Extra pounds do not decorate anyone and cause a lot of inconvenience when choosing clothes. But this minor nuisance is just the tip of the iceberg. Being overweight often leads to serious health problems, such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, diabetes, and even oncology. In the struggle for harmony, it is important to develop a healthy diet, and this article will describe how to organize nutrition for weight loss and maintain the result.
Material Content:
- 1 The basic principles of good nutrition for weight loss
- 2 What is separate and fractional nutrition?
- 3 Proper calorie count at home
- 4 An approximate menu of proper nutrition for a week - the best recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks
- 5 What results can be achieved with proper nutrition?
- 6 How to eat for fast weight loss?
- 7 Proper nutrition and exercise
- 8 How to save the result of losing weight?
- 9 Common mistakes or why the weight does not go away?
The basic principles of good nutrition for weight loss
What is proper nutrition? This is a certain food intake scheme in which the body receives all the substances required for normal functioning in the right amount. Subject to the balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and the daily calorie intake, extra pounds will not be “deposited” on the sides and hips. The body will spend all the substances received with food in order to function normally.
So, how to eat to normalize weight?
To do this, you must comply with the following rules:
- Do not overeat. According to nutritionists, a portion for a single meal should be placed in the palm of your hand. Therefore, you need to eat little by little, without overloading the stomach.
- Eat 4-5 times a day. Frequent intake of small portions of food helps to speed up the metabolism, which helps to normalize weight.
- Consume at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Surprisingly, people often confuse hunger with thirst. The bottom line is that water is not just a liquid, it contains salts and trace elements necessary for cells, and when they are lacking, the body signals this, causing a false feeling of hunger.
- Reduce the amount of digestible carbohydrates. They are rich in foods such as wheat bread, cakes, cookies, pastries and buns. If you want sweets, it is better to eat a slice of dark chocolate.
- Enrich your diet with "slow carbohydrates." These include buckwheat, wheat groats, wholemeal oatmeal, bread and unpolished rice.
- Monitor the amount of fat in the diet. Like carbohydrates, they contribute to rapid weight gain. You can reduce the amount of fat by minimizing the use of pork, butter and sunflower oil, fatty fish, cheeses and more.
- Eat protein foods. Refusing pork, it is worth introducing beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit or nutria into the diet. These products are rich in protein, while the content of fats and carbohydrates in them is quite low.
- Try not to eat fried. With this kind of food processing, vegetable oil is used that contains a lot of fats. Therefore, when choosing a dish, you must adhere to the principle: "what you can cook or bake, it is better not to fry."
- Introduce fresh vegetables and fruits into the diet. Such food is rich in vitamins and fiber, which contributes to the rapid cleansing of the intestines and prevents the formation of "deposits" and fecal stones.
- Eat fermented milk products. Kefir, fermented baked milk and low-fat yogurt contain strains of beneficial bacteria that help maintain normal intestinal microflora, which contributes to the rapid breakdown of food.
- Reduce salt intake. The fact is that salt retains water in the body, causing edema, as a result of which the fluid leaves more slowly. And also it is worth excluding ketchups, mayonnaise and various sauces from the diet.
- Avoid alcohol. Hop drinks not only whet your appetite, but also contain a lot of calories.
Tip. Any restrictions and changes in eating behavior are stressful. For this reason, you need to switch to a healthy diet gradually, giving the body the opportunity to adapt.
What is separate and fractional nutrition?
Separate nutrition is a concept that is based on the idea of the right combination of foods.
To adhere to this scheme, the following rules must be observed:
- Eat more vegetables, fruits and salads, taking them as a basis in the preparation of the diet.
- Use carbohydrates separately from proteins and sour fruits.
- Eat different types of food at intervals of 4-5 hours.
The system allows the body to function properly and eliminates the risk of overeating.
Fractional nutrition involves frequent meals in small quantities.
Its main rules are:
- meals 4 to 6 times a day;
- small meals (not more than 300 g at a time);
- minimization of salt and sugar in the diet;
- competent ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (30% / 30% / 40%);
- meals at the same hours.
Eating in accordance with the listed rules allows her to digest faster and speeds up metabolism.
Proper calorie count at home
How much calories are considered normal for daily consumption? It depends on the gender, weight and height of the person, as well as his physical activity.
To calculate the exact quantity, the following formula is used:
- for women: BMR = 9.99 * weight / kg + 6.25 * height / cm - 4.92 * age - 161;
- for men: BMR = 9.99 * weight / kg + 6.25 * height / cm - 4.92 * age + 5.
For further calculations, the result obtained will need to be multiplied by the coefficient of physical activity.
Human activity is classified as follows:
- minimal (lack of physical activity) - 1.2;
- light (light workouts or walks) - 1,375;
- moderate (training 4-5 times a week) - 1.46;
- above average (intensive training 5-6 times a week) - 1.55;
- increased (daily training) - 1.64;
- high (daily intensive training) - 1.72.
Those who want to lose weight will need to reduce the result by 10-20%, depending on the number of extra pounds. To maintain body weight, the figure does not change.
Example: a woman of 35 years old, weight 62 kg, height 160 cm, average activity.
BMR = 9.99 * 62 + 6.25 * 160 - 4.92 * 35 - 161 = 1286
Calorie norm = 1877 kcal
For weight loss = 1877-15% = 1596 kcal
As a result, a woman with such data requires 1877 kcal daily to maintain weight, and 1596 kcal to reduce it.
On a note. Many people have difficulty calculating calories. This will help not only product labels, but also special analyzers that are easy to find on the Internet.
With their help, you can find out the calorie content and level of BZHU not only individual products, but also dishes. To do this, you need to enter the name and amount of ingredients, and the program will calculate the necessary data.
An approximate menu of proper nutrition for a week - the best recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks
When planning a diet, you should turn to the list of familiar products, so it will be easier to readjust. Below is a sample menu for a week with six meals a day. It is important to consider that the interval between meals should be from 2 to 3 hours.
The first day
- Oatmeal on water with fruits or berries, boiled egg, tea or coffee.
- Yogurt, apple, bread.
- Mushroom soup, boiled meat, vegetable salad.
- Kefir and dried fruits.
- Boiled low-fat fish, vegetable stew.
- Kefir, orange.
Second day
- Low-fat cottage cheese, bread, tea or coffee.
- Fruit salad, a glass of yogurt.
- Chicken soup, vegetable stew.
- Salad with carrots and apples, green tea.
- Barley porridge on the water, beef stew, fresh vegetables.
- Natural yogurt without additives, apple.
Day three
- Muesli with nuts and low-fat kefir, tea.
- Natural yogurt, apple.
- Vegetable soup, boiled fish, fresh vegetables.
- Cottage cheese, kefir.
- Boiled skinless chicken, buckwheat porridge on the water.
- A glass of yogurt, some dried fruit.
Day four
- 2 boiled eggs, bread, tea.
- Fruit salad, kefir.
- Fish soup, stewed vegetables.
- Natural yogurt, nuts.
- Baked lean meat cutlets, fresh vegetable salad.
- A glass of yogurt, berries or fruit.
Fifth day
- Porridge on the water with nuts, tea.
- Vegetable salad, a glass of yogurt.
- Chicken soup, vegetable stew.
- Yogurt, fruits.
- Steamed fishcakes, wheat porridge.
- A glass of kefir, dried fruits.
Sixth day
- Curd-fruit mixture, boiled egg, tea.
- Yogurt with berries.
- Vegetable soup, boiled beef, wheat porridge.
- Baked pumpkin, kefir.
- Chicken, fresh vegetable salad.
- A glass of yogurt, dried fruits.
Seventh day
- Oatmeal on water with nuts, bread, tea.
- Kefir and dried fruits.
- Low-fat fish soup, fresh vegetable salad.
- Fruits or berries, yogurt.
- Beef stew, buckwheat porridge.
- A little cottage cheese, an apple.
Important! The last meal should be carried out no later than 4 hours before bedtime.
What results can be achieved with proper nutrition?
When a person normalizes nutrition, the following changes occur in his body:
- metabolic processes are accelerated;
- digestion normalizes;
- blood cholesterol is reduced;
- metabolic products are promptly removed;
- immunity increases.
Due to these changes, body weight also decreases. It is important to remember that a healthy person cannot have extra pounds, and with the restoration of vital processes, weight will also normalize.
How to eat for fast weight loss?
Having properly organized your diet in the presence of excess weight, you can lose from 2 to 4 kg per month.
But if you want to speed up this process, you will need to follow these rules:
- eat fractionally, every 2-3 hours in small portions;
- flavored food with cinnamon, cloves, pepper and coriander, which accelerate metabolic processes;
- drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
- consume green tea, which contributes to the rapid cleansing of the body;
- visit the massage room and sauna, enroll in the pool;
- do sport.
In addition, you need to be more in the fresh air, do not use the elevator and walk more often.
Proper nutrition and exercise
Physical activity allows not only to lose weight faster, but also to improve overall well-being, as well as maintain muscle tone. This is very important, because many women had to notice that after losing extra pounds the body looks flabby and saggy. This can be avoided if you go to the gym or exercise regularly at home.
A set of exercises can be selected at your discretion. If the goal is to convert fat into muscle mass, aerobics, jumping rope, squats and other power loads are suitable.
And in order for the body to acquire smooth outlines in a short time, it is better to do yoga, dancing or swimming. Such exercises not only contribute to the correction of the figure, but also strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory system, and also make the woman flexible and plastic.
How to save the result of losing weight?
How often can one hear from a woman complaints that the kilograms lost with such difficulty soon returned, taking with them a couple of “brothers”! Unfortunately, this is a very common problem.
How to save the result after the weight has returned to normal?
You will need to follow simple rules:
- observe a diet and eat at the same time;
- monitor the calorie content of the products and the ratio of BZHU in the diet;
- drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day;
- try not to eat sweet, smoked and fatty, as well as carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
- sleep at least 8 hours a day;
- do not eat up at night;
- spend a lot of time outdoors;
- practice physical activity.
Most importantly, remember that following the rules of a healthy diet is not a temporary measure for losing extra pounds, but a lifestyle. Follow these principles and you will never see frightening numbers on the scales and unpleasant “bagels” at the waist.
Common mistakes or why the weight does not go away?
If attempts to lose weight were in vain and the weight still does not go away, you do not need to panic. It is wiser to analyze your own actions and identify errors.
They can be like this:
- lack of breakfast;
- eating less than 4 times a day in large portions;
- late and plentiful dinners;
- non-observance of calorie content and balance of BZHU;
- the abuse of protein products, due to which there is an active set of muscle mass;
- insufficient physical activity;
- monotonous exercises;
- lack of sleep;
- nervousness and stress;
- taking certain medications.
Speaking of mistakes, one cannot but mention smoking. This habit in itself is harmful to health and can cause metabolic disorders, due to which there are "jumps" in weight. In addition, many people who want to freshen their breath after a smoked cigarette use gum, peppermint candies or lozenges that contain a lot of sugar.
But if you do everything right, in accordance with the recommendations above, the weight will quickly return to normal and will stay at the right level.