With many ailments (including allergies and inflammations of various types), the doctor may prescribe Prednisolone in ampoules, the instructions for use of which will be displayed in detail in this publication. Here you will find important information about the drug, we will talk about side effects, overdose, the possibility of use during pregnancy, compatibility with alcohol and other medicinal substances.
Material Content:
The composition of the drug
In the classification of pharmacology, “Prednisolone” was attributed to glucocorticoid preparations of synthetic origin. It is available in several forms, this is a solution for injections, and pills, and ointment, and eye drops. Today we consider its first form - injections.
- the main component - in one ampoule of prednisolone 30 mg;
- additional components - water, sodium inicotinamide hydroxide, disodium edetate, metabisulfite.
The solution is ready to use if it is transparent, without sediment and impurities. In one box is a cell pack with three ampoules, each of which has a volume of 1 ml.
Pharmacological action and pharmacokinetics
Glucocorticoid preparation is hormonal, since it includes hormones produced by the adrenal cortex - hydrocortisone and cortisone.The medicine has a wide range of uses, as it has anti-shock, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, anti-allergic and antitoxic effects.
On a note! With prolonged use and relatively high dosages, the substance inhibits the synthesis of collagen, fibroblasts.
The anti-inflammatory effect is achieved by the penetration of active components into the nuclei of tissue cells. Substances reduce the inflammatory process, enhancing the synthesis of lipocortin infection inhibitors, inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins.
The antiproliferative effect occurs due to inhibition of DNA synthesis in the cells of the fibroblast of the dermis and basal layer. The anti-allergic effect occurs due to a reduction in the number of basophils, while reducing the synthesis of active biological substances.
Introduced intramuscularly, “Prednisolone” in ampoules quickly penetrates the tissues, but the pharmacological effect reaches its maximum only after 2-6 hours. To speed up the process of exposure, it is recommended to use intravenous injection. Substances are excreted from the body by the kidneys and with bile within 4-8 hours. With kidney diseases, a longer release of tissues from the drug is possible.
Indications for the use of prednisone in ampoules
Glucocorticosteroid is applicable in many diseases. The doctor prescribes injections in veins, in joints, in a muscle - depends on the type of ailment.
Intra-articular injections are used for the following diseases:
- polyarthritis;
- arthrosis;
- arthritis;
- osteoarthritis of the joints.
Intramuscular and vein administration is prescribed for the treatment of diseases:
- connective tissue diseases (lupus, dermatomyositis, periarteritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and so on);
- lymphogranulomatosis;
- anemia;
- thrombocytopenic purpura;
- leukemia;
- granulocytopenia;
- agranulocytosis;
- skin diseases (pemphigus, eczema, erythema multiforme exudative, erythroderma, psoriasis, adrenogenital syndrome, dermatitis);
- colitis;
- shock (anaphylactic, burn, pain during injuries, after operations, toxic shock);
- Crohn's disease;
- asthma;
- adrenal cortex insufficiency;
- hypoglycemic reactions;
- allergy;
- Addison's disease;
- inflammation in the airways;
- kidney infections.
A steroidal anti-inflammatory drug should be prescribed by a doctor. In no case do not buy the product without consulting a specialist, as there are many contraindications.
Instructions and dosage of the drug
The dosage of Prednisolone depends on the course, severity and type of disease. The method of administering the medicine and instructions should be clarified by the doctor, starting from the individuality of the body.
In the annotation attached to the tool, the following recommendations for dosing to children are prescribed:
- Injections of Prednisone are prescribed intramuscularly to children, and they should be done only in the presence of medical staff.
- From 6 to 12 years old, the child is prescribed a daily dose of a maximum of 25 mg.
- After 12 years, you can enter up to 50 mg / day.
Instructions for use "Prednisolone" for adults:
- Intravenous and intramuscular injections per day can be affixed in an amount up to 60 mg.
- Intra-articular amount of the drug is determined as follows: up to 30 mg / day. for large joints, up to 15 mg / day. for medium, up to 10 mg for small ones.
A single dosage is determined by the doctor, calculated individually, so self-medication is completely unacceptable. The introduction must be done correctly. If intramuscular injections are prescribed, then they must be put in the buttock. Intravenous injections are administered slowly, about 3 minutes, and preferably by drip. As for intra-articular injections, they are made only by the doctor, since serious damage can occur with tissue damage!
In the annotation attached to the medicine, there is an instruction for determining the dosage for some diseases for adults:
- Crohn's disease - from 10 to 13 ml per day for a week.
- Addison's disease - from 4 to 60 mg per day.
- Ulcerative colitis - from 8 to 12 ml / day. for 6 days.
- Emergency situations (pain or anaphylactic shock, postoperative or post-traumatic shock) - from 30 to 60 mg in a vein once. Further, the injection can be repeated after half an hour.
In some cases, the doctor will increase or decrease the amount of the drug.
During pregnancy and lactation
The instructions spell out that for women in the Prednisolone position, they are not used as injections. But in some situations, the doctor may prescribe this medicine by comparing the risks of the lack of treatment with its presence. What could be a dangerous medicine for the mother and the unborn baby? Consider the list of possible consequences:
- skin reactions;
- suppression of fetal growth;
- skin rashes in a woman;
- future mental disorders in the child;
- weight gain by the expectant mother;
- renal failure;
- disturbances in the circulatory system;
- myopathy
- hormonal disorders that after pregnancy can affect the menstrual cycle;
- myopathy
- muscle weakness;
- placental insufficiency.
Small doses and a short duration of treatment minimize the appearance of the prescribed effects. But with prolonged use of Prednisolone, the medicine can affect the fetus as follows:
- underdevelopment of the urinary system;
- formation of a cleft palate and a cleft lip;
- violation of the adrenal cortex.
In cases of breastfeeding and the need to inject "Prednisolone", you need to transfer the baby to the mixture. It will be possible to resume natural feeding when the substances are completely excreted by the body. To verify this, it is necessary to pass tests.
Drug interaction
Prednisolone is not compatible with all other drugs. According to the annotation, the drug is not used or the dosage is adjusted in the following cases:
- The use of anticoagulants and drugs for depression. The dosage of Prednisolone should be adjusted by the doctor.
- With barbiturates, administration is carried out with caution.
- There is a risk of bleeding when using salicylate preparations.
- With diuretics, a violation of electrolyte metabolism occurs.
- Sodium medications used with Prednisone lead to swelling.
- "Amphotericin B" is not taken with prednisolone, this leads to a violation of the heartbeat.
- Ethanol-containing drugs with "Prednisolone" increase metabolism, which leads to insufficiency of the adrenal glands.
- Acetylsalicylic acid is not prescribed together with the described drug, since aspirin begins to be excreted faster.
- "Prednisolone" reduces the effectiveness of the administered insulin, the doctor will adjust the dose.
- Cyclosporin and Ketoconazole increase glucocorticosteroid toxicity.
- Anabolic drugs, steroids and androgens increase the risk of edema, lead to acne on the skin, if used during treatment with Prednisolone.
It is also worth remembering that contraceptives and estrogen reduce the effectiveness of the drug.
Alcohol compatibility
Theoretically, alcoholic beverages are compatible with Prednisolone, but only if they are consumed once during a long treatment. In this situation, it is not worth waiting for any negative consequences, only the effectiveness of the drug will decrease. Doctors say that the medicine itself increases pressure, and alcohol will only aggravate the situation.
What to expect if a person regularly takes alcohol during treatment:
- exacerbation of chronic ailments;
- cramps
- increased heart rate;
- depression of respiratory function (the patient begins to breathe superficially and often);
- sharp narrowing of blood vessels, as a result of which blood pressure rises;
- Dizziness
- nervousness;
- depression;
- increased nervous irritability;
- blurred consciousness;
- hallucinations;
- perforation of the stomach;
- destruction of liver tissue;
- development of ulcers in the digestive tract;
- destruction of brain cells.
To avoid the consequences, you should refuse to take alcohol during the course of treatment, which rarely exceeds two weeks. If there is a reason when you can’t do without alcohol, then drink only weak drinks (beer, wine), and the first glass can be taken 5 hours after the last injection of the medicine.
Contraindications and side effects
The instructions spell out under what circumstances it is forbidden to use Prednisolone. They are the following diseases and conditions:
- hypertension, steroid and diabetes;
- kidney infections
- circulatory disturbance;
- endocarditis;
- first 3 months of pregnancy;
- nephritis;
- psychosis;
- gastrointestinal ulcers;
- tuberculosis treatment process;
- advanced age;
- syphilis.
Possible side effects:
- acne;
- with prolonged treatment, obesity;
- mental type deviations;
- menstrual cycle failure;
- increased blood coagulation;
- pancreatitis
- hyperglycemia;
- the formation of ulcers on the mucous membranes;
- weakening of immunoglobulins.
An overdose happens extremely rarely, its probability is very small if the dose was prescribed by a qualified doctor. It is manifested by side effects, and symptoms are treated.
Glucocorticoid analogues
The drug can be replaced with agents similar in pharmacology or the main component. Analogues of Prednisolone are highlighted as follows:
- Inflanefran;
- Medopred;
- Decortin;
- Prednigeksal;
- Novo-Prednisolonum;
- "Prednisolone Acetate";
- Hemisuccinate.
The drug, which we reviewed in this article, is very strong and effective, it is prescribed for serious diseases. It is unacceptable to use self-medication, because with a single injection you can undermine health, aggravate the course of the disease. Do not be guided in the treatment by the advice of friends and relatives, only the doctor can prescribe the correct treatment, which will certainly help. Health to you and your loved ones!