In the male body, the hormone testosterone plays an important role, since the strength, endurance, and quality of the sexual life of any member of the stronger sex depend on its quantitative indicator. In women, the level of this hormone is much lower, however, in some cases, increased production of androgens due to improper functioning of the endocrine system may be observed. Is the increased testosterone in women so terrible or there are no good reasons for a panic, we will understand further.
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The value of testosterone in women
It would seem, why does the female body need a male sex hormone? In fact, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The produced testosterone is of two types: free and bound. This male hormone, as well as estrogen, is involved in the formation of the female reproductive system. Deficiency of a bound substance leads to irregularities in the menstrual cycle, since a reduced concentration of the hormone affects the ovulation process. The egg simply does not mature without the required amount of androgens, which, in turn, leads to a subsequent delay in menstruation.
In addition, testosterone is responsible for the formation of bone and muscle tissue. With its shortage, the percentage of fat increases, and the body itself becomes loose. The hated “orange peel” appears in the back, hips and buttocks. Testosterone deficiency also leads to the development of osteoporosis due to insufficient bone strength.
In addition, male hormone increases sexual desire, increases the overall tone of the whole body and stimulates mental activity. If free testosterone is increased, then a woman has serious disorders of the nervous system, leading to the development of neurological diseases.
Causes and Symptoms of Increase
Specialists have not been able to establish the exact cause of increased testosterone in women.
In some cases, the concentration of the substance increases against the background of constant stress and nervous strain. And also increased testosterone is observed in obese women who neglect physical activity and consume unhealthy fatty foods in large quantities.
The level of the hormone increases markedly in pregnant women or during puberty, when the endocrine system undergoes cardinal changes. The amount of the substance may increase due to the use of hormonal drugs, as well as in the case of the use of steroids.
The following signs of increased testosterone in women are distinguished:
- Hirsutism. Increased amount of hair on the face and body. As a rule, excessive hair growth is observed in the region of the chest, abdomen and lower back, as well as above the upper lip, on the cheeks and hands.
- Acne. Excess testosterone leads to increased production of sebaceous glands. Skin sebum clogs the pores of the epidermis, resulting in the subsequent formation of inflamed elements.
- Overweight. A sharp jump in male hormone provokes a strong craving for various fatty, sweet and floury dishes. Uncontrolled appetite against the background of increased testosterone becomes the main culprit in the rapid collection of extra pounds.
- Androgenic hair loss. Male pattern baldness, when thinning is observed near the hairline, as well as on the crown and in the back of the head.
Increased Pregnancy
In women, the ovaries and adrenal cortex, which are an integral part of the endocrine system, are responsible for the production of testosterone. During pregnancy, the expectant mother increases the rate of certain hormones, while the level of other substances, on the contrary, decreases. Due to cardinal changes in the body, hormonal failure can occur, which negatively affects the intrauterine development of the fetus.
Excess testosterone affects the quantitative content of progesterone and significantly reduces its production. As a result, the level of androgens increases, and the rate of female hormones decreases. Such a situation can lead to a miscarriage or missed pregnancy. In order to prevent such consequences, it is necessary to be systematically examined by a competent specialist throughout the entire period of pregnancy.
Note: for women of reproductive age, the content of testosterone in an amount of from 0.31 to 3.78 nmol / L is permissible. In expectant mothers, this indicator increases by 2-3 times. It is noteworthy that in women awaiting the appearance of a boy, testosterone levels are noticeably higher than in those mothers who have a baby girl.
How to lower without hormones
Of course, the normalization of the hormonal background is a very complex process that requires proper monitoring by a qualified endocrinologist. Is it really impossible in any way to independently reduce the production of certain hormones? As a rule, in this case, doctors prescribe oral contraceptives to their patients, which contain a certain concentration of synthetic hormones.
It is possible to lower testosterone levels without medication, however, this process will be longer and more complicated. Vitamins of group B, as well as vitamins E, C and folic acid help normalize the hormonal background. To reduce the concentration of testosterone, decoctions of herbs based on sage, evening primrose, licorice root, or boron uterus are used.1/3 cup of freshly prepared infusion is taken 15 minutes before meals three times a day for a month. Then they take a break for two weeks and repeat the treatment course again.
Important! In no case should you self-medicate without a preliminary examination by a doctor and passing the appropriate tests.
Treatment methods
As already mentioned above, for women who have increased testosterone, doctors prescribe oral contraceptives. A special blood test for hormones will help to identify the existing pathology. Most often, patients are prescribed drugs such as Lindinet-20, Diana 35 or Yarina. Tablets begin to be taken from the first day of the menstrual cycle, and the duration of treatment is at least 6 months. Usually, after drug withdrawal, the concentration of pituitary hormones returns to its previous state.
If a woman plans to conceive a child, then in this case, the doctor prescribes medicines containing a certain dose of female hormones estrogen. Among the most popular drugs, Dufaston, created on the basis of synthetic progesterone, is distinguished. In addition, hormone therapy involves the use of special antiandrogens that help lower testosterone levels in women. Doctors advise paying attention to drugs such as Spironolactone, Goserelin or Abarelix.
Proper nutrition
To reduce the level of androgens, food products that have estrogenic activity are used.
Women are advised to include in their daily diet:
- soy - contains a large number of phytoestrogens, necessary for the female body. The effect of these substances is similar to the action of progesterone, which helps to reduce the concentration of androgens;
- flax seeds - also reduce testosterone production due to the polyunsaturated fatty acids and lignans included in the composition. Before taking, it is necessary to carefully chop the seeds so that they are better absorbed by the body;
- broccoli and cauliflower - reduce the activity of total testosterone and start the production of female hormones estrogen.
In addition, you should minimize the consumption of simple carbohydrates, and also exclude from the diet too fatty high-calorie foods. The predominant cholesterol in such dishes contributes to a more intense synthesis of testosterone, thereby worsening the general condition of the endocrine system.
Physical exercise
Physical activity plays an important role in the normalization of hormonal levels. A sedentary lifestyle, as well as excessive loads, lead to subsequent disorders of the pituitary gland. Regular yoga classes help to restore the normal level of hormones, which improve both the physical and emotional state of women. However, you should not expect too fast results.
Yoga should be firmly rooted in your daily life and become an integral part of it. Classes will be a waste of time for those who want an instant healing effect. Give preference to inverted asanas (sarvangasana, shirshasana, halasana), which have a beneficial effect on the endocrine system and restore the balance of hormones in the female body.