Of great importance in the process of losing weight is proper nutrition, a well-composed, balanced menu and a complete rejection of certain products.
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The basic principles of good nutrition for weight loss
Even playing sports regularly, it is impossible to burn extra pounds without monitoring the quality of your diet. In order to achieve elegant forms, it is important to observe the basic principles of a healthy, varied and well-composed diet.
- The main principle of PP - This is a healthy breakfast. Those who are used to just drinking coffee in the morning and have nothing to eat will have to give up this bad habit in the name of their figure. You can start with small changes - let you have a small breakfast every day. Over time, you will get used to it and will no longer be able to cheerfully start the day without fully having breakfast. This meal should consist almost exclusively of carbohydrate food. These foods provide an energy boost all morning. It is good to eat Hercules in the morning with dried fruits or granola with a spoon of honey and nuts.
- Proper nutrition for weight loss simply must be quite high-calorie. A sharp decrease in calories in the diet will lead only to exhaustion, but not to a slim figure. Therefore, it is necessary to eat high-calorie foods, but they must be "healthy". In everything, you must maintain balance and eat fats, proteins, carbohydrates.
- Forget the statement that you should not have dinner after the clock crossed the mark at 18 o’clock. It is difficult to come up with a more “evil” myth for losing weight.Most people go to bed around 22-23 hours, that is, following the described error, they fall asleep with hunger. The final meal should be done a couple of hours before going to bed.
- If you want to lose weight, then it is not necessary to give up sweets. You can eat sweets, but only in the morning. Pamper yourself in the morning with a cup of coffee and chocolate, eat a bun. It is advisable that high-calorie foods are consumed up to 16 hours.
- Many people do not eat up during the day, and then eat heavily at night. This is very harmful to the figure. It’s hard to deceive the body, and what he received during the day, he will try to compensate in the evening. For this reason, the daily amount of food is important to distribute correctly.
- To achieve the desired result, it is important to establish a drinking regime. Now there is a lot of debate about how much an adult should drink water a day, but to lose weight, you need to drink at least one and a half liters. Moreover, it is pure water, not tea coffee or even juices.
- From your diet, you must definitely exclude "empty" calories. This is, first of all, sweet sparkling water, mayonnaise, various semi-finished products. Not only do such products carry no value and they easily gain weight, they are also harmful to health in general.
Although some nutritionists advise arranging unloading and starving at least a weekly week, in fact, this is not necessary. Most likely, weight loss during these "hungry" days will be achieved due to fluid loss. The best solution would be going to the gym and exercising at home.
Fast carbohydrates (cakes, pastries, sweets) are simply instantly deposited on the hips and waist in the form of fat folds. But it’s so hard to resist the temptation! Try a third of an hour before you eat dessert, chew a little fresh table greens or a cabbage leaf. The fibers of these products will slow down the process of splitting carbohydrates, and then the eaten dessert will not affect the figure.
Allowed and Prohibited Products
To lose weight, you will have to abandon some foods that are very high in calories.
For example, do not eat:
- bananas and mangoes;
- cookies and white bread;
- chocolate and ice cream;
- rice and millet;
- potatoes;
- dried dates.
When creating your menu, it is very important to know which foods are high-calorie.
- It is worth considering when choosing foods that dried fruits contain 2.5 times more calories than raw ones.
- Do not snack on seeds, since the average pack of this product is equal in calorie to a full meal.
- If a small portion of nuts is healthy, then already in 100 g of peanuts contains more than 500 kcal. In walnuts, calories and even more - 660.
- All hard cheeses of high quality are very useful, but we must not forget about their high calorie content. In the process of losing weight, you can afford no more than 30 grams of cheese daily.
- You should also be careful with fats - margarine, spread. These harmful fats are best replaced with vegetable oils and a small amount of natural butter.
- Illegal foods include alcohol, which only whets the appetite due to the large number of "empty" calories. Those who really intend to monitor their nutrition are allowed only a glass of any dry quality wine per day.
When losing weight, nutritionists do not recommend eating fried. When frying, a lot of fat is used, which adds extra calories to the dish. Also, with this method of heat treatment, carcinogens are released that are harmful to health. It is better to cook the chicken not in a pan, but bake it in the oven.
If we talk about permitted and even recommended products, their list is quite extensive.
- Must be in the diet of fruits that can be eaten in unlimited quantities. It is good to limit yourself to dinner only to fruits, making them a salad and seasoning it with sugar-free yogurt.Fruits and all kinds of berries, vegetables help to establish digestion, and a healthy intestine is the health of the whole body and a built figure.
- Be sure to have a non-fat "sour milk" on the table, which contains a lot of useful substances. This is all kinds of cottage cheese, and unloved by many kefir, and whey, and fermented baked milk, and yogurt. "Milk" can not be particularly limited in its menu. Cocoa and low fat milk may also be present in the diet. The latter can be added to coffee if you can’t refuse it at all.
- The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest in the world, and it is based on the use of seafood, especially fish. Fish must be in the diet at least a couple of times a week. It is worth emphasizing it on low-fat varieties of marine waterfowl and completely abandon river ones.
- Vegetable oils help lose weight. Especially valuable are olive and flaxseed, containing a lot of vitamins. You can fill in vegetable salads with oil, add them to cottage cheese, cook food on them.
- Many do not know how to replace sugar in their diet. The answer is simple - with honey. It can be eaten in unlimited quantities, unless, of course, there is no allergy to it. Honey is a storehouse of valuable substances.
Read also:linseed oil for weight loss
Differences in menu design for women and men
It is worth considering, when compiling your own menu with the aim of losing weight, that representatives of the stronger and weaker sexes must lose weight in different ways. In the male body, fats are deposited in the upper abdomen. In women, fat folds first appear on the sides. This is necessarily taken into account when drawing up a program of workouts in the gym to help a balanced diet.
In addition, a strong half of the world, even in the desire for harmony, should consume more calories. This is because in the man’s body metabolic processes proceed faster, and he has more muscle mass, and the muscles need nutrition. The lower limit of calories consumed by a man (even if he is losing weight) is 1,500. Women should cost 1,200 calories daily.
In terms of losing weight, the stronger half were much luckier - it has been scientifically proven that the stronger sex sheds extra pounds much easier and faster. So what should be the diet of men and women who want to lose weight?
The right menu is based on a painstaking count of calories. It is quite enough for a woman to eat meat two to three times a week, and for a man it is advisable to eat animal protein at least once a day. It is better if it is lean meat or poultry. A good source of protein is eggs.
- Breakfast men should consist of whole grain cereal, eggs or cottage cheese, hard cheese. Ladies' breakfast may include granola, a piece of cheese or an omelet.
- For lunch, it is advisable to eat a salad of raw vegetables and buckwheat, pasta.
- Dinner should be in any case, both for men and for women, extremely light.
Proper nutrition for children
Too many children are overweight, but you can’t starve in childhood. How to make a menu for a child so that he lost weight without harm to health and did not experience a lack of nutrients?
Very necessary components for a growing organism are proteins, carbohydrates and, necessarily, fats. Also, the child’s menu should have many trace elements for the young body to develop correctly. Therefore, to limit the diet of a child without harm to health can only calories, but not the variety of products.
Mom must learn how to cook healthy breakfasts for every day for her child, because a full breakfast, rich in nutrients, containing carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins, is the key to children's health.
- For breakfast, schoolchildren can be offered muesli or hot cheese sandwiches, supplemented with omelette in whole milk. Be sure the child should drink a glass of juice. Ideally, if you can squeeze out the fresh ones yourself.
- The main rule of baby food - food should not only be “healthy”, but also necessarily fresh. You can’t buy a child fast food for a walk, you need to follow how he eats at school.
- At school, children are better off giving fruits, a cheese or ham sandwich, and a glass of yogurt.
- If the child does not have the opportunity to dine fully throughout the day, you must definitely give him “brakes”.
Most often, teenagers need to lose weight. To help an adult child lose weight, you need to limit his diet at night. The last meal for a teenager should be 2 hours before bedtime. It’s great if the child has dinner before bedtime with kefir and porridge, for example, buckwheat. Low-fat fish is allowed for dinner. Sausages, especially smoked and dried, in the diet of the child should be sharply limited.
Product compatibility
Product compatibility is the golden rule of healthy eating that helps you adjust your weight. There are several product compatibility rules that underlie the right menu.
So, fruits are considered a separate independent dish. The belief that they should be served for dessert is wrong. Similarly, fruit juices, especially freshly squeezed, are considered an independent portion of food.
Vegetables, on the other hand, go well with other foods, especially fish and meat.
- Radish and bell peppers, cabbage and cucumbers, carrots and zucchini are perfectly combined with each other.
- It is very useful to eat carrots together with dairy products, for example, with cottage cheese.
- Cabbage goes well with fats, as well as starch, for example, with bread or potatoes.
- Pumpkin, squash, cauliflower are perfectly combined with starch - these vegetables are useful to eat with bread and pasta.
- If you eat fatty dishes, then you definitely need to add greens - dill, parsley, green onions.
A combination of carbohydrates and proteins is considered unfavorable.
Although we are used to serving potatoes with meat, in fact, these products are incompatible. Milk porridge, bread with dairy products are all examples of an unhealthy combination of products.
Weekly Nutrition Menu
In all the rules and laws of healthy nutrition, a novice can easily get confused. What should be the proper nutrition menu for a week?
Recipes by day of the week
An approximate diet, which will be complete, healthy and help to lose weight, can be painted for a week by day.
On any day of the week, it is useful to start the morning with a good portion of porridge. It can be millet, oatmeal or buckwheat, boiled rice. Fruits or nuts, a piece of cheese are added to the porridge. Too often pampering yourself with toast and omelet is not worth it. After a full breakfast, you should pay special attention to dinner
- Monday. Make pumpkin puree soup for lunch, which is very healthy and nutritious. It is very simple to prepare such a dish: pumpkin is boiled in slices, separately chopped onion is slightly fried. Then the vegetables are whipped in a puree with a blender. You can decorate a portion of such a nutritious vitamin soup with a sprig of greens or flax seeds.
- Tuesday. On Tuesday, prepare yourself an ear of saltwater fish. The ear is full of trace elements and healthy fats that will never settle on the waist in the form of fat folds. You can cook fish soup on salmon or hake. To do this, slightly boil a piece of fish with a head of onion, then add chopped potatoes, grated carrots and herbs. If desired, the soup can be fried.
- Wednesday. Very useful for losing weight are chicken broths, which restore strength, but do not carry “empty” calories. Boil a piece of chicken until half cooked with onions. Then add some chopped potatoes, a little carrots and boil. When the soup is almost ready, a handful of vermicelli and herbs are added to it. If desired, the soup can be fried or just add a little olive oil to it.
- Thursday.Borsch for vegetarians is an excellent meal for a slimming dinner. Preparing a vegetarian borsch is very simple: the beets are rubbed and boiled a little, then chopped potatoes and grated carrots, chopped bell pepper are added to it. If desired, a little canned beans are added to other products. When the dish is almost ready, do the roasting. To do this, finely chopped tomatoes and onions are fried. The borsch is fried, finely chopped greens are added.
- Friday. Beef is a source of protein. Make yourself a light beef soup with rice. To do this, a piece of beef is boiled until tender, and then chopped potatoes, rice and grated carrots are added. When the soup is ready, add greens and olive oil to it.
- On Saturday and Sunday you can prepare one of the listed dishes for lunch. And what should be a diet dinner? Of course, we cook dinner with fish or dairy products. Jellied fish, steam, baked in the oven, shrimp, all kinds of seafood - all this can be afford at the end of the day. Add a good portion of vegetables and lemon to your fish products, and your dinner will be light, nutritious and very healthy.
Weekly Shopping List
When making weekly purchases, you must definitely proceed from your menu. Choose pasta made from durum wheat, as well as high-quality cereals and meat. Chicken and meat can be stored in the freezer, so they can also be purchased for 7 days.
Dairy products should not be stored in the refrigerator for too long. It is advisable to buy "milk" every day or every other day.
A sample menu for every day for weight loss
What should be your menu every day to safely drop a few pounds?
We offer some examples:
- 1 day. For breakfast, you can cook an omelet from one egg in low-fat milk. For lunch, you should have one of the dietary first courses. For dinner, light dairy products are allowed.
- 2 day. On the second day for breakfast you can cook granola, and for the 2nd breakfast eat an apple or orange. For lunch on the second day, a light diet soup is allowed. For dinner, you can cook aspic low-fat fish.
Without establishing proper nutrition, it is simply impossible to lose extra pounds. Only by following a healthy diet, refusing harmful foods and ensuring sufficient physical activity can you make your figure slim.