In most families, it is not customary to prepare congratulations to parents on their son's birthday. It's time to start changing this and introducing a new tradition. Who, no matter how mom and dad are, are the main ones at the celebration after the birthday? They will also be extremely pleased to hear congratulations on the holiday of their own child.
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Congratulations to parents on the son's birthday in prose
Only in a rare modern family is it accepted on the child's birthday to prepare wishes for his family.
In fact, the annual congratulations of mom and dad on the triumph of their child can be turned into a wonderful spiritual tradition.
She will unite all family members even more. You can be sure that each parent will be pleased to hear beautiful wishes, as well as words about how much they invested in their heir and what a worthy person they raised.
When a baby is born, first of all, friends and relatives congratulate their parents with this joyful event. This happens for a year crumbs. But from about 2-3 years old, congratulations gradually begin to become individual. They are addressed directly to the baby. But relatives and other guests already forget to congratulate their parents. Perhaps at the very beginning such a situation even seems insulting to mom and dad, but is forgotten over time. Parents get used to the fact that their son is the only culprit. But it's never too late to change everything.
Going on a holiday (it doesn’t matter how old the boy is), it’s worth taking a gift and a card with him not only for the birthday man, but also for his mom and dad.Most likely, the first time parents will be very surprised. But emotions will obviously turn out to be exceptionally positive.
In addition to a card with beautiful wishes, it’s important to give your mom a small beautiful bouquet of flowers and say something like: “For the umpteen years ago, it was you who tried and suffered so that such a wonderful guy as our birthday boy was born. Today is a holiday for you too. Remain as caring, beautiful, tender and beloved by everyone! ” It will be more relevant for the father to hand over a bottle of elite alcohol or some refreshments to the festive table with the words: “The birthday boy clearly looks like his dad. The same strong, smart, strong, successful. May he continue to take an example from you in everything! With such a father, he has every chance to live a surprisingly happy, interesting life! ”
So your tomboy has become a year older, and this means that you have more reasons for pride and joy. Already boldly, he steps through life, learns more and more new and interesting things. So let your son’s health be excellent, no bacteria and viruses prevent him from knowing the world. Let happiness not pass him by, and failures and adversities will go away.
Congratulations to wonderful parents on a wonderful and cheerful holiday - happy birthday to your beloved son. I wish your boy to choose a long and good path of life, that his fate will save him from evil and envy, that father and son will raise a brave and courageous daredevil, and mother, that she will give her boy sincere love and tenderness.
Dear parents, we congratulate you on an important event in the life of your son, on his next birthday. Let your hearts today be filled with a sense of well-deserved pride in raising your child, we wish you always to experience the joy of parenthood, to feel love and care from your son.
How to congratulate your parents in your own words
Of course, congratulations in your own words always turn out to be the most soulful and enjoyable. But not every guest has the talent to write them on their own. If the congratulator is very far from poetry, he can cheat a little and use ready-made wishes. It is not necessary that they turn out to be banal and uninteresting. If you look carefully, you will probably be able to find a truly worthy original text.
Happy birthday to a wonderful son. I wish wonderful parents strong love and brave strength, prosperity of life and family happiness. Let the son grow up a brave and courageous little boy, delighting with his discoveries and successes, lighting the hearts of his parents with his love and attention.
Happy birthday to my wonderful parents. I wish you a long and happy family life, I wish you a high prosperity of forces and means in order to provide your son with a happy present and bright future. May the son always be a good support for parents and real pride for loved ones and relatives.
You were able to raise such a son after going through all life's difficulties, and today is an occasion to brag about it from the heart! Congratulations on his birthday and once again make sure how lucky he was with his parents! Happy and long years of happiness!
Short greetings and short poems
If congratulations to the parents of the birthday will be read out in the presence of a large number of guests or even go overseas, then their size will be of great importance. For these cases, it is better to choose short options. Let it be just a few lines, but bright, capacious, sonorous, filled with meaning and warmth.
It’s even possible to arrange short verses or prose on the wrapper of a bouquet chosen for mom or on the label of a bottle of whiskey for dad. Instead of alcohol, parents can also be presented with freshly squeezed juice (pomegranate looks especially noble in a gift), fruit and nut baskets.
In general, it does not really matter - congratulations are being prepared on the birthday of an adult son or baby. The text can be selected universal and suitable for any occasion.
Congratulations, wonderful parents, happy birthday to your son. I wish you to always remain a strong and happy family, I wish grace and peace in your home, I wish you good education and development of your son’s talents, I wish you good luck and bright light on his way.
Dear parents, congratulations on the day your son was born. On his next holiday, we wish you legitimate pride in your child, well-being, mutual understanding and family joys.
Flying years, the world does not stand still
And another year flew by us.
And today, toasts are booming everywhere
We congratulate you on the birthday of our son.
May fate help in his beginnings,
Let his friends support him with a kind word
Whatever is made, may wish come true,
And your family grows stronger over the years!
Congratulations on the birthday
We wish you to be healthy
Strong, competent without an edge,
Noble thoughts complete.
To always be fun
But seriously doing business,
To always have an extra dollar,
And heartiness to be.
Touching Happy Birthday to a Child
The most moving and soul-catching congratulations are made in the form of a video clip. It should use photos of the birthday man and his entire family. Well, if they will be the congratulator himself. It remains to accompany the video sequence with heartfelt comments (for example, in poetry) and melodic music.
Live in hustle and bustle
For the simple reason
What better do you want to give
You are a young man.
Your son is bright hope
And for the soul of joy
And a friend to be such a family
I am infinitely glad.
Fun for the birthday boy
And you need to relax today,
That became a year older -
Sigh with a smile.
Parents have today
A special day, joyful
Son's birthday
Fun we celebrate.
Congratulations to mom and proud father,
You are so glorious grow up well done.
Let it be support and family protection,
You keep it with love and prayer.
Happiness to you and your son and peace in the house,
So that you always live in a friendly family.
Today is a holiday in your home,
After all, his son’s birthday.
And, as in the story in the old volume,
Let the avalanche cover you
From the mood, as in a fairy tale -
So clean, funny.
So that life changes its colors
Stained in the color of gold.
Let the child respect you
And does not grieve in vain
Let care surrounds.
And remember that life is beautiful!
Funny and funny greetings for mom and dad
To make the birthday greetings fun for the parents, the best solution is to remember a couple of funny stories from their life together with the baby. The birthday family will probably be delighted to plunge into joyful memories. Or you can just use cool ready-made cool poems.
Your son is growing up in the family,
Future can he be a couturier?
Or maybe your little one will be a doctor,
Or will it become a valuable cargo?
But the most important thing in life is the family,
Plus, I wish you great happiness,
Live in abundance, raise a son,
And your happiness, you always cherish!
Here, today, you again have a triumph,
Once again, to celebrate his son’s birthday,
And see how my son has matured,
He matured, managed to become a man.
We wish you, son and you,
Do not overtake the family: no deception,
Neither sadness nor misfortune - ever
So that the idyll is forever.
May harmony be with you -
Counted and now "time".
And for the “two,” we wish love,
Let the nightingales sing in their hearts.
Well, “three”, “four”, “five” -
We will congratulate you.
"Six" and "seven", as well as "eight" -
We’ll ask you to smile.
"Nine", "ten" - let's say together:
You need to be happy
Live well together with happiness
On a percentage, all so, two hundred!
Is my son's birthday?
So you need to note -
To all friends without delay
What a stronger pour!
But to say more seriously -
Congratulations to you friends.
Your son has become very grown up,
Well, celebrate, relatives!
Birthday - health,
Happiness, joy, kindness
And have plenty of fun.
Happy birthday, cheers!
Congratulations on the birthday of not only the birthday man, but also his parents can be turned into a touching tradition. Then the number of wishes and gifts will increase significantly, which cannot but rejoice. And on the holiday there will be more happy sincere smiles and words of gratitude for your attention.