Proverbs on any topic are a significant part of our culture. Therefore, it is so important to get to know them and understand them both for adults and children. This is especially true for proverbs about the war.
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Russian proverbs about war and peace
There are a huge number of Russian proverbs about war and peace. From ancient times, Russia regularly experienced attacks by enemies from different directions. Wars are the most important and huge part of the history of any state. About her children begin to talk back to school. In addition to history lessons, students can learn interesting information about past times and battles also from proverbs. Often, dry facts from historical books are poorly perceived by students. Especially if the child is a humanitarian. But proverbs and legends are a completely different matter. They are easy to understand and read in one go.
Surely it will be interesting for adults to familiarize themselves with proverbs on the theme of war and peace. They will tell you about past events in an interesting way. By the way, proverbs are very easy to remember. In the future, a person could use them in his speech, making it richer, more beautiful and competent.
To fight without skill is not to see victory.
War loves blood.
War and fire are not joking.
Enmity does no good.
Where the hero fell, the mound stood up.
It’s friendly to stand for peace - there can be no war.
Whoever fights for his own is given double power.
To whom the world is not dear, he is also a hell.
Whoever starts a fight is often beaten.
It’s easy to listen about the war, but hard to see.
Better to die standing than to live on your knees.
Peace is land, war is war.
Hope for peace, and look at both.
The enemy has peace in his tongue, and war in his heart.
The clouds of the sun cannot be hidden, the world cannot be conquered by war.
To live in the world - to live with the world.
The cause of the world with truth is strong.
It’s friendly to stand for peace - there can be no war.
Whoever sows the world reaps happiness.
The world is strong not with weapons, but with people of good will.
Millions are for peace, millionaires are for war.
They do not expect peace, they conquer the world.
We believe the pacts, and even more the facts.
The peoples need peace, not a military uniform.
Plants are drawn to the light, and peoples to the world.
Light conquers darkness, peace conquers war.
There is space everywhere with the world, crowding everywhere with abuse.
The straw world is better than iron fights.
Flowers need the sun, and people need the world.
Tales of Victory and Feats
Proverbs, sayings, various legends do not just begin to be put into our heads from a very young age. It is they that make it possible in an easy and even playful way to lay the foundations of the right life views and concepts.
Proverbs about war and victory do not always tell exclusively about military operations. Sometimes they explain how to behave properly, for example, in conflict situations.
So, the proverb is very popular: "Whoever starts a fight, that is often beaten and happens." Similar options can be told to children from a very young age. Then the baby will understand that fights do not lead to anything good. He will remember that conflicts with fists will always lead to unpleasant consequences. Using the example of a proverb, it will become clear to him that such behavior always entails an answer. Often children rushing at someone with fists do not think about the consequences. Proverbs will help them realize the possible outcome of events and remember this for a long time.
If parents tell the proverbs they have chosen to their young child, then for better memorization, they can present their favorite tales in the form of a small sketch. For example, using various game figures in the process. Visual presentation of proverbs will help to better understand and remember them. This is especially true for young children.
To support each other is to win.
We won the war - we will win in the field.
Good news when they say: "There is victory!"
They knew who they beat, and therefore they won.
Though you plant yourself, and defeat the enemy.
Whoever stands for a just cause will always win.
Cowards do not go to victories.
Victory does not come from lying.
Victory loves diligence.
Victory does not fall ready from the sky.
Victory winged: miss a moment - and it is already gone.
It’s not enough to wait for victory - we need to take victory.
The one who does not flinch wins.
The winner is the one who pity himself less.
Heroes forge victory.
Winners are not judged.
Victory is not snow, it does not fall on the head itself.
Stand - win.
Step has been taken forward, step to victory.
The one who boldly goes forward wins.
A bold fit is half the victory.
He who holds on tightly wins.
Fight and hope for victory - you will win.
Victory does not wind in the air, but it fights with struggle.
The stronger the rebuff, the more glorious the victory.
The one who feels defeated is defeated.
The sun - in the summer, winter - in the cold, our struggle - to win.
Courage begets victory.
Victory is the companion of the bold and skillful.
There are two wills in the field: the one who dares and knows how to win.
Persistence gives birth to victory.
Confidence brings victory.
Do not go back for victory; she is always ahead.
A step through the corpse of an enemy is a step towards victory.
We will not spare life, but we will defeat the enemy.
Do not think that victory is immediately given, the enemy can be resistant.
Surprise - win.
Victory does not wind in the air, but it fights with struggle.
He will achieve victory, who beats to death.
They do not expect victory, but catch up.
You won’t know victory if you’re afraid.
War is difficult, but victory is red.
Do not wait for victory, but win in battle.
For children of preschool and school age
It must be remembered that the choice of proverbs about war and peace for children largely depends on their age. If you pick up the legend for the baby is wrong, he may not understand it at all or understand completely wrong. It is necessary to clearly distinguish proverbs by age.
For the smallest children, it is worth choosing the simplest options. It is desirable - short, consisting of several understandable words, the meaning of which the child knows for sure. For example, a good option: "Flowers need the sun, and people need the world."Of course, having read such a proverb to a child, one must immediately explain its meaning. Tell what peace is, clear blue sky above your head, calm and lack of war. How scary it is when an enemy attacks, and how good it is to live in peacetime. It is relevant here to add a few facts about past wars. Perhaps even talk about how great-grandmother and great-grandfather survived the terrible time.
Often, children of kindergarten and school age use themed proverbs during holidays related to war. For example, by February 23 or May 9. In a speech dedicated to the memorable day, children or schoolchildren can play some proverb that they especially like, in front of their parents, teachers and other guests.
Kohl war - so in a military way.
War does not cure, but cripples.
War and fire are not joking.
If you want to win the war, work twice.
A bullet is a fool, a bayonet is well done.
There is no good war.
War is a harsh school.
I will help you, you are the first law in the war.
To successfully fight, you need to know a lot.
To fight - to defend the homeland.
We don’t want to fight, but we won’t give up our land.
The people's war has noble goals.
War is difficult, but victory is red.
The warrior is fighting, and the children are grieving.
It’s good to hear the war, but hard to see.
The meaning of the proverb “The world builds, but the war destroys”
Sometimes it is difficult to understand the meaning of proverbs about war and peace. There are quite complex ones among them. But this popular version of the proverb can be taken literally. Only the world can build anything. Exceptionally in a peaceful, calm and happy time, a person begins to create, to do good, to create something beautiful around him.
But the war, in turn, destroys everything that has been acquired for a long time. Everything that man has created by painstaking long work. In this case, the crash occurs very quickly. There is not even time to regret and grieve about what happened. Literally in a matter of seconds, a war can destroy what has been built for years or even centuries.
Peace and tranquility - this is a real miracle, which must be carefully stored and protected. It makes sense to fight for him. And war is pain, fear, a nightmare. It is necessary to do everything possible to avoid it, to prevent it. If the war has already begun, then the main task of man is to stop it at all costs.