Victory Day is an important holiday for every person. But especially he touches and offends those families in which there are participants in that terrible war. On a holiday, it is worth preparing congratulations on May 9 to all the people involved. Let the selected texts be simultaneously touching, sincere, beautiful and joyful.

Congratulations on Victory Day in prose

The main task of beautiful congratulations on Victory Day is to express our infinite gratitude to veterans for their life, a bright clear sky above their heads, the opportunity to be happy, enjoy every minute spent close to relatives and relatives.

The holiday under discussion can be called both joyful and very sad. After all, it reminds not only of the Victory, but also of how many people died in the struggle for the freedom of future generations, how many terrible minutes and losses people experienced.

Every year, less and less witnesses of the war are becoming with us. Veterans are leaving. But it is important that the memory of that difficult and cruel period, as well as the price, which was obtained the Great Victory, did not disappear with them. For this, the holiday should be honored and celebrated in every current family.

If there are veterans or people among acquaintances or relatives who were somehow involved in the celebration, it is worth preparing congratulations in prose for them. It doesn't matter - long or short. The main task is to make them warm and warm.

Happy Victory Day! May the courage and heroism of this great holiday never be forgotten by anyone. Let the spirit of victory inspire hearts and lead forward - to new exploits, successes and achievements. And let the whole world always live in peace, and only this sacred holiday recalls wars.


May 9 is not only a beautiful spring day, but also an unforgettable, memorable date - Victory Day. There are very few who are directly related to this holiday, to whom we personally must now bow at our feet and thank for the peaceful sky above our heads. We wish veterans health and longevity and promise that we will do everything so that our children never know what war is. And we will make every effort to preserve the memory of those who walked for a long mile to this victory. Happy holiday!


Happy Victory Day. The most important thing that I would like to wish on this day is what our grandfathers fought for - peace be upon you! May there always be a clear sky and a bright sun above your head. I wish you Victory Day health, joy and happiness. Let victory accompany everywhere and always, let only good and sincere people be near. I wish that the heart does not know pain and longing, and in the soul always played a victorious march.

In poetic form

Congratulations on May 9 in verse sound very beautiful. Using such texts, filled with sonorous and important words, it will be possible to convince their grandparents that everyone around remembers and appreciates the feat of the older generation. The verses will express admiration for the fearlessness, courage, courage of people who were ready to give their lives for our happiness and tranquility. Every veteran will be pleased to hear words of gratitude for a peaceful sky above his head.

Even the smallest family members can memorize short verses about Victory. Have a great-grandson or great-granddaughter read a poetic congratulation to a veteran. Such a performance of the baby will not leave indifferent any old man. Most likely, congratulations to tears are touched by grandparents.

Victory Day is an expensive word!

Victory Day! How does it sound!

About all who fell, we remember standing

And no one is forever forgotten.

I congratulate you on Victory.

After all, she is one for all of us.

Fireworks festive shining,

The whole country rejoices on this day.

Proud of our grandfathers

We will take a worthy example from them.

Let them teach us a feat

Enjoy every peaceful day.


Happy Victory Day!

Bow to the veterans

That they managed to give us the world,

We are proud of their glorious feat,

We will remember and honor them all our lives.

And the lights of the obelisks will light

The poppies will blossom in the far lands

As if in memory of the glorious soldiers

That died in bloody battles ...


Thank you for the victory,

For peace and peace

For the sky is bright

Over our head.

Thank you for the sacrifice

For exploits, labors,

For all that you have done

So that there is no war.

Thank you, we remember

We thank you

With the victory of you, dear ones,

We will keep your peace.

How to congratulate veterans on May 9

On a holiday, it’s important not only to congratulate the veterans in words, but also to prepare pleasant gifts and surprises for them. For example, start by bringing the whole family together at a beautifully laid table with mouth-watering treats. May 9 can be another reason for family to sit together - chat, talk about the past and dream about the future. Especially these general conversations are important for the elderly. After the holiday, pleasant words spoken to each other at the table will warm their soul for a long time to come.

It will be pleasant for the veteran to receive a small gift from children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. It’s not necessary to spend a lot of money on it. Even trifles are enough, which once again will demonstrate to the grandmother or grandfather the care of family people. You can give them a warm, cozy blanket that will warm the elderly on cold evenings and remind you of pleasant minutes, decorative pillowcases on pillows with a portrait of the whole family or a similar picture. A memorable gift will be an unusual cup for your beloved grandmother / grandfather drink, household appliances that will facilitate their daily life and other similar options.

A handmade gift looks very interesting: a photo frame, which grandchildren or great-grandchildren independently made from improvised materials.It remains only to insert her favorite photograph of a veteran. Perhaps this will be his portrait in his youth with a second half or a photograph of the whole large family.

Thank you very much, veterans!

Thank you for the peace on earth

For every fight that scarred my heart

Because you fought back the war!

We wish you health, longevity,

Hope in the heart, and in the soul of spring,

So that your grandchildren are near, children,

So there’s no more war in the world!


Thank! Thank you i say

To all veterans for living.

Because I see forests and fields,

For the fact that our land is free.

Thank you for the quiet and peaceful dawn,

More expensive, and the truth, because this is not.

You found out the price of your victory,

When the shelling lost friends.

When in silence you read the letter,

Only in thoughts imagining a native face.

Thank you for the strength in that fierce war.

And thanks twice for humanity.

Now, having bowed before your tear,

Thank you I will tell you with an open mind

For breathing freely in the world

Under the yoke of the fascists that I do not live.


Thank you today, we want to say

For our freedom, we cherish her.

For a peaceful sky, peace of mind,

For fearlessly you rushed into battle!

You showed everyone in those years of the war,

Greatness, power, huge country.

Thank you all veterans,

Immensely we all admire you!

Short congratulations on Victory Day

It is worth saying that not only family members and close relatives deserve beautiful wishes on the Victory Day. You can prepare short and touching congratulations even for your neighbor, a casual passer-by, a "cap" friend. No need to be afraid to approach a veteran met in the city on holiday. You can be sure that a girl or grandmother will take a new acquaintance quite complacently. Of course, if the main goal of such actions is to congratulate the veteran, the desire to say warm, pleasant words to him, to express his gratitude.

For such a walk, it is worth taking several home-made postcards with short congratulations on Victory Day. It remains to hand them to the met grandparents, whose chest is decorated with orders and medals. Postcards can be supplemented with small gifts. For example, chocolates, boxes of chocolates, flowers - tulips and carnations.

For a clear sky, for peace and quiet

You, veterans, bow to our earthly!

You can’t count your merit in your homeland,

For this today, glory and honor to you -

Because you did not give a chance to the enemies.

We wish you health and joy!


We congratulate you on the glorious day that proclaimed the triumph of peace - Victory Day. May this great holiday be peaceful and calm in your heart and soul, may your loved ones be healthy and happy. Protect peace and harmony, value life, sacredly honor the feat of your people.


Great Victory Day left its imprint for centuries. For those who fought, we are sincerely proud, thank in tears and keep eternal memory. May peace, tranquility, friendship, unity flourish around. There will be no wars, losses and tears. Good always conquers all evil and a happy time reigns, full of smiles and laughter. Happy Victory Day!


May 9. Victory! Hurrah!

May joy fill your heart in the morning.

I wish you didn’t recognize the war,

People should live in peace and peace.

Do not let the houses fall apart

And your life path will be without sorrow.

Touching wishes in your own words

To congratulations sounded touching and beautiful, you need to make them sincere and sincere. On Victory Day, you should thank veterans for the happy and calm life given to present generations, and also wish them all the very best and, of course, good health.

We want to thank our esteemed veterans. You are a great pride, benchmark and role model. You have made a disproportionate contribution to the development and life of our great country. We wish you health and longevity, so that by your example you always set guidelines for young people. Thank you very much.


We will always be indebted to you, dear veterans.No gratitude for a peaceful sky and carefree childhood, for reckless youth and the opportunity to study, for the honor of the country and for the fact that with the word "Victory" you can proudly raise your head, will not be able to express all our gratitude to you. I bow to you!


Dear veterans, today we gratefully bow our heads in heart, expressing to you boundless respect for the immortal feat that you performed during the war. We wish you happiness, warm emotions, health and longevity.

May 9 is an occasion to once again say “thank you” to people who were ready to sacrifice their own lives for our happiness. They deserve the warmest, most cordial and pleasant words.