Proverbs about bread colorfully and in detail narrate how important he was and how much he was highly valued on Russian soil. There are many interesting and even unexpected sayings about this product.
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Russian proverbs about bread
Russian land is known for its steppes and fields, wide open spaces and fertile soil. Such a landscape allowed agriculture to develop widely. Agriculture has become the basis for the survival of people, therefore it is to him that the lines of folklore, full of worldly wisdom, are devoted. It was bread that was recognized as a product that provides people with survival.
Due to its high nutritional properties, the crops from which bread products are made were highly valued. People knew that wheat and rye provide a feeling of satiety, give energy and health to those who consume them. Therefore, the cultivation of these crops was approached with great attention, and mature grain harvested in barns was often compared with gold.
Folk wisdom has preserved many sayings regarding sowing and harvesting grain, as well as a huge number of proverbs that emphasize the need for careful attitude to it.
Good harvest and good cleaning.
You’ll be late for cleaning an hour - you won’t make up for a year.
This even in bad weather, but put it in the bucket!
Not the bread in the field, but the one in the barn.
Bread is keeping up - the collective farmer does not walk.
If you miss time, you lose crop.
The legs are short for bread, but you won’t catch up when you leave.
The wheat is fat, and its cleaning is not boring.
Ready-made breads are good, but for the summer, as before, plow arable land!
They boasted of the harvest when rye was bombarded in a barn.
Not every arable land plows, but every bread eats.
With a scythe in their hands, they do not wait for cleaning.
Whoever gives birth to bread is always having fun.
Sweat on the back - that's the bread on the table.
Folk wisdom about the meaning of bread in human life
In the old days, bread was considered one of the most valuable products. Most people were not able to receive a varied diet. Cereal products provided the body with the most necessary substances. A man could survive for a long time on one bread, and therefore valued it incredibly high. This product was elevated to the rank of a divine, sacred object and this attitude is reflected in folklore.
It was considered sacrilege to throw bread or neglect it. Even the crumbs that fell on the table or floor, it was necessary to collect and eat. Any treat served without bread was perceived as incomplete. And the refusal to accept the bread that was offered was unacceptable. From childhood, children were taught to respect and respect this product. It was impossible to play with him, and he was allowed to feed animals and birds only in very productive years.
Bread - father, voditsa - mother.
Bread is on the table, and the table is the throne; and not a piece of bread, and the table is a board.
A hungry kuma is all the bread on his mind.
Bread is a gift of God.
Like bread and kvass, that's all with us.
You won’t be full without bread and honey.
May God grant peace and blessed bread.
Bitter work, but sweet bread.
Where the owner passed, there the bread went wrong.
Hood lunch when there is no bread.
There is not a piece of bread, and in the tower there is longing; and the edge of bread, and paradise under the spruce!
Bread is the breadwinner.
Gray-haired old woman cannot live without edge.
Our daily bread - even black, but tasty.
Bread is the head of everything.
For children of preschool and school age
Teaching children, adults have always tried to explain how expensive this grain product is. In ancient times, land cultivation was carried out manually. Using simple tools, working in the field from morning to sunset, people sowed and harvested grain. Then it was threshed to separate from the stems and the hard shell, taken to a mill and turned into flour. And only after that it was possible to bring flour home and bake a fragrant loaf from it.
The bread was sweat and blood, loss of strength, and sometimes out of health. Therefore, each mined grain was of great value. Old people explained to children why bread is compared to gold, and a good harvest is a symbol of life and prosperity. After all, the one who tried to harvest a lot of grain in his barn, working hard all spring, summer and autumn, could feed his family and reliably survive the winter.
Mother rye feeds all, and wheat is optional.
And the year is good, if ugly rye.
Red rye field.
I don’t bow to the rich man, if milk is rye.
Wheat - rye rich sister.
The Russian soul loves to treat a person with bread and salt.
Eat bread and salt, but listen to good people.
They do not refuse bread and salt.
Good is the one who feeds and feeds, and he is not thin, who remembers the old bread and salt.
The meaning of the proverb “Bread is the head of everything”
At first glance, it may seem that the bread product has nothing to do with the body part mentioned in the proverb. But if you delve into the meaning of the proverb, it becomes clear why such a comparison was used. From time immemorial, bread was considered the main thing on the table even when meat dishes were present on it. Without bread, they did not start a single meal. They were accompanied by religious rituals, they met guests with him and escorted family members on the road.
By the degree of saturation that a loaf of bread gives, it cannot be compared with any other product. It is easy to take on the road, because it weighs little. And it can be stored for a very long time. If the bread was stale, it was never thrown away, but crackers were made from it and consumed by soaking in milk or tea. A traveler who had bread in stock was always full and full of energy.
“Bread is the head of everything,” the old people say to the young, recalling the hungry days of their childhood. In the old days, not everyone had enough bread. Droughts, insect invasions, requisitions from the authorities. In unsuccessful years, such a combination of circumstances deprived ordinary people of hope for prosperity, and sometimes even for survival.
We will plow the earth
We will sow bread
Thresh rye
Small kids feed.
What goes around comes around
When you reap, you will grind
What you grind, then you bold
And what you dare, then eat.
Today, the attitude towards bakery products has changed a bit. There are a large number of other products available for sale such as fruits, vegetables, meat, and poultry. Some health-conscious people tend to eat less high-carb meals. But in spite of everything, bread was and remains a “strategic reserve”, which should always be available to any person.
Proverbs and sayings about bread and the hard work of those who grow it, do not let everyone else forget how important it is and how valuable the work of bakers and grain growers is. Even now, when this product is on every counter, its value does not decrease at all.