No wonder the family is considered the greatest value in human life. Over the years and centuries, wise beautiful proverbs about the family have been transmitted from generation to generation. Some of them are relevant to this day.
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Folk Wisdom on Family Values
It is no secret that people are social beings, and therefore communication is vital for them. What could be better than a leisurely and confidential conversation between loved ones over a cup of fragrant hot tea? After all, out of millions of people around the globe, it is they who form part of our heart and know us like no other. It is the family that is what needs to be valued and cherished, receiving love and respect in return.
Husband or spouse, mother, father, brothers and sisters, grandparents and other relatives - this is the base of the cell of society, that’s what every family holds on to. It was this solidarity that has been valued from time immemorial, because the genus was strong in these qualities.
Proverbs and sayings about the family reflect the wisdom of the people, who from ancient times knew how to value family ties above all else.
What calculation is in your family?
The walls help in your home.
In the family and porridge is thicker.
In the family, according to this, things are going well.
In a family where there is no consent, there is no good.
In a family, where the lad, happiness does not forget the road.
In a good family, good children grow up.
A friendly family does not know sadness.
The life of parents in children.
At the common table, the food tastes better.
A land without water is dead, a man without a family is a hollow.
And a raven crow praises.
What a brother is, so is a sister.
Popular family and family proverbs
Perhaps there is nothing worse than loneliness among people.Keeping this in mind, it will be useful to once again be glad that you are part of a family, big or not. Of course, in the modern material world it can be very difficult to maintain trusting and close relations between relatives. “Another's soul is darkness” - you cannot argue with this popular folk wisdom. Therefore, after reading the good and instructive sayings about family values, it's time to recall the diplomatic compromise. Surely close and beloved people are worth it to forget the petty grievances and squabbles of gray everyday life and open a warm and sincere hug. Isn’t it time to do this right now without delaying the manifestation of kindred feelings?
What a treasure, when in a family way.
Hints and reproaches are family vices.
There will be no good if hostility in the family.
Do not hide your failures from your parents.
There is no good, if enmity is between yours.
No friend versus sibling.
Father punishes, father praises.
To read father and mother - do not know grief
To cherish a family is to be happy.
Family and peas are threshed.
A family without children that smells like a flower.
Family is a pillar of happiness.
Family in a heap, not scary and cloud.
The family gives a person a ticket to life.
The family is strong in the way.
A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.
A man without brothers and sisters is a lonely tree.
A man without a family, that tree without fruit.
What is - together, what is not - in half.
Proverbs from different nations of the world on the theme of family
In the modern world, family values, unfortunately, are somewhat distorted. The now popular juvenile justice has captured most of Europe, making the person not a family man, but more a citizen. However, from time immemorial, people, regardless of religion or nationality, loved their children, respected their parents, and put a strong shoulder on their brothers, sisters and other relatives in moments of sadness and anxiety. And, of course, the folklore of different countries is full of beautiful proverbs on the topic of family and family relations. A beautiful selection of folk sayings invites you to plunge into the world of customs, traditions and human feelings of representatives of different countries.
Without a husband - that without a head, and without a wife - that without a mind. (Russian proverb)
A husband without a wife is like a goose without water. (Russian proverb)
Each hut has its own rattles. (Russian proverb)
Wealth of people - father and mother. (Tajik proverb.)
Family is a stove: how cold it is, everyone gathers for it. (Russian proverb.)
Whoever hears the advice of his father is rarely mistaken. (Ingush proverb.)
The old man in the family is a treasure. (Chinese proverb.)
Gratitude is the smallest of virtues, ingratitude is the worst of vices. (English proverb.)
A blind puppy crawls towards his mother. (Russian proverb)
Instructive sayings for children
If parents are roots, then children are seeds thrown into the ground. Another popular folk wisdom says: “What you reap, you reap.” And, of course, we are talking not only about field work. From the most ancient times, people understood that children are their future, support, hope, procreation. Not knowing his relatives and family, the little man grows up into a big soulless man without roots and affections. It is for this reason that parents, grandparents, from infancy, nourished the child with traditions of a kind, sang lullabies, told tales, and, of course, learned proverbs and sayings about the family with them.
These brief, but very capacious statements contain the experience of millennia. However, not all preschool children mastered the art of reading. Therefore, parents should approach the process of acquaintance with sayings creatively, picking up beautiful and vivid illustrations, and having a preliminary thematic conversation. It is very important to explain to the child the meaning of a statement. An adult should remember that the presented material should be selected taking into account the age characteristics of children.
As the daughter or son grows older, their vocabulary should be supplemented with new proverbs and sayings, including about the family.It is this way of communication that can indicate a method of solving problems among friends and relatives. In addition, folk wisdom teaches children ingenuity, develops in them observation, quick wit, sense of humor. Imbued with kindness and affection, they seem to convey greetings to the present children from representatives of previous generations.
There is no good in an unfriendly family.
When there is no family, there is no home.
Family consent is the most expensive.
The grief does not take a consonant family.
There will be no good if hostility in the family.
In the family, according to this, things are going well.
There is discord in the family, and I am not happy at home.
A land without water is dead, a man without a family is a hollow.
In the family and porridge is thicker.
Proverbs and sayings about the family - an integral part of human life. First, we get to know them in kindergartens and schools, gradually we begin to use popular winged phrases in our speech. Unfortunately, automatically pronouncing beautiful words, we do not always think about their sacred meaning. And all the more seldom do we acquaint ourselves with the sayings and proverbs of our growing children. A selection of beautiful and good folk sayings is ideally suited to broaden one's horizons and form universal human qualities not only of small, but also of large readers. It's time to refresh your memory and read them again.