Mommy is the most important, dear, dear person in the life of each of us. Communication and relations with her as a whole have a great influence on the formation of the personality of men and women. It is not surprising that there are many interesting and original proverbs about mom.
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Russian proverbs about mom for adults
Mommy is the first person that everyone sees immediately after birth. It is she who remains with the child throughout her childhood. Mom will understand, regret, sip, teach, explain, and sometimes scold. Years go by, but little changes in this direction. Mom is still one of the closest and closest people. It is she who first comes to the rescue, supports, regrets, is nearby in the most difficult situations. Even an adult sometimes wants to feel like a child and just hide in his beloved hands, feel protection and care.
All the centuries-old love of a child for his mother is expressed in folklore.
Numerous fables, legends, sayings and, of course, proverbs tell about this feeling. From them you can determine how our ancestors treated their parents. The results of folk art about mom emphasize that her role has always been revered and recognized.
Maternal heart in children.
Whoever honors mother and father does not perish forever.
Wife for advice, mother-in-law for greetings, but not dear to her mother.
Every mother is cute.
Maternal affection does not know the norm.
You will find bird milk even in a fairy tale, but you will not find another mother father in a fairy tale.
You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother.
Without a mother, the bees are missing children.
Do not leave your father and mother in old age, and God will not leave you.
Mother is righteous - the stone fence.
Mother is hardworking and children are not lazy.
Mother scratches on wool, and stepmother against wool.
A swarm does not hold without a mother.
Heat, warmth, but not summer; good, kind, but not mother dear.
Sayings about the closest person for children
Proverbs about the love of mother, like many others with a serious meaning, play an important role in raising a child. Everyone appreciates his mom. It remains the same now, and it was several millennia ago. This emphasizes the existence of a huge number of proverbs and sayings about mom with a very touching tender meaning. For example, the following sounds beautifully: "The bird will be happy in the spring, and the child will be happy with her mom." And indeed, only the presence of the most precious person in the world makes a newborn baby happy and calm. Mom’s warmth, her smell, her breath, tender hands - all this pleases the baby. He immediately calms down and stops crying. This reaction to the appearance of the mother persists at an older age. And how long will depend on the relationship of the child and parents. Often, even adults in the presence of their beloved mother feel much calmer and more comfortable.
It will be useful for children to tell proverbs about mom from a very young age. Thus, the right values will begin to be laid in their minds. You can learn proverbs together, make sense out or even play small scenes based on them. This will help to better understand the legend.
The language of proverbs is rich in artistic images. It is juicy, bright, varied. Therefore, reading and careful study of proverbs also helps to better learn the native language, add new interesting words to your vocabulary. And this is especially true for children and adolescents.
The kalacha cheese is whiter, and the mother of the stepmother is nicer.
It is difficult to give birth, to teach good is even more difficult.
To live with my mother is neither boredom nor sorrow nor to know.
Maternal words God rules.
Not the father, the mother who gave birth, but the one who drunk, nourished, but taught good.
Without mother dear and half joy.
The most valuable and dearest in the world is mother and father.
Mother loves a child, and a wolf loves a sheep.
Where is the mother, dear friend, there is my boot.
Wisdom of different nations of the world
Proverbs about mom are from different peoples of the world. And this is completely unsurprising. After all, wherever a person is born, he has the same attitude towards his mother. It is important and necessary. Without a mother, it is extremely difficult for a child to grow calm and happy, to develop fully.
Proverbs about mom from other countries help to get acquainted with other cultures. For example, such stories were very interesting for the gypsy people. One of the most popular of them says that from the curse of the mother the whole life of a person can go to dust. Therefore, you should always try to treat the parent well and maintain warm family relations with her. This applies to both children and adults.
A very unusual proverb about the mother is with the Norwegians. It reads as follows: “It is better to have a mother on a crutch than a dad on a horse.” This means that only mom can give her child that full caress, care, love that he needs. Father is not always able to do it. And the woman’s attention does not depend on the condition. Even in illness, the mother is ready to forget about herself and give all the warmth to her children.
A popular Persian proverb sounds like: "If you love your mother, then do not insult mine." This text encourages respect for all mothers. While humiliating and offending a woman, one should always remember that she is also someone's beloved irreplaceable mom.
Where mother, there and child.
Mother’s heart is outgoing.
Whoever has a uterus has a smooth head.
Mother to children - yes, I rarely see them: they sit in different cells.
Young wife cries to morning dew, sister to gold rings, mother to the eyelid.
The chicken brought ducklings, and cries with them.
To read father and mother - do not know grief.
That the mother will drive into the head, then the father will not beat.
Mother with her son is not an heiress.
The child is at least crooked, but father, mother is cute.
A loving mother is the soul of the family and the decoration of life.
Maternal heart in children, and baby in stone.
Proverbs to Mother's Day
In recent years, Mother's Day has become very popular. He appeared only a few years ago. But this holiday was quickly appreciated by all the inhabitants of Russia. It is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. On this day, congratulations are received by all the fair sex, who have already become mothers.
Usually, sons and daughters are sent to visit their parents with gifts on the holiday in question. And also congratulate women and their soul mates. Spouses on such a day thank their chosen ones for donated heirs. In the congratulation for mom, you can use beautiful themed proverbs.
When the sun is warm, when mother is good.
Maternal prayer from the bottom of the sea takes out (takes out).
The maternal blessing does not sink in water, does not burn in fire.
Without a father - half an orphan, and without a mother an entire orphan.
A blind puppy crawls towards his mother.
The maternal word does not say past (to the wind).
There are many relatives, and the mother is dearest.
Without mother dear, flowers do not bloom in color.
Mommy darling - an unquenchable candle.
Mother's heart warms better than the sun.
Matushkin is angry that spring snow: and a lot of it falls, but it will soon melt.
One person has a homeland, one has his mother.
Most of the legends about parents are very beautiful, gentle, touching. Proverbs about mom will help express your love for her in a special way.