The relationship between mother-in-law and son-in-law has long been a topic for numerous jokes and jokes. However, in most cases, the communication between the husband of a woman and her mother is by no means as heated as trying to depict popular humor. And it is quite natural that on the birthday of the son-in-law, the mother-in-law also wants to put in a beautiful memorable toast at the festive table. But abilities for impromptu, however, are not possessed by all, and excitement can completely confuse thoughts and prevent expressing sincere feelings. Ready-made birthday greetings to the son-in-law from the mother-in-law will come to the rescue. Touching and funny, in verse and prose, they will certainly please the son-in-law.

Funny birthday greetings to son-in-law from mother-in-law

Joking and witty toasts-wishes will by no means offend a birthday man. On the contrary, they will create a confidential and cheerful atmosphere at the table. Funny congratulations for the son-in-law is an excellent occasion to make his relationship with his mother-in-law even more laid back and add a fresh note of humor to them.

Tip. To use such comic sayings is appropriate only among close people who understand this irony with understanding. For a special occasion, such as an anniversary in the company of colleagues and friends, such toasts are unlikely to work.

  1. Do not look at me with fright, Today I am kind and welcoming, Well, what are you hiding, dear, in the corner, Or do you hope to become inconspicuous? Happy birthday, my priceless son-in-law, May health not let you down, So that you are big, hefty, To work in my garden! Let the salary grow actively, And let there be no war in the family, Come to me collectively On Saturdays for super pancakes!
  2. Dear brother-in-law, congratulations on another year of life! I wish you to eat more and pay less. I wish you had everything, and you wouldn’t have anything for it. Happiness, good luck, love, longevity, prosperity - all that this earth is rich in! Please accept these sincere congratulations from your beloved mother-in-law.
  3. Son-in-law! Despite the fact that today is your birthday, I will not flatter and dissemble, but like a real mother-in-law, I will tell you the whole truth! You are a real man, under the reliable wing of which my daughter is warm and comfortable. I wish to reach all the peaks that you strive for, and always remain such a wonderful person! Congratulations!
  4. It’s clear that my daughter is the best girl in the world. And I was looking for her a noble prince who would become worthy of her. And in this search, I missed the moment when my girl fell in love with you ... And I could not fix anything! Today I thank fate for the fact that the best man in the world himself found my princess and became a good friend and faithful spouse for her! Happy birthday, beloved son-in-law!

How beautiful to congratulate

Beautiful and original congratulations - this is always true. Sincere, sincere words coming from the very heart are able to further strengthen the mother-in-law union.

The main thing is to pronounce such toast verses in a penetrating voice.

Firstly, it will prompt the guests gathered at the table to postpone the conversation and listen to what has been said. Secondly, the treasured words spoken quietly and sincerely will certainly impress the hero of the occasion.

  1. My son-in-law is like a son, and what kind of mother does not wish her son happiness on his birthday? Be the happiest, joyful, lucky, cheerful, charming! Let people give you respect and recognition, and life give you pleasure and enjoyment. Let the most unreal and bold plans come true, and luck will always be on your side!
  2. Happy birthday, dear son-in-law! Today I have to say that for my daughter I was choosing the best husband, a real prince, whom I can be proud of and which it is impossible not to love! I congratulate you and wish you always to remain as strong, loyal, kind and smart. Make your wife happy, and with this find your happiness too. Live long and do not hurt, work for glory and fulfill your cherished desires!
  3. Dear son-in-law, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish that your work always brings you not only worthy income, but also pleasure. Love, bright, unforgettable meetings, true friends, festive mood, fulfillment of cherished desires and creative achievements, a strong and friendly family!

Tip. To make the congratulation even more penetrating and original, you can add thematic notes to it. For this, it is possible to note in the toast not only human, but also excellent data of the son-in-law, as a professional or leader.

No less relevant and memorable will be the congratulation associated with the birthday hobby (fishing, football, etc.) Aerobatics will again be a thematic gift in tune with the theme of congratulations.

Short congratulations from mother-in-law and father-in-law

No less significant figure in the family is, of course, father-in-law, who also probably has something to say to his dear son-in-law. To make the congratulations even more warm and meaningful, the parents of the wife can join forces in the proclamation of a joint toast. Small and capacious congratulations to the son-in-law from the mother-in-law and father-in-law will emphasize the unity of the family hearth and will not go unnoticed by the birthday person.

Brief, but at the same time significant congratulations in some cases are much more appropriate than long and lengthy toast-reasonings or toast-parables. The expression "the main thing is not quantity, but quality" is also suitable for congratulatory toasts.

  1. Today, father-in-law and mother-in-law Hurry to hurry to congratulate you, son in law, happy birthday! Health wish! We wish you not to know the trouble! And you come to visit more often!
  2. Happy Birthday, we congratulate Happiness son-in-law wish! So that I do not know bad weather, a blizzard, So that a faithful spouse! Mother-in-law and mother-in-law congratulate, From the heart they wish good!
  3. Dear and beloved, our son-in-law. Not even a son-in-law, but a real native son! Happy Birthday! We wish you good health, great family happiness, understanding, adoration, warmth and joy! We wish you fast career progress so that you are loved, appreciated, paid well and respected very much at work! Inspirational everyday life and wonderful holidays, as well as a wonderful holiday on the warm sea!
  4. Our dear son-in-law, we wish you a happy birthday! We wish you to fly very high, like an eagle, to be strong, wise, loving and loved! To never look into other people's nests, but the shore and defended his own. So that you always want to return home and please your wife and children with new achievements. So that the smile does not leave your face and illuminates everything around with kindness and warmth!

Greetings in verses

Congratulations in poetic form are original and were in demand and popular at all times. Particularly relevant will be short congratulations, toasts, which the mother-in-law composed herself. Thus, fresh, unbroken, original congratulations once again emphasize the good relations of the mother-in-law and son-in-law. Such toasts can be fun or solemn, personalized or generalized.

The poem is, undoubtedly, a wonderful and relevant thing to almost any holiday feast. Nevertheless, you should not choose long laudatory odes for congratulating a loved one, even if this person is a beloved son-in-law. Otherwise, a birthday celebration may turn into an evening of recitation of voluminous poems. A simple, not too burdened with epithets and complex rhymes poetic congratulation of several quatrains is quite suitable for a solemn occasion.

If the mother-in-law has no talent for versification, this is not a reason to leave her beloved son-in-law without congratulations. It is enough to use one of the proposed options for birthday poems.

  1. Son-in-law and mother-in-law in a joke - How can I not joke here. Well, we will break this stamp - We will live together with my son-in-law. On my birthday I wish strong affectionate love. May your years run in prosperity and health. Let the wife - my daughter - be happiness for you. May there always be a reason for you to please me.
  2. Dear, beloved son-in-law, What do you wish us? Save up a lot of money, And always be healthy, Always live in contentment, Never be angry, And love your wife, Always give flowers to her!
  3. Be healthy and happy so that the way in the family reigned. With such a prospect, we worship the Son-in-law. You, son-in-law, live and remember: We will support, if that ... Let the Spirit of love nest in your house for another hundred years
  4. I wish son-in-law a birthday: I wish you success in everything, Living like in a paradise of the earth, Never give up, Don't be afraid of problems, Quickly resolve your deeds, Money rich, Rejoice and smile. You tamed a fortune, You were always lucky - Let it last, Life rushes forward! Be healthy, beloved son-in-law, We celebrate again Your birthday - Congratulations!

The son-in-law’s birthday is an additional reason for the mother-in-law to emphasize her affection for her daughter’s husband. You can express your feelings not only with a gift suitable for the occasion, but also with a wonderful, sincere, memorable congratulation. Features of the choice of the latter depend on the relationship between the son-in-law and the mother-in-law - people who communicate on a short leg can easily afford good-natured banter on each other. It is worth noting that the option of cool joking congratulations is appropriate exclusively in the close family circle. For a more solemn atmosphere, short beautiful sayings are suitable, which can be framed in the form of a poem. Such wishes can be voiced both independently and together with the father-in-law.