Victory Day is a holiday that resonates in the soul of every modern person. On May 9, congratulations are primarily dedicated to veterans and all participants in the terrible events of that time. If there are heroes in your family or among close friends, they should definitely prepare congratulations on Victory Day, beautiful wishes and, of course, sincere thanks.

Congratulations on Victory Day in prose

Victory Day is a touching and very emotionally strong holiday. On May 9, each person thinks about what his life might have been like if a few decades ago our grandfathers and great-grandfathers had not joined forces and defeated a common enemy.

It is on this day that you especially appreciate the peaceful sky above your head, the fresh spring air without the smell of gunpowder and beautiful wildflowers, unacceptable by soldiers' boots.

It is not enough just to reflect on the eternal themes of the holiday. It is also important to say “thank you!” To all those who took part in the terrible war and were ready to give their lives for the happiness and peace of future generations. May 9, first of all, you need to congratulate the veterans, thank them for their perfect amazing feat, courage, courage, self-sacrifice.

Each person who took part in the Great Patriotic War or simply became an outside observer (for example, due to a young age) will be pleased to receive Victory Day greetings in prose or poetry. You can write them on a beautiful theme card, and a good idea is to make it yourself. Homemade postcards are budget, but original, interesting, different from purchased ones. For veterans, they will be a wonderful memorable gift, especially if postcards are made by grandchildren / great-grandchildren, and inside you “hide” a sincere wish.

  1. Happy Victory Day! The main thing I want to wish on this day is what our grandfathers fought for. Peace be with you! May there always be a clear sky and a bright sun above your head. I wish you Victory Day health, joy and happiness. Let victory accompany everywhere and always, let only good and sincere people be near. I wish that the heart does not know pain and longing, and in the soul always played a victorious march.
  2. Happy Victory Day! This holiday is moving away from us every year. But we must never forget about the heroic deeds that our ancestors committed in the name of freedom, honor and a prosperous life. On this holiday, first of all, I want to wish you peace. After all, nothing costs more than human lives, the tears of mothers and the broken fate of a huge number of people. Let this victory inspire only good deeds and love for the motherland. May no one ever see war.
  3. May 9 is not only a beautiful spring day, but also an unforgettable, memorable date - Victory Day. There are very few who are directly related to this holiday, to whom we personally must now bow at our feet and thank for the peaceful sky above our heads. We wish veterans health and longevity and promise that we will do everything so that our children never know what war is. And we will make every effort to preserve the memory of those who walked for a long mile to this victory. Happy holiday!

In poetic form

For the holiday of May 9, it is important to prepare congratulations in poetic form. They can be read out at a city / school theme party or your beloved grandfather from the whole family at a beautifully laid table.

It is very important that young children also understand the significance of this spring day.

Therefore, from early childhood, it is necessary to explain to the youngest members of the family what a holiday is, and also to teach them to congratulate great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers, neighbors, and even unfamiliar heroes. Already at the age of 3-4 years, the child may well learn a short thematic wish and read it to veterans.

  1. How few of you are left with us, Heroes of that terrible war. You fought until the last For peace and happiness for the country. Bowing our heads in front of you, “Thank you,” we say quietly. Do not convey forever words, How much we cherish you. One hundred years at least live, We are very glad to see you. On Victory Day, now accept your congratulations from us!
  2. Thank you for your courage and courage, For a peaceful sky above your head. Without you, we would not have taken a single step. Today, every veteran is a hero. You fought so selflessly, You completely forgot about peace and sleep. We always needed such heroes. Thank you! And a deep bow to you!
  3. We know, we remember! We are immensely proud. It’s impossible to forget your feat for centuries. Thank you very much for the strength and faith, For our freedom on your shoulders. For a clear sky, native open spaces, For joy and pride in the hearts and soul. You live long, may God give health. Let the memory live on a victorious spring.
  4. Let the aging earth become peaceful, Scars disappear, all wounds heal, Forget the war ... But you can’t forget The great feat of our veterans, And life will not be given for nothing, And stingy eyes will not touch the eye, May the cruel war never take away Destiny from anyone, Yes the memory will be eternal and holy, And grief will never happen again, Having blocked the world with an unbroken back, you have given many a chance to be born into the world!

How to congratulate veterans on May 9

To beautifully and memorably congratulate veterans, you can prepare not only verbal wishes, but also pleasant gifts. In addition to the self-made postcards noted above, it is worth thinking about other interesting options.

For example, grandparents will be pleased to receive grocery, tea, sweet sets from their favorite treats. Of course, one also needs to think about relevance. A veteran who suffers from diabetes will have to pick up special sweets on fructose, and a grandfather who has heart problems should give chicory or some useful herbal preparations to make healing tea instead of coffee.

You can give a warm scarf, socks or a scarf, any electrical products that make life easier for an elderly person, certificates for medical procedures.

A very touching gift will be a beautiful family portrait or a poster with a family tree, complemented by words of gratitude for peace and freedom. Such a present will definitely stay with grandparents for a long memory and will delight the veteran daily.

  1. We say thank you for freedom, For giving us peace. For labor in the rear and exploits at the front, For the fact that such a peaceful life has become. We wish you good health, longevity, And may the troubles pass you forever. For your courage, I sing with songs - Heroes-veterans, with Victory Day!
  2. Happy Victory Day veterans! The pride of you and the honor of the country. They gave us freedom, thank you we will say! We will never forget what you have done for us. We will read and remember, The whole country is friendly to you!
  3. Victory! ... no matter how painful, Victory! ... no matter how scary. Bow to the ground, veterans, With your well-deserved holiday! Thank you for standing with your breasts, Defending your native country, Thanks for the peace, veterans, Your reliable hands! May your hopes come true, Children and grandchildren take care, Live, relatives, live, Calm, reliable and peaceful!

Short congratulations on Victory Day

For short congratulations on Victory Day, a few lines will be enough. They need to fit in and gratitude to veterans for peace and tranquility, and the wish of all the best and bright new generations.

If you plan to congratulate your grandfather or another close person, then the text can be made more personal, sincere and touching.

  1. Accept today a bow to the earth And the warmest lines, You have saved a peaceful sky for us, Passing this cruel chaos. We remember your feat and keep it in our hearts. And we wish you that day - Health and happiness for long days. With victorious you sunny May!
  2. We thank you for everything: For your courage without a barrier, For defending the world Not for titles and awards. We want to wish you good health, So that you live long, do not get sick. Thank you, we are telling you that we did not spare our lives!
  3. Congratulations on Victory Day, we are our Veterans. We wish you many years, you are the saviors of the country! We will be grateful forever, For salvation and peace. We will never forget you, So we are proud of the country!

Funny wishes in your own words

The day on which the victory in the Great Patriotic War is celebrated is simultaneously filled with joy and sadness. Therefore, jokes and jokes in congratulations will not be too appropriate.

It is better to make your wishes bright, kind, festive, but not funny at all.

  1. Dear veterans! Accept congratulations, And only one wish - for a long, long time all live! We love you infinitely, and we thank you cordially! The life that you gave us will delight us forever! Your grandchildren have matured, I will remember tirelessly, What do they live in that world, what did you create for them! In gratitude, we wish you great health! Be happy, calm, we promise to protect you!
  2. We can dream, sing and laugh, We can create, make plans, love. We hear about the troubles of war often, but briefly, But you had to endure this fear ... Give us youth, strength, health - Save our Motherland in a formidable struggle! With tears and wounds, then with blood, you paved the way to salvation from misfortune. We wish you joy, happiness, peace, Flowers, thanks, bright people. May the good Lord protect you from grief. Warm bow to you! And sunny days!
  3. On this day, holy and glorious, the whole world thanks you, the world is free and happy, “Thank you!” Says to you. We, dear veterans, Congratulations, from the bottom of our hearts, We wish you happiness and happiness, A lot of joy, love!

Today, in the vastness of the Web and in thematic books, postcards, it will be possible to find a huge number of touching, sincere congratulations and texts in prose dedicated to May 9th. Among them are words of gratitude to veterans, as well as wishes for a peaceful sky overhead to new generations.