Propolis is a beekeeping product created by insects from the sticky substances of birch buds and other natural components, contains more than 16 groups of organic substances, which allows it to be actively used for medicinal purposes. Propolis tincture is usually used as a dosage form, the use of which is justified in many diseases.

The healing properties of propolis tincture

The healing properties of propolis are due to the presence in its composition of a huge amount of biologically active substances. It:

  • polyphenols;
  • aldehydes;
  • alcohols;
  • aromatic acids;
  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • steroids;
  • flavonoids, etc.

In addition to the above, the product includes B vitamins, many enzymes, trace elements, and essential components.

Due to this, propolis has the following effect on the body:

  • antibacterial;
  • antitoxic;
  • dermaplastic;
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunomodulatory.

Today, bee glue is used not only by healers and herbalists, but also by representatives of official medical science.

From what propolis tincture is used in folk medicine

As mentioned above, propolis helps with many diseases. The methods of using tincture can vary significantly. You should consider the use of the drug in each case.

It is interesting: recipe and use of celandine tincture on vodka

Gastrointestinal diseases

To prepare tinctures, 20 grams of propolis is ground and poured 80 ml of 90% or 70% ethyl alcohol. You can use vodka, but the concentration of ethanol in it does not allow you to completely extract the maximum amount of necessary substances from the product.

The components of the product are mixed, poured into an opaque glass dish, and then placed in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks. During this time, the drug is periodically shaken. After the expiration of the tincture is filtered through several layers of gauze. This recipe is used for all diseases treated with bee glue.

For diseases of the stomach and intestines, tincture is consumed in 20 drops, previously having stirred in a glass of water. Multiplicity of admission is once a day. The course of treatment is six months. It is better if the composition is used on an empty stomach.

During treatment, the condition of the patients improves significantly: gastritis and gastroenteritis go away, chronic inflammation goes into remission. At the indicated dosage, the drug is safe for patients with peptic ulcer. However, its use requires prior consultation with a specialist.

Liver disease

Liver diseases are always accompanied by intoxication, which a sick organ cannot overcome. In this he will help propolis tincture. Take the drug for a long time, six months or more. Start taking 1 drop per glass of water, once a day, on an empty stomach. Every day, the number of drops is increased until it reaches 40-50 per reception.

During treatment, the level of intoxication decreases in patients, the regeneration of hepatocytes (liver cells) is accelerated. This fact was officially confirmed in the course of the research.


Instructions for the use of propolis tincture for pancreatitis prescribes the use of 40-60 drops per dose. This amount of medicine is mixed in a quarter glass of milk and drunk on an empty stomach, once a day. The course is 3-4 weeks.

Propolis promotes the rapid absorption of necrotic tissue, the regeneration of the gland, the removal of inflammation and the reduction of pain. It is important to remember that acute pancreatitis should be treated in a hospital. The beekeeping product can play only an auxiliary role.

Read also:propolis for alcohol: what helps


To stabilize blood pressure, tincture should be taken 30 drops, three times a day. It is better if the reception will be carried out one hour before a meal. The course of treatment is 20 days. Drops are drunk, mixed with a quarter glass of milk or water.

It is proved that propolis contributes to the normalization of pressure, leads it to normal, but does not drop below normal levels. This is due to some effect on the vasomotor center of the brain and vascular tone.

Cold and flu, nasal congestion, sinusitis

"Cold" diseases of the upper respiratory tract are well treated by the tincture under discussion. To do this, add a teaspoon of the drug to a glass of warm tea or milk. With a runny nose and sinusitis, you can heat the milk and breathe it a little with hot steam. After cooling, the medicine is taken orally. The course of treatment is until the symptoms disappear. On average, it is 5-7 days.

Due to the pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, propolis accelerates recovery. In addition, the substance stimulates the immune mechanisms, which also helps to reduce the time of the disease.


With otitis media, propolis alcohol tincture is used locally. To do this, gauze turunda is moistened with a solution, squeezed and inserted into the ear. The procedure is carried out daily, leaving turunda for 1-2 hours. If an unpleasant sensation occurs, the tampon should be removed. The duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks, depending on the rate of convalescence.

To speed up regeneration, you can take tincture inside.This should be done according to the scheme used in the treatment of inflammatory pathology of the respiratory tract. The local action of propolis disinfects and soothes the inflamed area, systemic - stimulates the immune system.

Dental diseases

In dentistry, an alcohol solution of propolis is used to rinse with stomatitis, candidiasis, ulcerative defects. For the procedure, it is necessary to dissolve 30 drops of tincture in a glass of water. Type the resulting composition into the mouth, hold it a bit, rinsing in the mouth, and then spit it out.

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect of propolis reduces the intensity of the pathological process, destroys pathogenic microflora, and promotes tissue regeneration. Treatment is carried out twice a day, until the symptoms of the disease disappear.


With tonsillitis, propolis tincture is used as a gargle for the throat. A working solution is prepared by mixing a tablespoon of the drug with 200 ml of water. Rinsing is carried out up to 5-6 times a day. Local treatment of glands with a cotton swab dipped in tincture is also possible. To do this, it is bred with clean drinking water in a ratio of 1: 1.

The use of tincture with tonsillitis helps to destroy pathogenic microflora (propolis is a wide spectrum antiseptic), tissue regeneration, and strengthening local immunity. Propolis is not used as the only treatment.


To treat prostatitis, tincture is taken three times a day, adding 30 drops of the drug to warm milk. Reception is carried inside half an hour before meals. The total duration of the course of therapy is 4-6 months.

In addition to the antiseptic and immunostimulating effects, in the treatment of prostate inflammation with propolis, its ability to stimulate the production of testosterone is important. Also, the medicine is an antioxidant, which reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer.


With mastopathy, propolis tincture is drunk 2 times a day, before meals. Dose - 1 teaspoon per ½ cup of water or milk. The duration of the course is 3-6 months. With the permission of the doctor, the drug can be used as the only treatment for the initial forms of the disease. Severe and neglected cases require a traditional approach to therapy.

In this case, the action of bee glue is based on its hormonal and immunostimulating component. The tool helps to correct the woman’s own hormonal background, resorption of nodes, prevention of serious complications.

Dermatological diseases, herpes

With skin diseases, including herpetic eruptions, they are treated by local application of propolis tincture. To do this, use a cotton swab dipped in a drug. Treatment should be carried out several times a day, until the symptoms of the disease disappear. This method can also be used for minor burns, scratches, wounds. Traumatic injuries are treated along the edges, preventing tincture from entering the wound.

Note: for large burns and wounds, propolis ointments that have a non-alcohol base are used. An ointment can be made independently by mixing crushed propolis with petroleum jelly or lanolin.

Nail fungus

The mycocidal and regenerating properties of bee glue allow it to be used in the treatment of nail fungus. The tool is applied topically, by applying a compress. To do this, a cotton pad soaked with medicine is placed on the nail, covered with a plastic film on top, bandaged and left overnight. The course of treatment is several months. Before the procedure, you should steam your nails in a bath with an increased temperature of water.

Acne, Acne

For the treatment of acne, age-related acne, propolis tincture is used topically. To do this, you should treat the skin several times a day with the drug in the most susceptible places.Before treatment, areas exposed to acne should be rinsed with cool water. In severe cases, tincture is used not only locally, but also inside. Dosages for adolescents are 8-10 drops for a sufficient amount of water (50-250 ml), for adults - 15-20 drops.


In order to stimulate the immune system, tincture is increased on an increasing scale. On the first day, you need to drink one drop of the drug, diluting the extract in a small amount of water, on the second - two, etc. The dose is adjusted to 30 drops per dose. Further, the amount of the drug is gradually reduced until the dose again reaches 1 drop. After this, the course of treatment is considered completed. The procedure is repeated several times a year: in the autumn - spring time period. Contraindication is children's age and allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Gynecological diseases

In gynecology, alcohol tincture is used only inside. In the treatment of diseases of the female genitourinary system, the drug is taken 20 drops per glass of water, once a day on an empty stomach. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the dynamics of the disease and the effectiveness of the therapy. On average, tincture is taken 3-4 months.

Note: local use of alcohol tinctures for douching the vagina is unacceptable! Such actions can cause a chemical burn of the mucous membranes.


For the treatment of atherosclerosis, crushed garlic in a ratio of 50:50 is added to the tincture of propolis. After that, the product is insisted in a dark place for 1-2 weeks, filtered through a layer of gauze and taken orally. Use the resulting product should be three times a day, 20 drops, previously dissolved in 50-100 ml of water. Reception is carried out before meals.

The use of garlic and propolis helps to lower the level of low-density lipids in the blood, while maintaining beneficial high-density lipids. The course of treatment is 1-2 months, after which a blood test for cholesterol and lipid profile should be taken.

Depression, disorders of the nervous system

In depressive disorders, propolis tincture is taken 30 drops per reception three times a day. The drug can be added to tea. A calming effect develops already on the 2nd – 3rd day of treatment, however, the full course of therapy is 3-4 weeks. Propolis has a calming and stabilizing effect, prevents the development of severe depression and psychosis.

In general, propolis tincture, the medicinal properties of which have long been well studied, allows you to fight various diseases. It should be remembered that for the development of a pharmacological action a long period of time will be required. Therefore, propolis is not suitable for the treatment of acute conditions. In such situations, you should consult a specialist for examination and prescribing therapy using fast-acting drugs.

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