The birthday of loved ones is an occasion to once again emphasize your love, tenderness and good attitude towards them. However, not everyone has the oratory gift. As well as talent for improvisation. A special difficulty in congratulating modern young people can arise with grandparents. Elderly at feasts are often lost, embarrassed, find it difficult to find words. Especially for such cases, congratulations on the birthday of the granddaughter from the grandmother were created. With their help, you can pick up beautiful and non-banal words that apply to any age of the birthday girl, both a baby and an adult girl.

Touching happy birthday to little granddaughter from grandmother

Congratulation of little girls is an easy thing only at first glance. In fact, you need to try to choose the words that are suitable for the occasion, and at the same time make them understandable and accessible to the little birthday girl. In this regard, congratulating an adult is somewhat easier.

You can choose a touching greeting to your granddaughter from the following list:

  1. With a little Thumbelina We go by the handle. Happy Birthday, dear, Affectionate granddaughter! You are for us, like the sun - Bright, beautiful! Let the further life be bright, clear!
  2. My beloved, my granddaughter, I wish you a happy birthday today. Grow you a beauty, an overseas princess, To be the most charming, blood, I wish. I am the happiest in the whole world, After all, there is my favorite, my granddaughter. I love you, darling, I am more than anyone else, I am always with you. Your grandmother!
  3. My granddaughter, my dear, the light of my soul, I congratulate you on your birthday. Listen to your grandmother's advice, always trust your heart, fly to your dreams on the wings of love, express yourself in all its glory and achieve your goal in any situation.
  4. Dear granddaughter, I wish you a happy birthday! I wish you a long and happy life. Love, prosperity, warmth and comfort. May all your cherished dreams come true. Do not be afraid, experiment, flutter like a moth in the sun. Have a good mood, good health and worthy travel companions!

It is no secret that childhood and adolescence are not without some selfishness. Small and very young people are full of feelings of self-worth and want to seem important people. You should not forget about this in the process of congratulations and as often as possible turn to emphasizing the positive personal qualities of the birthday girl.

It will also be useful to once again take into account the fact of growing up the hero of the occasion - such an observation will certainly flatter the little lady.

How beautiful to congratulate an adult girl

Of course, grandmother, as a bearer of worldly and feminine wisdom, wants to congratulate the adult granddaughter with words that will not only sink into the soul, but will also be useful in the future life path.

For this case, you can use several options for beautiful original congratulations.

  1. Beloved granddaughter of ours, But you have become an adult already ... With the years we become older, And you - every day well! Let it be a bright, clear day. This love and dream come true. And you become all perfect And you believe in your beauty!
  2. On this wonderful day, dear granddaughter, __ years ago you were born! What made us all the happiest on the planet. We wish you to achieve the most desirable heights in life, to receive a worthy profession, to never get sick and not lose heart. Be happy, may the Guardian Angel protect you! Happy Birthday!
  3. Happy birthday, my granddaughter, my dear. I wish you a good miracle and sincere feelings, joyful achievements and memorable events. Let your feet go the road of happiness, let your hands do great things, let your head be full of bright thoughts, and your heart keep love and hope.
  4. Happy birthday, my dear granddaughter. I wish that in your life a real miracle happens every day, that each of your dreams becomes a happy reality, that every minute a bright light of joy and hope shines in your eyes. Granddaughter, always be the same kind, beautiful, smart, funny, cheerful, charming and beloved.

Tip. Of course, for the grandmother, children and grandchildren will always remain babies. However, do not forget that congratulations are intended for an adult and already quite independent girl.

Therefore, turning a congratulation into a banal moralizing is not worth it. Sincere conversations with the exchange of life experiences are best left for other cases. For example, for a joint tea party with a granddaughter.

Funny and funny congratulations for the granddaughter from the grandmother

Grandmothers are believed to be rational, thorough, and serious. For some reason, you least expect any funny or comic toast from this category of relatives. All the more reason for the grandmother to break the stereotype of a serious elderly lady and congratulate her beloved granddaughter with cool congratulations in the spirit of modern reality.

  1. My dear granddaughter! Let life be happy, Eat more, so that you do not know thinness. Joy to you and luck, Love and inspiration, Good luck, happiness and love, Laughter and not know the trouble.
  2. From tricks naughty Around the head. The granddaughter of the House never lets me get bored. I wish to be obedient On this birthday. To better get along Our generations.
  3. Happy birthday, granddaughter, May dreams come true, Gives the sun rays, Sponges are smiling. Be kind, obedient, Smart, beautiful, Light and airy, Tender and happy. Let your girlfriends just adore you, And the boys together For you sigh.Cheerful, healthy Be always, dear, Congratulations again! Many hugs!
  4. A calm life without adventure will not bring joy, therefore, granddaughter, I wish you a happy birthday and wish you an active path so that you sparkle with new events every day, intrigue and be sure to please your soul.
  5. Let there be no menagerie in your life. A pig will pass by, which on your birthday will tear your ear. So that there is no mean snake that bites stealthily. Happy birthday, granddaughter, live happily and go around the occupied space.

Tip. The above congratulations can be used as a basis, a base. You can dilute it with some details from the common life of the grandmother and granddaughter. For example, it can be funny stories, cases from the joint past of a birthday girl and a congratulator.

The main thing is not to get involved and not to arrange an evening of memories from the holiday. Such a non-standard approach to congratulation, in contrast to the traditional banalities set for the occasion, will surely make the evening memorable.

Short greetings in your own words and small verses

Congratulations in poetic form, perhaps, will never lose its relevance and originality. If a grandmother has a talent for versification and can create a real poetic masterpiece for her granddaughter, you should not put off such a wonderful opportunity in a long box. If rhyming is not one of the grandmother's skills, you can use short, ready-made poems or even get by with a capacious toast in prose.

  1. Granddaughter dear! Happy Birthday From your grandmother accept congratulations: I wish you happiness, joy, flowering, Smiles and great inspiration.
  2. My granddaughter is dear, my light, Let the smile illuminate your world! Let life fill the bouquet of beautiful emotions with Bright paint!
  3. My dear girl, happy birthday! Grow beautiful, protect your heart from evil and resentment, remember only the good. Live in pleasure, laugh more often, and let the tears in your eyes appear solely from joy!
  4. My baby, my beautiful granddaughter. I wish you a happy birthday and wish you pleasant holidays, excellent learning results, great friends and all the best.
  5. My dear granddaughter, you are a sunny, extraordinary person. Happy birthday and wish there were no dark days in your destiny. So that only bright people surround you. Let a career be bright too. Be happy.

Tip. In a poem or in your own words - in any case, congratulations should not be made long and lengthy. Otherwise, guests at the table may get bored and begin to look forward to the end of a protracted toast.

A short congratulation, full of sincere emotions and feelings, will be quite appropriate. By the way, a poetic congratulation can be made personalized - this will add to it even more originality.

As a rule, a grandmother is the closest woman to her birthday, after her mother. It is not surprising that a beautiful, original and sincere congratulation is expected from her. When composing congratulations or choosing a ready-made option, the age characteristics of the birthday girl should be taken into account. If the feast takes place in a close circle among young people, cool joking congratulations will be a win-win option. Such a non-standard humorous approach will make a birthday feast even more laid-back and fun. Serious, touching words - sincere and sincere, will also be appropriate, they will also certainly be remembered by the young birthday girl.