October 20 in our country marks the date of creation of communication units. Congratulations on the day of the signalman are heard in all districts of the vast Motherland. This profession is incredibly difficult and interesting, it requires painstaking study of coding and signal transmission methods. Among the most valuable workers are the best of the best, the minds and pride of our nation. Congratulations on the holiday express respect for the work spent, admiration for professionalism. After all, work for the good of the country is of particular importance. People of such professions are distinguished by discipline, self-organization and a high sense of duty.

Beautiful congratulations on the day of the military signalman

The professional skills of modern specialists have gone very far. Now the units are armed with unique tools from radio wave receivers to machines capable of processing a signal from space.

A person in this profession performs one of the most important functions in his entire unit. He maintains contact with the outside world. Receives and processes information. Sends signals to paired units.

A lot depends on the clarity and coherence of his work. The signalman has a huge responsibility for the timely receipt and transmission of information. The specialist is subjected to extreme pressure. Throughout the working day, he experiences increased nervous tension.

Wish your colleague or close friend a calm sky above your head. Less impossible tasks.A sea of ​​positive radio waves, calm and confidence in the future. Let the work be easy. May we all live in harmony with our neighbors.

  1. In work, I wish less risk, After all, the fate of the signalman is not easy. Keep in touch with the world you always And never give up! Let there be much health, Let the road be happy. Let life only have a bright path. Signalman, always be happy!
  2. Happy Military Signalman's Day - Do not lose contact with friends! The soul is light and clean, If the connection is not interrupted. Let luck not leave, Life with meaning let it go, Fate of joy will add And health to your turn!
  3. Happy Military Signalman Day! Let success come quickly, And not easy to work. There will be a joyful mood. Communication will always be in order, No problems and shortcomings, No hesitation proud of the loud title - signalman!
  4. Let the machine gun, shells whistle, Military lights, enemies For you could not keep up. Yes, let neither heat nor military strikes would ever interfere with communications. And on a holiday so that You could always hear From dear and dear ones, As they wait, how they love you! Let risk always be less. Good luck! May your dream come true!
  5. The signalmen of all the military are planning a holiday. The connection with good and positive Let not be interrupted. I want to wish you success And health to you today. Let there be service only in joy, And there will be no dram in life.
  6. I wish on this holiday, So that good luck be with you, So that you do not leave in battle, So that we are in touch with us. Signalman’s Day - this holiday Let not everyone celebrate, Only everyone understands that Without you, a country cannot live.
  7. A huge share of success in battle brings a reliable connection. Signalers carry their difficult important service without fear. Congratulations to the signalmen on their holiday! And in honor of them we will arrange a salute. We know that they, even under strong fire, will not tremble, and they will give us a connection.
  8. Today, congratulations to the military signalman! We drink for it to the bottom, and say a toast: May the world around us be only sincere and pure, And we will present poetry to a comrade. We wish to be on the air, keep a reliable connection, And with any problems, so as not to lose heart! And here is what I really wanted to wish - May your mind and your hands be golden!

How to congratulate the signalman in your own words

To express your admiration for the hard work, you need to understand the intricacies of the profession. The employee of the communication unit needs increased concentration, a clear mind, a quick reaction, composure and stress resistance.

It is impossible to imagine how many messages a specialist has to transmit over the entire century of his service. Huge flows of information, and not always with a positive color. Any information comes in the messages, including reports of losses.

Wish the professional courage, fortitude, the ability to gather at the crucial moment, the ability to enjoy life no matter what, see the beauty in the surrounding things and, of course, good health, without which it is impossible to fully serve.

May our defenders never be able to accept an order on the offensive or defense. We wish them to come to work in a cheerful mood and good mood.

  1. With all my heart I congratulate you on the Day of the military signalman. First of all, I wish you good health and a stable morale, confident strength and vigorous energy, attentiveness and accuracy, faithful luck and luck, great victories over the enemy and great achievements in life.
  2. Happy professional holiday for all signalmen and signalmen! Let answers always come to your question, your requests will always be satisfied, and your dreams will come true. Good work to you and thank you for communicating where it is most needed.
  3. Signalers, you coordinate all movements, transmit messages and professionally encrypt the signal so that the enemy does not understand anything. Your work is important both in battle and in peacetime. I would like to wish that your labor is never needed in wartime, be a real ace in your field! May success never betray you!
  4. Congratulations on the professional holiday of all military signalmen who gloriously and responsibly carry out their service, establishing an important information flow! Thank you guys for your courage, competence, heroism and skills! May God keep you in the service and in everyday life!
  5. On the Day of the military signalman, we congratulate you, brave and competent guys, who are establishing the necessary communications for maintaining the country's security! May danger and grief await you in the service, and the Lord protect you from troubles and losses! Believe in justice, love the Motherland and native people!
  6. The military communications service helps to maintain peace and security of the native country, to provide all the links of the defense chain with the necessary information! We thank today all the military signalmen for their work and wish them to celebrate their professional holiday among their relatives, true friends and reliable comrades!
  7. Congratulations and gratitude from the entire civilian population and authorities are received on this October day by military signalmen! The whole country raises glasses for them, wishes them health, confidence, happiness, success in the service, success and great achievements! May the guys always return home unscathed!

Funny congratulations on communication and radio

Communication specialists have two professional holidays. One of them is celebrated, as already mentioned, on October 20, the other on May 7.

And if the first celebration is tied to the date of formation of communications units in our troops, then the second holiday can be celebrated by both military and civilians.

May 7 - Radio Day, the triumph of all workers in this field. They are engaged in building and developing communications. They make our world brighter, and communication is more accessible.

We will rejoice for the geniuses of digital technology, the conquerors of radio waves. This professional holiday unites entire generations, even more - all of humanity! Each of us is in the information space - in this global field, where the speed of sound and image transmission has reached unprecedented heights.

Thanks to the development of communications, we can communicate, regardless of thousands of kilometers, to hear a person as if he is at arm's length.

Send your loved one or employee the most original and interesting congratulations. To convey their words, it will be appropriate to use modern new-fangled means of communication.

  1. My dear postmen, Dear my signalmen! I sincerely congratulate you on spring In these difficult, difficult days! I wish you good weather, I wish you easy roads, And smiles from lovely customers, And a generous drink of champagne!
  2. I congratulate the signalmen, engineers and radio operators, postmen coming to us, and the ubiquitous installers. All who bring the news to us, Communication with family simplifies. And at any time of the year, despite the bad weather, the News brings to us in the house, by tele-radio letter. I wish you good health, and an ethereal expanse! Infinite Connect, to any continent!
  3. Congratulations to all the signalmen. We respect them for their work. Communication is priceless wealth. In life, it is clearly not in vain. The phone connected the nations, He does not know the weather. The telegraph is his father, Old, though an outcast. Son, of course, the Internet. There are no equal guys in the world. Belted the whole planet with Spider interest. Mail is an ancient signalman, First-class artist. With the "Internet" circled And transformed itself. Television in high esteem At responsible work. Day and night gives information. Day after day, time passes, Communication is noticeably younger. Appears everywhere. Not silent for a minute. Shows temperament cool, electric, lively. The holiday always loves its own, because it’s young. Let him live, not knowing the trouble, Will be forever young. Otherwise, it cannot be. Communication today can be a lot.
  4. Our signalman is very important, the World is becoming more and more clean! It must be ensured, so that the sound is clear in the handset! Information to go, They say everything about business! So that nothing is distorted, And instantly reported! We wish to be in touch, you, of course, always! You must be happy, Let the star shine brighter!
  5. Today we congratulate those people who connect us with the world. Only they alone can overcome the strength of the tops of the mountains and the abyss of the seas. And to your thanks to work, We talk with beloved friends. Let the phone compress the distance, And telegrams will always find us!
  6. Tremble our enemy, fascist! The signalman will protect the country. He will provide communications to the troops. Before all, he will know everything. We would have endless successes. We would all like to wish it. May the Lord help him. His work is very complicated. He will calmly perform an Important, significant dial-up. May he be confident, he will obtain honest glory.

Short and funny rhymes

We have prepared a selection for the busiest and most important specialists, those who cannot for a moment break away from their work.

Let the working day begin with a smile. Send a little hello to a busy friend. Let him get a little distracted and remember that in addition to working in life, there are other joys.

  1. You are on the air like a fish in water. And they are pumping you the same way Waves of different lengths. You are everywhere. And even at the North Pole. Let the captain not storm you And fate will not tease in vain. Be pleased, smiling and full. Happy wonderful communication worker!
  2. Congratulations on the day of the signalman Those whose speech is radiant On the waves of FM and others, Who works midnight, Who tied us tightly with Information-clothespin And will not let the brains rest. This is not an easy task!
  3. On the day of the signalman, we congratulate everyone who is connected with this day! Let your house fill with love and smiles! Life without you would be boring, You could not live without you anywhere: Not at the frosty pole, Not in the village, not in the taiga!
  4. This day is not a journalist, Not a national artist, And an honorary signalman There will be no interference! Let the ethers work out, Wires do not break at all, People laugh merrily, If your hear laughter!
  5. We congratulate the signalmen, We wish them live without cod, Without noise in their personal lives, It was taken to be excellent! Wires so that they do not break, And modems do not break, Protocols are not naughty, So that they do not produce errors! Congratulations on the occasion! And from the bottom of our hearts we wish that the radio broadcast only bring joy!
  6. Though in the mountains, even in a clean field, Not afraid of violent winds, Military signalmen will conduct communications with the headquarters! Therefore, for troops for different It would not hurt to always know: The day of the signalman is also a holiday! After all, without communication - nowhere!
  7. Send a tricky code Only a communication officer can, Pick up the encoding, In decryptions it will not get bogged down. May your valuable work Peace always find goals, Without war, let the days go by Turning them into weeks!

Congratulations to colleagues on professional holidays

People of the same profession use professional slang. It is difficult for the uninitiated to catch the thread of a conversation, and it is pleasant for specialists in their industry to communicate with colleagues on the subject of professional achievements, released software updates, or the appearance of the expected technical novelty.

  1. Dear signalmen! Happy Communication Day, with your professional holiday! We wish you all the best: at work - confidence in the future and financial well-being, at home - joy and peace of mind, with friends - frequent meetings and carefree fun, on vacation - vivid impressions and good memories, and with us - comfortable in every way cooperation and fruitful communication! Be happy!
  2. Dear communication colleagues! Congratulations on your professional holiday! Day and night, in any weather, on the ground and under the ground, we give our strength, skills and knowledge to this multifaceted and high-tech field of activity with the short name Communication, which no man can do without. I wish you success in this difficult matter, high-quality and uninterrupted connection!
  3. Friends! Congratulations on the day of the signalman! I wish you that your heart beat in time with the Morse code, so that the air does not act up with interference, and that the orders of the command along your wires are delivered quickly and without distortion!
  4. Happy Radio Day, colleagues, you! Let all the goals come true! Let every moment and every hour Success awaits you in your favorite business! I wish you all only positive, Catch only pleasure, Live brightly and happily, Appreciating beautiful moments!
  5. Radio Day is our day, colleagues, Working on the radio is awesome! After all, we are not aware of interference, We hear the whole country perfectly! I wish you all good, success, Love, health and prosperity, More joy and laughter, To live only happily and sweetly!
  6. Let the radio always play And give a lot of positive! Let everyone boldly sing along, It doesn’t matter: correctly, false ... Let you, colleagues, manage to realize all your plans in reality! Let the song of happiness flow loudly, I wish you a beautiful life!

We wish everyone a real passion for their profession, to come to work every day as a holiday! Gather in a circle of devoted comrades. There will be many topics for discussion this day. It's time to take stock of the past year. Set tasks for the current period. A close-knit team is tough. Go to new heights!

We expect that you will like our selection, and from the proposed options you are sure to find the most sincere congratulations for your loved ones and colleagues.