A special place in the culture of any nation is occupied by instructive sayings. They carry the wise experience of generations and are filled with the deepest meaning. We learn that they want to convey to us proverbs about fear, courage and cowardice.
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Russian proverbs about fear and courage
Brave people are respected and respected throughout the world. To be brave means to be able to make the right decisions at a difficult moment, manage your emotions and fight back the enemy. First of all, this quality is associated with a willingness to defend their homeland, their home and family.
Courage is intertwined with other important features:
- courage;
- courage
- confidence.
Even the old proverbs about fear and courage have not lost their relevance. They can be used in various situations. They used to say: "The hero dies once, and the coward - a hundred times." Folk wisdom shows how fear affects the human soul. He eats us from the inside, causing terrible doubts and torment. It is noteworthy that brief expressions offer their own methods of dealing with fear. They give competent advice on how to fix it, and make fun of cowardly people.
Russian proverbs related to courage help:
- to cultivate strength of mind;
- become braver;
- move forward to victories;
- achieve the desired goal;
- to think about the correctness of their actions.
The most popular proverb about fear and courage is the dictum "Wolves to be afraid - do not go to the forest." It pushes a person to concrete steps and calls to arouse determination in himself. Otherwise, it makes no sense to start anything. If you are afraid of any little things, then the goal will be unattainable. The proverb is about fear, which makes each of us weak and weak-willed. Do not be afraid of the "wolf", you need to solve the problem and achieve what you want.
Short sayings about fear are not intended to intimidate people; they teach to overcome difficulties.
The Russian people are famous for their courage and courage. Therefore, one must maintain this reputation.
Most proverbs about fear have survived to this day. It is worth considering the most striking examples that will help to look at the world differently and strengthen your character.
From the bold and death flees.
Afraid of a bold bullet.
Cheek brings success.
Where courage is, there is victory.
For one bold, seven bold give.
Where there is no knowledge, there is no courage.
Do not think about fear, it will never be so.
Do not be a sheep, and the wolf will not eat.
A bold dog only barks, and a coward bites.
Either in the stirrup with your foot, or in the stump with your head.
Sink or swim.
It is scary to see, but if it becomes, it will fall in love.
Whose courage is victory.
Who is brave and resistant, ten are worth it.
In Russia, not all crucians - there are ruffs.
Courage is born in the struggle.
Fear is unknown to anyone who goes to victories.
Tales of cowardice and courage
All proverbs about cowardice and courage are framed in short sentences.
They have distinctive features:
- rhythmic coloring;
- instruction;
- beautiful sound;
- humorous subtext;
- original expression of thought.
Since ancient times, Russian men are famous for their courage. Many legends are composed about their courage, and the fearlessness of the heroes became an example for the younger generation. There used to be turbulent times with frequent wars. To survive, men had to show unwavering determination. For their loved ones, they were ready to give their lives.
By studying the work of the Russian people, you can get a lot of useful information. Proverbs about courage will help to raise a child and work out the necessary values in him. After all, this feature can be developed over the years. They are not born brave. They become after passing many tests.
The brave is having fun, and the coward is aching.
The brave coward fails, the coward comes and the enemy comes.
Cowards become bold if they notice that they are afraid.
Cowards do not go to victories.
A coward is not a brave fellow.
A coward dies a thousand times, and a hero only once.
Warrior: in words and so and so, but in fact in any way.
A barking dog barks, while a coward bites.
The brave man is known on the day of battle.
Who is a brave man, well done.
The brave wins, the coward dies.
Every brave man is brave in his own way.
He’s afraid of a brave bullet, he doesn’t take a brave bayonet.
For children of preschool and school age
The essence of the proverbs is to bring centuries of experience to the modern generation. It is useful to know them not only for adults, but also for children at different ages. Similar verbal expressions can be used in everyday speech. The main thing is to understand the meaning of the proverb and to know the history of its origin. Below are folk wisdom that are suitable for school children and kindergarten graduates.
A brave fighter both in training and in battle, well done.
He knew how and how dare - he defeated five.
Stand boldly for a just cause!
He who dares is whole.
A cat threatens a mouse, but from afar.
I would say a word, but the wolf is not far off.
And I want, and pricks, and hurts, and my mother does not order.
Eyes are afraid, but hands are doing.
Fight you on the stove with cockroaches.
Well done for the sheep, and for the well done the sheep themselves.
Warrior: sits under a bush and howls.
The heart is a falcon, and the courage of a crow.
Good bear to tease out the window.
Our in the field do not quiver (they do not tremble on the furnace).
Do not confuse proverbs and sayings.
The latter are a stable combination that expresses a certain thought, for example, "like two drops of water." And the complete meaning of the proverb reflects a storehouse of many years of experience: “Eyes are large with fear”, “If you fall as a hero, you raise them, you fall as a coward and crush them.” The meanings of phraseological units remain the same, despite the fact that people constantly bring something of their own into these thoughts.
The meaning of the proverb “There are many fears, but one life”
Human wisdom never ceases to amaze generations.
The proverb “There are many fears, but one life” teaches us:
- move forward;
- do not stand still;
- coping;
- to overcome difficulties.
The thing is that modern life makes people afraid of everything, for example:
- start a new business;
- open your own business;
- fly on an airplane;
- to go for an interview;
- jump with a parachute;
- confess feelings.
A man is afraid to take a step, afraid to fall. He is afraid to go somewhere, because danger lies in wait everywhere. However, life moves forward, days go by. Whether we like it or not, we must step along with it, because there will be no other. Therefore, people say that there are many phobias, and only one life.
There are other, similar proverbs that deserve special attention:
Fear has eyes that are flat, and not a crumb sees.
Fear is on the heels of lying.
It’s a terrible thing to start.
Proverbs must become the guiding principles of every person. After all, they determine a competent view of events and relate to public life. Each of them reflects the spiritual principle of the nation.