be stored in a closed container. Often, glass containers are used that are screwed on with a lid.
Contraindications to the use of oregano
Like many plants, oregano is distinguished not only by benefits, but also by possible harm.
With caution, the use of this plant in any form should be with:
- diseases of the heart, kidneys;
- acute pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
- intolerance to at least one of the components of the plant.
Oregano should not be abused by men and pregnant women. In the first case, the spice can lead to a weakening of potency, in the second - to a miscarriage, in view of the possible effect on the contractile functions of the uterus.
Note. The use of oregano can affect the effectiveness of certain drugs.
Almost any dish becomes more refined and perfect after adding certain spices to it. An almost universal seasoning for side dishes, first courses and meat dishes is considered oregano. This spice can be used both fresh and dried. In the absence of the right amount of oregano at hand, it is permissible to replace it with alternative products, for example, a ready-made mixture of purchased herbs or independently prepared combinations of spices.